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The Complete Thing- 1 Corinthians 13:10

The Complete Thing

1 Corinthians 13:8-12 The love never falls, but whether prophecy, it will be caused to be idle1, whether languages,2 they will cause themselves to cease3, whether knowledge, it will be caused to be idle. For out from a part we experientially know and out from a part we prophecy, but when the complete thing comes, then what is out from a part will be caused to be idle. When I was a baby4, I spoke as a baby, I thought as a baby. When I became a man, I made the things of the baby idle. For now I see through a mirror obscurely, but then face to face. Now I experientially know out from a part, but then I will be fully experientially know just as I am fully known.

Paul speaks of a day when the Church will no longer require the use of the Spiritual gifts of prophecy, languages5, and knowledge. When the full Word of God comes, He will stop giving revelation; therefore, prophecy will become idle. Languages, or better known as speaking in tongues, will cause themselves to stop existing because the purpose for speaking in another language ceases to exist. Speaking in another language was a sign to the Jews. It is no longer active since the Jewish nation has fully rejected Jesus and the Church6.  Paul explains what knowledge he is referring to further down in the context where he states that the knowledge comes from only a partial revelation. Paul did not have the full cannon of Scripture at this time. He only had access to the Old Testament. Although he was involved […]

The Complete Thing- 1 Corinthians 13:102018-10-28T13:26:19-07:00

Prostration (προσκυνέω)

Prostration (προσκυνέω), the act of lying stretched out on the ground with the face downward, is a profound expression of reverence and compliance. It symbolizes complete dependence and submission to a higher authority, conveying an attitude of deep humility.

During His earthly ministry, Jesus restored a man’s sight on the Sabbath, which caused quite a stir with the ruling religious party. After accusing the man of not being blind, which was refuted by his parents, they again questioned him concerning the healing, especially regarding who performed this act upon him. At that time, the man who was blind did not know who had given him sight; however, even he could see that such a one would be from God. The Pharisees disagreed and cast him out of the synagogue because he was healed on the Sabbath. After hearing what had happened, Jesus found the man and asked him if he believed in the Son of God. Inquiring who the Son of God is, the previously blind man prostrated before Jesus when he became aware He was the one who healed him, John 9:38.

Within our English bibles the word “worship” is predominantly used to translate the word “prostration”; however, “worship” in English does not adequately express the concept of lying stretched out in reverence and compliance because another word in Greek conveys the meaning of giving proper credit for who a person is, which is what worship means. When Paul instructs the saint in 1 Thessalonians 5:17 to pray without ceasing, he uses a word that better communicates the concept of worship instead of to prostrate. Worship (προσευχή) is derived from the concept of speaking out or uttering out loud a wish (εὔχομαι); […]

Prostration (προσκυνέω)2024-07-18T06:09:16-07:00

Deceive (ἀπάτη)

Deceive (ἀπάτη) expresses the concept of misleading someone through untrue statements intended to give them a wrong impression or misrepresentation of the truth.

When the man of lawlessness comes, it will be in accordance with the working of Satan by his inherent ability with signs and lying wonders and with all unrighteous deception to the ones perishing. Those who follow him will have strong delusion upon them because they did not believe the truth but took pleasure in unrighteousness, 2 Thessalonians 2:9-10.

During Christ’s earthly ministry, the deception of the riches of this world choked out the message of the Kingdom of the Heavens many received, Matthew 13:22. Rather than following the Messiah, whom they believed was Jesus, they allowed the deceitful desire for wealth to lead them away from the promise of God.

One of the derivatives of this word emphasizes a thorough deception. Eve was thoroughly deceived (ἐξαπατάω) by Satan into eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil; however, Adam was not deceived (ἀπατάω), 1 Timothy 2:14. This is why sin came into the world through Adam; although, Eve was first to transgress, Romans 5:12. The sons of the unpersuaded use empty words to deceive, Ephesians 5:6. The false teachers among us thoroughly deceive the hearts of the simple, Romans 16:18. If anyone considers himself to be religious but cannot bridle his tongue, he is deceived in his own heart, James 1:26. Our sin nature uses law to thoroughly deceive us, making it impossible to live out our righteousness in Christ through law, Romans 7:11.

Those who intentionally deceive are misleading others by distorting the truth, just as Satan deceived Eve by his craftiness, they seek to corrupt our […]

Deceive (ἀπάτη)2024-07-11T06:06:54-07:00

Mental Control (πίμπλημι)

Mental Control (πίμπλημι) is a type of filling in which the person, or thing, is completely filled up in such a way as to directly influence its direction and activities; therefore, they are dominated by what is filling them.

This is the type of filling used by the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost in the upper room in Acts chapter two when the disciples were dominated by Him to speak with other dialects. This is not the Spiritual gift of speaking in tongues, which is a replenishing type of filling; instead, it is an Old Testament type of filling that was for the purpose of showing the Jews a sign from God.

And they were all dominated by the Holy Spirit and began to speak different languages just as the Spirit gave them to declare – Acts 2:4.

The other type of filling, which is to replenish, is also used in the same context in Acts chapter two for how the sound of a mighty rushing wind filled the house with sound as the Holy Spirit came down from heaven, Acts 2:2.

The Spiritual gift of speaking in tongues that was given to the Church as a sign to the unbelieving Jews is a different type of filling from what happened on the day of Pentecost. It is a filling up where lacking, or replenish, and the person being filled in this way maintains mental control over the use of the gift, 1 Corinthians 14:32. On the day of Pentecost the disciples did not have control over what they were speaking; however, concerning the Spiritual gift of speaking in tongues, Christians are instructed to abstain from speaking if they do not have someone who can […]

Mental Control (πίμπλημι)2024-06-27T05:53:58-07:00

Different (διάφορος)

Different (διάφορος) focus on the distinctiveness and, therefore, can express something outstanding or excellent in comparison.

Paul uses “difference” to describe the distinctions between Spiritual gifts in Romans 12:6 according to the grace given to us, and therefore, we are to use the gift we received to its fullest while not seeking to do more than what God has laid out for us. Although there are diversities (διαίρεσις), the sign gifts, revelatory gifts, and edifying gifts all have their purpose, for we are part of one body. God has set each member within the body according to His desire, 1 Corinthians 12:18. This is especially important to understand concerning the use of Spiritual gifts today, for the sign and revelatory gifts have ceased due to fulfilling their purpose. Therefore, let us focus on the edification of the assembly, not an individual, 1 Corinthians 14:4.

Christ is different than the angels, for He is the Son of God, the exact image of God the Father, and has therefore obtained a different name than they, Hebrews 1:2. At no time did God say to an angle, “You are My Son, Today I have begotten you.” Rather, the angels are to worship Christ, showing that He truly is God in the flesh, Hebrews 1:6. To the Son, He said, “Your throne, O God, is into the ages of the ages.”

The Tent that Moses was instructed to build was to be precisely completed in the manner in which He was shown, for it is a shadow of the heavenly things, Hebrews 8:3. Through the Holy Spirit, Hebrews 9:12, Christ entered the Holy of Holies in the heavens and through His blood obtained a more excellent (different) ministry in […]

Different (διάφορος)2024-02-01T05:29:20-08:00
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