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Colossians – The Mystery of Godliness

and confessedly, great is the mystery of godliness: Deity was manifested in flesh, justified by Spirit, discerned by angels, proclaimed among the Gentiles, believed on in [the] world, taken up in glory – 1 Timothy 3:16

Colossians – The Mystery of Godliness2023-12-14T08:30:40-08:00

Idle (ἀργός)

Idle (ἀργός) describes someone who has nothing to do or is unwilling to work and, therefore, lazy.

Words are important. Men will give account for every idle utterance that comes out of the mouth, Matthew 12:36. This is because the mouth speaks out from the abundance of the heart, Matthew 12:34. A good man will store up good treasure in his heart, where a malignantly evil one will bring forth malignantly evil things from the treasury of his heart.

Socialism is not a standard for the Church. As with secular socialism, when people are taken care of and allowed to be idle rather than work, they become lazy. However, within the assembly, the sharing of possessions can and should be done out of love. We are a community that cares for each other. Sharing is not to encourage laziness, for one who does not work is not to be permitted to eat, 2 Thessalonians 3:10. When a woman within the assembly becomes a widow, who is truly destitute having no living relatives, the local assembly is to care for her needs. This type of caring demonstrates our unity and love for the saints. However, if she is young or has other family members who can care for her, she is not to be financially provided for by the Church because of the danger of her becoming idle; instead, she is to marry, bear children, and manage the household, 1 Timothy 5:13.

The standards for a Pastor are essential for the assembly to know and to hold him accountable to. Paul left Titus in Crete to put things in order and appoint elders (pastors) in each of the cities, abiding by the guidance that Paul gave him, […]

Idle (ἀργός)2024-07-25T05:49:45-07:00

To Suppose (νομίζω)

“To suppose (νομίζω)” expresses following a practice that is customary or common in use, leading to the concept of forming an idea or making a tentative supposition concerning something in a traditional manner.

During the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus tells the Jews not to form a common opinion that He is seeking to release the Law or the Prophets for He came to fulfill, not loose, them, Matthew 5:17. As Jesus sends out twelve disciples, He instructs them to not go to the Gentiles or the Samaritans. Instead, they are only to go to the household of Israel preaching the Kingdom of the Heavens. They are to be wise as serpents, yet as harmless as a dove, for many will deliver them to councils and scourge them in their synagogues. However, they are not to fear them because those who verbally agree that Jesus is the Messiah, He will confess them before the Father in heaven. They are not to suppose that He came to bring peace to the earth, which was the customary way of thinking concerning the Messiah’s coming; instead, He brings a sword, for brother will be against brother, and a son against his father concerning the message of the Kingdom of the Heavens, Matthew 10:34.

Speaking concerning the Kingdom of the Heavens, Jesus uses a parable in which He speaks of a landowner who hired laborers to work in his vineyard for the day. He did this three times throughout the day, gathering more laborers each time. At the end of the day, when the laborers came to receive payment for their work, those who started work in the morning supposed they should get more money than they agreed upon because […]

To Suppose (νομίζω)2024-06-20T05:43:15-07:00

Self-Control (ἐγκράτεια)

Self-control (ἐγκράτεια) means to have strength over one’s appetites through regulating emotions, thoughts, and behaviors in the face of impulses or temptations.

Self-control is an aspect of the fruit of the Spirit, Galatians 5:23. Since it is a part of the fruit belonging to the Spirit, we cannot obtain it through law or self-effort. Those who seek to be righteous through their works, although having a word of wisdom through self-imposed religion, humility, and the neglecting of the body, do not through these enjoy freedom over the indulgences of the flesh, Colossians 2:23. Self-control is a product of walking by the Spirit; therefore, self-control is an ingredient of the characteristics of Christians who are Spiritual, Acts 24:25.

As we work out our faith, we gain knowledge. To this knowledge, we are to add self-control, through which we can apply godliness to our lives, 2 Peter 1:6. As we continue to mature, we add to godliness a fondness for the brethren that gives place to seeking the best for the ones loved, so the we abound and are not unfruitful or barren in the full experiential knowledge of Jesus Christ our Lord.

Therefore, self-control is a natural result of seeking out and governing our lives by the desires from the Holy Spirit, so that in freedom we maintain strength over our appetites, emotions, thoughts, and behavior in a worthy manner that glorifies God as the Holy Spirit produces the character of Christ through us.

Self-Control (ἐγκράτεια)2024-06-06T06:33:53-07:00

To Gain a Firm Mental Grasp (ἐπίσταμαι)

Having a firm mental grasp or acquiring information is expressed by ἐπίσταμαι (epistamai). Its root means to stand (ιστημι). Therefore, it expresses standing with a firm mental grasp because of the information a person is acquainted with.

In Peter’s denial of Christ, when questioned by a young servant girl if he was with Christ, he adamantly denied it, saying that he neither intuitively knows nor has acquired knowledge concerning Christ, Mark 14:68. After Peter is restored from the attack by Satan that caused him to deny Christ, God uses him to show the Jews that the Gentiles are also being accepted into the Church. In Cornelius’ house, Peter states that they have a firm mental grasp on the fact that it is not permissible for a Jew to fellowship or enter into a place with another nation, Acts 10:28. However before Cornelius sent for Paul, God showed him that he is not to call any man common or unclean and, therefore, Peter came without objection.

During the council in Acts chapter fifteen concerning whether or not the Gentiles should be circumcised and obey the law of Moses, Peter spoke up concerning what God had been doing. The elders and apostles present had acquired knowledge concerning the situation when God instructed Peter to enter into the house of a Gentile so they could hear the gospel. They were neither circumcised nor immersed before the Holy Spirit came upon them in the same manner as He did on the day of Pentecost to show the Jews a sign, Acts 15:5.

When Apollos came to Ephesus, he was mighty in the Scripture; however, he was only familiar with (had a firm mental grasp) the immersion of John, Acts […]

To Gain a Firm Mental Grasp (ἐπίσταμαι)2024-02-15T08:03:08-08:00
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