Sin (Lawlessness)

The Origin of Sin

Satan is the originator of sin1.

The Definition of Sin

Sin is lawlessness. When someone knowingly does something that ignores the standards that God has set for them to live by, they are sinning2. Sin for a Christian is anything that is not done out from faith.

Through Sin, Death Entered the World

Adam’s trespass caused spiritual death and his sin caused physical death3. The sin and trespass of Adam were imputed unto all mankind, therefore all mankind is spiritually dead in sin and all are dying physically4. Prior to Adam’s sin death was not know in the world. Only the Christians that are physically alive at the time of the rapture will not face physical death. These Christians will pass over death into life 5.


1 Ezekiel 28:15, 16
2 1 John 3:4
3 Romans 5:12, 15
4 Romans 5:12-15
5 1 Thessalonians 4:16, 17