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Colossians Let the Peace of God Umpire

As The Elect, Colossians 3:12-13

Affections of Pity



Objectivity of Mind


Bearing One Another (Putting Up With)

Being Gracious, Colossians 3:13

Not Forgiving, but Having an Attitude Whereby You Give a Benefit Without Consideration of Merit

It is directed at yourself

Being kind to one another and gracious to yourselves, Ephesians 4:32

Also Directed at Others, Colossians 3:13

The Bond of Unity, Colossians 3:14

The Unity of the Spirit, Ephesians 4:3

Unity in Christ, Colossians 2:18-19

Maturity, Hebrews 6:1

The Peace of God Umpiring In Your Hearts, Colossians 3:15

Peace of God is not having a Ruffled Mind

Christ Left His Peace, John 14:27

It is not a peace from the world (The world does not know the way of peace), Romans 3:17

The Truth Christ Revealed to the Disciples of the New Relationship is So that We Have Peace, John 16:33

Peace Comes from Framing Our Minds on the Things of the Spirit, Romans 8:6

The Kingdom of God is not about food and drink, but righteousness, peace, and joy, Romans 14:17

Our God is not of Confusion, but Peace, 1 Corinthians 14:33

This Peace is an Aspect of the Fruit of the Spirit, Galatians 5:22

It is a Peace that Surpasses the Mind, Philippians 4:7

In Contrast to Those Who Umpire Against Us, Colossians 2:18

Human Umpiring is Against Us – Focusing on the “No”

God’s Peace Umpires by giving us an unruffled mind that focuses on the […]

Colossians Let the Peace of God Umpire2023-12-14T08:26:08-08:00

Philippians The Peace from God

And the peace of God, the one surpassing every mind, will keep your hearts and your thoughts in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7

Philippians The Peace from God2023-11-27T10:35:10-08:00

Fond of Honor (φιλοτιμέομαι)

Fond of Honor (φιλοτιμέομαι) is a word built from fondness (φιλος) and honor (τιμη) to express the concept of aspire towards that which is honorable. Therefore, have a strong desire, ambition, or aim to achieve something. It is often used when someone is striving toward a high or noble goal.

Paul aspired to evangelize the gospel where Christ had not been named, taking it to the end of the known world, not building upon another’s work, Romans 15:20. Just as it is written, to those whom it was not announced, they will discern, and to those who have not heard, they will understand.

We walk by faith, not by what we physically see; therefore, we are to aspire, whether present or absent, to be well pleasing to God, 2 Corinthians 5:9. While we are present in this body, we are absent from the Lord. Although we groan within ourselves to be swallowed up by life, during our time here on earth we are to strive to be pleasing to God for we will all face the reward seat of Christ and receive the things that have been done in this body, 2 Corinthians 5:10.

Although the Thessalonians saints could have retaliated against the Jews who stirred up the city and instigated the magistrates to illegally demand surety from the victims; instead, Paul encourage them to refrain from disruptive activities, living a well-ordered life, 1 Thessalonians 4:11. This type of lifestyle focuses on your own things, working with your own hands so that you are able to walk in a proper manner to those who are outside the Church.

We are to be fond of doing what is honorable, for God has given us all things pertaining to […]

Fond of Honor (φιλοτιμέομαι)2024-09-26T05:34:54-07:00

Troubled (ταράσσω)

Troubled (ταράσσω) means to shake together, stir up, or throw into confusion.

A few years after the birth of Christ, three magi from the east came to Judea looking for the King of the Jews. This troubled Herod, a Roman King, Matthew 2:3. After gathering all the High Priests and scribes of Israel to determine where the Christ would be born, Herod sent the Magi to Bethlehem to seek out the child with the pretense that he wanted to also prostate before Him.

While Zacharias was performing his priestly service in the Temple of the Lord, an angel from the Lord appeared to him, standing on the right side of the altar of incense. Zacharias was troubled when he saw the messenger and fear fell upon him, Luke 1:12.

After the resurrection of Christ, in one of the instances that He showed the disciples that He is, in fact, raised from the dead, when He appeared to them, at first there was great fear and trembling in them. During the journey of two of the disciples to Emmaus, a man joins them asking what they are speaking about. Surprised that he did not know about what had happened over the last few days, they informed him how the rulers of Israel put Jesus to death. A man who was great in words and works from God that they had hope was the Messiah. In response, the man opens their minds concerning how the Scripture stated it was necessity for the death and resurrection of the Messiah. While they were speaking with this stranger, their hearts burned within them. When they came to the village they constrained the stranger to come and stay with them for the […]

Troubled (ταράσσω)2024-08-01T06:14:52-07:00

To Suppose (νομίζω)

“To suppose (νομίζω)” expresses following a practice that is customary or common in use, leading to the concept of forming an idea or making a tentative supposition concerning something in a traditional manner.

During the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus tells the Jews not to form a common opinion that He is seeking to release the Law or the Prophets for He came to fulfill, not loose, them, Matthew 5:17. As Jesus sends out twelve disciples, He instructs them to not go to the Gentiles or the Samaritans. Instead, they are only to go to the household of Israel preaching the Kingdom of the Heavens. They are to be wise as serpents, yet as harmless as a dove, for many will deliver them to councils and scourge them in their synagogues. However, they are not to fear them because those who verbally agree that Jesus is the Messiah, He will confess them before the Father in heaven. They are not to suppose that He came to bring peace to the earth, which was the customary way of thinking concerning the Messiah’s coming; instead, He brings a sword, for brother will be against brother, and a son against his father concerning the message of the Kingdom of the Heavens, Matthew 10:34.

Speaking concerning the Kingdom of the Heavens, Jesus uses a parable in which He speaks of a landowner who hired laborers to work in his vineyard for the day. He did this three times throughout the day, gathering more laborers each time. At the end of the day, when the laborers came to receive payment for their work, those who started work in the morning supposed they should get more money than they agreed upon because […]

To Suppose (νομίζω)2024-06-20T05:43:15-07:00
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