The First Dispensation

The Dispensation of Innocence

The first dispensation began after God created Adam and placed him in a garden in Eden, Genesis 2:8. Adam is in a state of innocence, not knowing good (that which is beneficial) or evil (that which causes calamity).

The First Dispensation

Adam is given instruction by God concerning the standard by which he and those of the household are to live.

And Jehovah God commanded unto Adam saying, “From every tree of the garden eating you will eat, but from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil do not eat from it because in the day you eat from it dying you will die.”, Genesis 2:17

The Length of the Dispensation

This dispensation lasted about 100 years before Adam’s disobedience brought judgment on the household.

The genealogy of Adam states he was one hundred and thirty years old at the birth of Seth, Genesis 5:3.

And Adam lived one hundred and thirty years and he bore in his likeness, his image and called his name Seth, Genesis 5:3

Time was created before Adam was placed in the garden, Genesis 1:14. Therefore, his age would be counted from his creation, not from when he sinned.

Based upon Adam’s age at the birth of Seth in Genesis 5:3, we can surmise that Adam was about 100 years old when he determined to break God’s law.

The Building of Eve

Eve was built from Adam’s side, Genesis 2:21-22.

And Jehovah God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam and he slept. And He took one from his side and closed the flesh in her place. And Jehovah God built […]

The First Dispensation2023-12-27T08:47:40-08:00

Pure compared to Clean

Pure compared to Clean

1 Peter 1:22 Being in a state of purifying your soul by the obedience of the truth through [the] Spirit into un-hypocritical brotherly love out from a clean heart, you all fervently love one another [of the same kind].

Pure – ἁγνός; ἁγνίζω

Purification is the removal of that which contaminates1. In the life of a Christian purification (an action done in the past with abiding results) is done by obedience to the truth through the Holy Spirit2. Pure is used for a person who is seen as not being defiled in certain types of actions3. The heart is involved with purification and it is necessary to be purified before drawing near to God4. Since Christ is pure – separated from anything that would defile Him, the Christian should also seek the same5 and give consideration to that which is pure6. Pure is also used of the condition in which something exists7, which will effect one’s conduct8. A good example of what is pure is the wisdom from God9.

Clean- καθαρός; καθαρίζω

Cleaning is the removal of filth or dirt

Pure compared to Clean2018-11-09T14:07:36-08:00
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