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Preparing Paul to Preach the Gospel

Preparing Paul to Preach the Gospel

Paul’s Time in the Wilderness

Paul spent three years in the Arabian desert after the Damascus road experience being training by Christ to present the gospel to the Gentiles. He then returns to Damascus where he proclaim Jesus is the Son of God.

Acts 9:1-17

9.1 And Saul yet breathing a threat and murder unto the disciples of the Lord, after going to the high priest, 9.2 asked from him a letter unto Damascus towards the synagogues so that if perhaps he found some of the way being both men and women, after binding them, he should lead them to Jerusalem. 9.3 And in the journey, he came near to Damascus and suddenly shining around him a light from the heaven. 9.4 And after falling upon the ground, he heard a voice saying to him, “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute Me?” 9.5 And he said, “Who are you sir?” And the Lord said, “I am Jesus whom you persecute.” 9.6 But you stand and enter into the city and I will speak with you, what it is necessary for you to do. 9.7 And the men, the ones journeying with him stood speechless, on the one hand hearing a sound, on the other hand not watching anyone. 9.8 And Saul rose up from the ground, after opening his eyes he saw no one, And while they led him by the hand they entered into Damascus. 9.9 And he was three days without seeing and he did not eat nor drink. 9.10 And there was a certain disciple in Damascus named Ananias, and the Lord said to him in a vision, “Ananias.” And he said, “Look […]

Preparing Paul to Preach the Gospel2019-01-01T10:24:41-08:00

Church (ἐκκλησία)

Often translated as Church, ἐκκλησία (ekklesia) actually means a regularly summoned assembly. It is used of a legislative body, casual gathering, or an assembling of people. The English word “Church” is derived from the Greek word κυριακόν (kyriakon), meaning “pertaining to the Lord,” which was used to describe the place of meeting, the Lord’s house, referring to the building the assembly meets in. Due to its predominant use to describe the building or place of meeting, over the centuries, Church became the word of choice to describe more than just the physical building, incorporating within its meaning the local meeting of the members of the body of The Christ as well as the institution of Christianity. In Anglo-Saxon England, the word circa was used to refer to both the congregation and the building. This use influenced modern English translations to adopt Church over the Greek word assembly.

In Matthew, chapter sixteen, verse eighteen, Jesus speaks to Peter about an assembly He will build with its foundational rock being Christ Himself, Matthew 16:18. Context clarifies that Jesus is not speaking of the Jews but an assembly of people to come. After the resurrection of Christ, this assembly came into existence on the day of Pentecost when the promise of the Holy Spirit was poured out on the believers in the upper room who were waiting as Christ had instructed them before His last ascension. Assembly is used to describe this group of believers in the resurrection of Jesus, indicating their uniqueness from the general population of Jews, Acts 2:47.

Assembly is used to describe the gathering of Israel in the wilderness at Mount Sinai, Acts 7:38. However, this does not refer to those who are in […]

Church (ἐκκλησία)2024-10-10T06:12:25-07:00

Christian (Χριστιανός)

Christian (Χριστιανός) is a word that describes those who are Christ like. The disciples of Christ first gained the name Christian in Antioch after Paul taught them for a year about the salvation we have in Christ, Acts 11:26.

Within the city of Antioch, the disciples were first named Christians. Named, is typically used of a warning; therefore, Christian was a term associated with those who followed the resurrected, glorified, Christ. When Paul was speaking with Agrippa concerning The Way, which is the name that the Church belonging to God was first known by, Acts 24:14, King Agrippa uses the term Christian in response to Paul speaking concerning why he was in bonds in Acts 26:28. The apostle Peter also uses the term Christian in his first letter, encouraging the saints that were scattered that if they suffer as a Christian, one who is acting Christ like, they are not to be ashamed, but to express a proper opinion of God, 1 Peter 4:16. Therefore, the name Christian became well known as relating to those who believe in the resurrection of Christ.

Although there are many who claim the name, “Christian” today, it is a title that belongs to the assembly of God – the body of the Christ, for it describes those who are taught and live out the gospel of the Christ which Paul, the steward of the dispensation, laid out for the saints. Although Paul himself never directly uses the term Christian in his writings, it is a name that he was acquainted with and knew belonged to those of The Way, Acts 26:28. His lack of direct use indicates the name “Christian” was given to those of The Way by the […]

Christian (Χριστιανός)2024-10-03T06:04:59-07:00

Fond of Honor (φιλοτιμέομαι)

Fond of Honor (φιλοτιμέομαι) is a word built from fondness (φιλος) and honor (τιμη) to express the concept of aspire towards that which is honorable. Therefore, have a strong desire, ambition, or aim to achieve something. It is often used when someone is striving toward a high or noble goal.

Paul aspired to evangelize the gospel where Christ had not been named, taking it to the end of the known world, not building upon another’s work, Romans 15:20. Just as it is written, to those whom it was not announced, they will discern, and to those who have not heard, they will understand.

We walk by faith, not by what we physically see; therefore, we are to aspire, whether present or absent, to be well pleasing to God, 2 Corinthians 5:9. While we are present in this body, we are absent from the Lord. Although we groan within ourselves to be swallowed up by life, during our time here on earth we are to strive to be pleasing to God for we will all face the reward seat of Christ and receive the things that have been done in this body, 2 Corinthians 5:10.

Although the Thessalonians saints could have retaliated against the Jews who stirred up the city and instigated the magistrates to illegally demand surety from the victims; instead, Paul encourage them to refrain from disruptive activities, living a well-ordered life, 1 Thessalonians 4:11. This type of lifestyle focuses on your own things, working with your own hands so that you are able to walk in a proper manner to those who are outside the Church.

We are to be fond of doing what is honorable, for God has given us all things pertaining to […]

Fond of Honor (φιλοτιμέομαι)2024-09-26T05:34:54-07:00
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