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Scripture defines faith (πίστις) as the substance of that which is hoped for, the conviction of accomplished deeds not seen in Hebrews 11:1. It is therefore not an attitude or belief that is dictated by probability, that is wishful thinking based upon a desire, want, or need; rather, it is a conviction based upon a promise.

Substance is referring to the underlying essence by which something exists. Christ is the exact image of God in the flesh. Through His life the fundamental nature of God was made visible to humans, Hebrews 1:3.

Conviction is the act of presenting evidence to persuade a person’s mind to believe in the truth. This evidence is established upon accomplished deeds that are not seen. We see this demonstrated in the actions of God when He determined to show the heirs of promise the immutability of His determination by giving two immutable facts, it is impossible for God to lie and making an oath based upon His word, Hebrews 6:13-18. The conviction of faith is therefore based upon the facts related to accomplished deeds that God has done.

Therefore, faith is the essence of that which is hoped for, and by the conviction based upon the facts of the promise that hope is based upon, the individual expressing belief will act according to their confidence in the person making the promise.

Many times in Scripture Jesus called out the faith of those around Him, especially of those who would not normally have faith. When a Centurion, a Gentile, asked Jesus to heal his servant, he expressed faith in the fact that Christ is the Messiah promised to the Jews by only asking that Jesus speaks the words, for one who is of authority only […]


Revelation The Mind of The One Having Wisdom

The Mind of the One Having Wisdom, Revelation 17:9

Wisdom is a Proper Use of Knowledge

The Angel is Explaining What the Symbols Mean So We Can be Wise Concerning Them

We of the Church Are to Understand Revelation

God Gives Us Wisdom Without Upbraiding It, James 1:5

There is No Mystery Hidden Within Revelation

Revelation Reveals What Is Going to Happen to the Church, World System, Satan, and Israel

It is Written in Such a Way that It Requires the Holy Spirit to Knit Things Together, Just as All Scripture is Written

It is Not Done Through a Private Interpretation, 2 Peter 1:20

The Seven Heads, Revelation 17:9 

Seven Mountains is Referring to Rome, Revelation 17:9

Historically, Rome is the only Place Known to be Built on Seven Mountains

We Cannot Take Know Places Today and Apply Them Here

The Harlot will Rule, Ecumenically, From Rome

The Beast Rises From The Revived Roman Empire

Not From Vatican City, Which is Not Rome

They are Seven Kings, Revelation 17:10-11

The Different Stages of the Revived Roman Empire

Starts With Ten Kings – They Give the Man of Lawlessness Political Power

Seven Kings is Shortly After the Man of Lawlessness Takes Power

The Resuscitated Man of Lawlessness is Yet to Come

The Beast is the Eighth, Revelation 17:11

The Rise of the New Roman Empire, Revelation 17:12-14

The Ten Kings, Revelation 17:12

At This Stage the Kings Have Not Received Their Kingdoms

Revived Rome will Not be Present Until the Man of Lawlessness is Revealed

Today, […]

Revelation The Mind of The One Having Wisdom2023-12-14T08:15:41-08:00

The Obligation of the Stronger in the Faith

Romans 15:1-16

The stronger, we are obligated to carry the weakness of the incapable and not please ourselves. Let each one of us please his neighbor because of the love towards edification. For also the Christ did not please Himself, but just as it stands written, “The reproaches of the ones reproaching you fell up Me.” For as much as was written before hand, was written before hand for our teaching, in order that though the patience and through the encouragement of the writings we should have the hope. And the God of the patience and the encouragement, gives to you the same frame of mind among one another according to Christ Jesus, in order that in one accord with one mouth you should glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Wherefore, you receive alongside one another, just as also the Christ received you along side unto the proper opinion of God.
And I say, Christ Jesus came to be a minister of circumcision on behalf of truth of God unto the confirmation of the promises of the fathers. And the Gentiles on behalf of mercy to glorify God, just as it stands written, “Because of this I will confess to You among Gentiles, and I will praise Your Name.” And again he said, “You rejoice, Gentiles, with His people. ” And again, “You praise the Lord all the Gentiles and all the people, you praise Him. ” and again Isaiah says, you are the root of Jesse and the one risen to rule the Gentiles . On the basis of Him the Gentiles will have hope. Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace while believing , resulting […]

The Obligation of the Stronger in the Faith2023-12-14T11:15:18-08:00

Having an Attitude of Gratitude

1 Thessalonians 5:18 in all things give thanks, for this is the desirous will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

Often times we think of thankfulness in regard to things that are good. We are thankful when life is going the way we would like, when we are at peace, and when, for the most part, life is wholesome. What about the difficult times in our lives or the problematic people? Should we be thankful for them? Why would God want a saint to have a mind that is thankful for all situations?

Having an attitude of gratitude comes from knowing who we are in Christ, what God expects of us, and how God controls the situations in our lives to bring about His glory.

What is the purpose of our life? Before we were saved, our focus was to fulfill the desires of the flesh. But now it is to glorify God. We glorify God by a life that manifests His opinion of who we are in Christ. By setting our minds on God’s opinion of us and living according to His view of us, we can be thankful in any situation because when we are loving God, He will work out any situation to our benefit to make us happy; a true happiness that can only come from living a life that enjoys all the benefits of who we are in Christ.

If we are not thankful, it is because our mind is not focused on the things of the Spirit, but rather on the things of the flesh. Having an attitude of gratitude is not being happy all the time. We can be displeased about something but still be thankful.

Difficulties in our lives expose who […]

Having an Attitude of Gratitude2013-02-14T06:19:00-08:00

Faith – Taking God at His Word

Romans 1:16, 17 For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of the Christ for it is the inherent ability of God unto salvation to all the ones believing, both the Jew first, and Greeks, for the righteousness of God is revealed by it out from faith into faith just as it is written, “The righteous will live out from faith”.

Faith – Taking God at His Word (Faith is the substance of that which is hoped for, the evidence of accomplished deeds not seen)

What does it mean to live by faith? Since faith is always based upon a promise from God, when we live by faith, we live according to what God has said. Faith is not blind, so living a life out from faith is not a blind leap; rather, it is a life that takes full advantage of the benefits that God has so graciously provided for the believer who is in Christ.

When we believed the Gospel for salvation, a new life began for us. Now, we are no longer in Adam; rather, we are in Christ. As part of our salvation, we know that God has promised that we will one day be with Him in a state of blamelessness and purity; however, what about today?

Does the fact that we are in Christ affect our lives today? Oh, we know that it should, but how?

Framing our minds on who we are in Christ is not positive thinking, it is acknowledging facts that are true and therefore seeing things as they really are, which will result in having a correct frame of mind. Since we are in Christ, let us put on Christ as an outer garment and make no provision […]

Faith – Taking God at His Word2016-10-12T06:02:46-07:00
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