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The Mysteries of God The Blindness of Israel

And in them the prophecy of Isaiah is fulfilled, which says: “Hearing you will hear and will not understand, and seeing you will see and not perceive; For the hearts of this people have grown dull. Their ears are hard of hearing, and their eyes they have closed, lest they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears, lest they should understand with their hearts and turn, so that I should heal them.’ – Matthew 13:14-15

For I do not desire for you to be ignorant, brethren, of this mystery in order that you are not alongside yourselves in a frame of mind, because hardness from a part to Israel has come until which the fullness of the Gentiles has come. – Romans 11:25

The nation of Israel has been blinded due to their unbelief for a short time while the Gentiles are being offered reconciliation. God uses an example of a cultivated olive tree to show that the Gentiles are now able to partake in the benefits that belong to Israel, but due to her unbelief she has been cut off until the fullness of the Gentiles comes in.

Therefore, you say, “Branches were broken off in order that I on my part should be grafted in,” Well, by unbelief they were broken off, and you by faith stand not having a high frame of mind but respect. – Romans 11:19-20

The placement of sons, expressing a proper opinion of God, the covenants, the legislation, the religious service, and the promises belong to Israel. The Church does not replace Israel in these, but rather is allowed to partake in the benefits of being in Christ.

For I vow for myself that I myself were separated from the Christ on behalf of […]

The Mysteries of God The Blindness of Israel2023-12-14T08:31:53-08:00

Pastor’s Notes

Pastor’s Study

Truth is very powerful. When we see things as they really are and accept the truth concerning our lives as Christians and God’s purpose for us, every aspect of our life is affected.

Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, an unashamed workman cutting straight the Word of Truth




Knowing The Desirous Will of God

Therefore, I encourage you brethren through the compassions of God to present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, well pleasing to God, which is your reasonable religious service. Romans 21:1

And stop being outwardly conformed to this age, but to be transformed by your renewed mind, for the purpose to test for approval what is the desirous will of God, the good and well pleasing and mature. Romans 12:2

But now the God set the members, each one of them, in the body, just as He desirously wille. 1 Corinthians 12:18

And not just as we hoped, but they first gave themselves to the Lord and us through the desirous will of God. 2 Corinthians 8:5

The servants, you all be subject to the lords according to the flesh with respect and trembling in sincerity of your heart as to the Christ, not according to eye service as men pleasers but as servants of the Christ doing the desirous will of the God out from [the] soul with a good mind, serving as to the Lord and not to men. Ephesians 6:5-7

For this is the desirous will of the God, your sanctification, to abstain from the fornication, to intuitively […]

Pastor’s Notes2024-06-15T05:51:14-07:00



A system of order for a household by which the steward dispenses rules and provides for the household according to the owner’s requirements.

God uses dispensation to show something to human about humans

Definition of a Dispensation

“Dispensation” comes from a Greek word that is a combination of the words “house” and “law”. It is the standard by which a household is managed.

Dispensation is not unique to Scripture. The concept of a steward running a household by the standards that the master sets are well recorded in human history, dating back thousands of centuries. Today we do not tend to use the word “dispensation”, rather, we express the same concept by “administration”. Scripture uses this well-known concept of a dispensations (administration) to reveal to us what God is doing and how to properly discern the standards God has set for the household we are in, which is the household of Grace.

Biblical Evidence for Dispensations

Biblical Requirements for a Dispensation

Scripture defines what a dispensation is and gives us the standard by which we can discern all of the dispensations that are revealed by God. Scripture specifically states two of the dispensations, the dispensation of grace, and the dispensation of the fullness of times. Along with these two dispensations, when we examine how the concept of a stewardship works in Scripture and history we are provided with a solid foundation for the requirements for any dispensation. Applying these standards will result in a proper understanding of the dispensations revealed in Scripture.

All dispensations must have:

  • An owner of the household
  • […]


Stewardship and Dispensations: The Significance of Οικονομός and Οικονομία

Stewardship and Dispensations: The Significance of Οικονομός and Οικονομία

The sixty-six books of the Bible span thousands of years of man’s history and beyond. They begin before God created man and end with the creation of new heavens and a new earth where righteousness settles down and feels at ease1.  Within the pages of the Bible, we see changes in the relationship and expectation that God has for mankind and the failure of mankind to live up to God’s expectation, which ultimately brings judgment. In the garden of Eden, man was not allowed to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil2. Upon eating of the fruit from this tree, mankind’s spirit was separated from God3, he became subject to physical death, and was expelled from the garden4. Having been expelled from the garden, the expectation for man was to properly govern the manner of his life by the knowledge of good and evil that he now possessed. However, again men failed and God judged the earth by bringing a flood5. After the flood, God instructs Noah that men are to govern themselves and capital punishment is implemented6. Again, men fail to follow God’s instruction, rejected God, and sought their own way. Therefore, God brought judgment and forced man to separate and spread across the earth7.  This judgment brought about multiple languages and the division of the continents, which caused man to spread out across the earth8.  Having scattered man across the face of the earth, God then approaches Abram and ultimately offers him four covenants9. These covenants included a promise of […]

Stewardship and Dispensations: The Significance of Οικονομός and Οικονομία2020-12-05T05:37:14-08:00
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