The Calamity of Disobedience

Because of this, just as through one man the sin entered the world and through the sin the death, also thus unto all men the death passed, on the basis that all sinned. – Romans 5:12

Through Adam sin came into the world and the impact of his action was a penalty of death upon all those who come from him. When Adam took of the fruit from the tree in the garden, which God specifically instructed him not to eat from, he knowingly broke God’s rule.

and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was thoroughly deceived and came to be in a transgression- 1 Timothy 2:14

God told Adam that if he ate from this tree, it would bring death.

But from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you will not eat, because in the day in which you eat dying you will die. – Genesis 2:17

As humans at this time, we were in a state of innocence. This means we relied solely upon God to instruct us on what was beneficial and what caused calamity in our lives. God walked with Adam each day for this very purpose. Eve was tricked into believing that by eating she would be more like God with the knowledge of good and evil, not understanding the full ramifications of her actions. However, Adam did understand and still chose to eat of the fruit. It was never about the fruit, it was about obedience. In each dispensation God shows us something about ourselves. Why does God permit wickedness? It comes down to the fact that we as humans chose it. In the garden there was no wickedness among humans. We lived in a perfect environment totally relying upon God. This […]

The Calamity of Disobedience2023-12-14T08:37:35-08:00

2 John: Rejecting Those Who Come with a Different Doctrine

2 John 1:10-11 If someone comes towards you and does not bear this doctrine, do not receive him into a house and do not say to greet him. For the one saying to him greeting, fellowships with his malignantly evil works.

2 John: Rejecting Those Who Come with a Different Doctrine2023-12-14T08:37:57-08:00
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