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The God of the Bible

Three Persons, One Being

The God of the Bible is not a man, nor did He come from humans. Numbers 23:19 states, God is not a man that He should lie, nor is He a son of man that He should rue what He has done. Has He not said and will He not do? Or has He spoken, and will He not carry it out?

There is only one God. No others exist, nor have ever existed, beside Him, Deuteronomy 4:39. When Moses gave Israel the Law, he stated to Israel that God is One God, Deuteronomy 6:4. Through Isaiah, God states that He shares His glory with no one, Isaiah 42:8. The continuation of the nation of Israel shows that the God of Israel is the only One, for there are no others, 1 Kings 8:60.

The concept that God came from man or men become gods is a result of humans rejecting the knowledge of Who God is. Adam, Eve, and their children knew God, Genesis 4:4-5. They walked with Him. Noah and His sons knew God, Genesis 9:1. However, they decided that maintaining a proper understanding of Who God is was not something that was valuable to them, so they changed the glory of God into that of corrupt man, birds, four-footed animals, and creeping things, Romans 1:23. In their lack of appreciation towards God, they become futile in their rational, and their foolish hearts were darkened, Romans 1:20-21. Those who follow after false religions, including Atheism, have exchanged the truth of God for the lie, which is independence from God, and worship the creation instead of the Creator, Romans 1:25.

God is One and is not a human; however, being One, […]

The God of the Bible2024-05-21T16:16:33-07:00

1 Peter The God of Grace will Mend Us

Moreover, the God of all grace, the one who called you into His eternal glory in Christ, after having suffered for a little while, Himself will mend, establish, strengthen, ground you.

1 Peter The God of Grace will Mend Us2023-12-17T16:49:35-08:00

Glory (δόξα)

and exchanged the proper opinion (glory) of the incorruptible God with the likeness of an image of corrupt man and birds and four-footed animals, and crawling things – Romans 1:23.

Glory means, “to have or express a proper opinion”. Its root concept is grounded in an opinion, notion, or judgment concerning someone.

When we express glory to God, we are actually voicing a proper view of Who He is. In the first chapter of the book of Romans, we see the impact on those who reject a proper opinion of God as they change His image to be that of corrupt humans, birds, four-footed animals, and even creeping things, while not giving the Creator glory. That is, not expressing a proper opinion of Who God really is.

Due to Adam’s trespass and sin, we all have fallen short of God’s opinion of us – for all sinned and fall short of God’s proper opinion, Romans 3:23 (Romans 5:12 – Adam’s sin is passed to all of us). God never expects us to live up to His glory, for He shares His glory with no one (Isaiah 42:8). Romans 3:23 is referring to His opinion of us as Humans. When God created Adam, He blessed Him (Genesis 1:28). When Adam ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, his conscience became aware of the difference between what is beneficial and what causes calamity. However, in determining to break God’s law, Adam separated himself from God in his spirit, bending his nature to corruption, which he passed down to all of us (Genesis 5:3). He corrupted what God blessed. Although we have a corrupt nature, we still have a conscience and the knowledge of good and evil; therefore, God’s opinion of all humans involves their ability to […]

Glory (δόξα)2023-11-25T07:58:50-08:00

Colossians – The Mystery of Godliness

and confessedly, great is the mystery of godliness: Deity was manifested in flesh, justified by Spirit, discerned by angels, proclaimed among the Gentiles, believed on in [the] world, taken up in glory – 1 Timothy 3:16

Colossians – The Mystery of Godliness2023-12-14T08:30:40-08:00

The Mysteries of God The Blindness of Israel

And in them the prophecy of Isaiah is fulfilled, which says: “Hearing you will hear and will not understand, and seeing you will see and not perceive; For the hearts of this people have grown dull. Their ears are hard of hearing, and their eyes they have closed, lest they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears, lest they should understand with their hearts and turn, so that I should heal them.’ – Matthew 13:14-15

For I do not desire for you to be ignorant, brethren, of this mystery in order that you are not alongside yourselves in a frame of mind, because hardness from a part to Israel has come until which the fullness of the Gentiles has come. – Romans 11:25

The nation of Israel has been blinded due to their unbelief for a short time while the Gentiles are being offered reconciliation. God uses an example of a cultivated olive tree to show that the Gentiles are now able to partake in the benefits that belong to Israel, but due to her unbelief she has been cut off until the fullness of the Gentiles comes in.

Therefore, you say, “Branches were broken off in order that I on my part should be grafted in,” Well, by unbelief they were broken off, and you by faith stand not having a high frame of mind but respect. – Romans 11:19-20

The placement of sons, expressing a proper opinion of God, the covenants, the legislation, the religious service, and the promises belong to Israel. The Church does not replace Israel in these, but rather is allowed to partake in the benefits of being in Christ.

For I vow for myself that I myself were separated from the Christ on behalf of […]

The Mysteries of God The Blindness of Israel2023-12-14T08:31:53-08:00
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