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Colossians: Walking in a Worthy Manner

to walk worthy of the Lord into all pleasing in every good work bearing fruit and growing in the full experiential knowledge of God Colossians 1:10

Colossians: Walking in a Worthy Manner2023-12-14T08:42:48-08:00

Boldness in Speech (παρρησιάζομαι)

Boldness in speech (παρρησιάζομαι) is to clearly speak a word openly.

After Paul’s conversion to Christianity and three years in the desert learning from Christ to serve as the steward of the dispensation of grace, he returned to Damascus, speaking clearly and openly, with boldness of speech, showing from Scripture that Jesus is the Messiah, Acts 9:27.

While Paul and Barnabas were in Antioch of Pisidia sharing the gospel of the Christ in the synagogue, the Jews were filled with envy because of the great multitude of Gentiles following Paul; therefore, they began to speak falsely against and oppose what Paul was saying. Their attempt to thwart the good news Paul declared to them only caused Paul and Barnabas to grow in the openness and clarity of their speech, telling the Jews since they did not desire to follow God and counted themselves as unworthy to receive enteral life, they would turn to the Gentiles, Acts 13:46.

In Ephesus, when Apollos, a man from Alexandria, spoke accurately concerning the things of the Lord, knowing only the immersion of John the Baptist, as he began to speak openly in the synagogue, Aquila and Priscilla heard him. They then took him aside and filled him in on all that had happened since the immersion of John, more accurately explaining to him the way of God, Acts 18:26.

When defending himself against false charges from the Jew before Festus and Agrippa, after Festus called him mad, Paul spoke freely to King Agrippa because Paul was convinced that the King already knew about this matter, Acts 26:26. Because of his openness and clarity of words, Agrippa responded saying, “You almost persuade me also to become a Christian.” However, the matter at […]

Boldness in Speech (παρρησιάζομαι)2024-09-16T14:59:24-07:00

Self-Control (ἐγκράτεια)

Self-control (ἐγκράτεια) means to have strength over one’s appetites through regulating emotions, thoughts, and behaviors in the face of impulses or temptations.

Self-control is an aspect of the fruit of the Spirit, Galatians 5:23. Since it is a part of the fruit belonging to the Spirit, we cannot obtain it through law or self-effort. Those who seek to be righteous through their works, although having a word of wisdom through self-imposed religion, humility, and the neglecting of the body, do not through these enjoy freedom over the indulgences of the flesh, Colossians 2:23. Self-control is a product of walking by the Spirit; therefore, self-control is an ingredient of the characteristics of Christians who are Spiritual, Acts 24:25.

As we work out our faith, we gain knowledge. To this knowledge, we are to add self-control, through which we can apply godliness to our lives, 2 Peter 1:6. As we continue to mature, we add to godliness a fondness for the brethren that gives place to seeking the best for the ones loved, so the we abound and are not unfruitful or barren in the full experiential knowledge of Jesus Christ our Lord.

Therefore, self-control is a natural result of seeking out and governing our lives by the desires from the Holy Spirit, so that in freedom we maintain strength over our appetites, emotions, thoughts, and behavior in a worthy manner that glorifies God as the Holy Spirit produces the character of Christ through us.

Self-Control (ἐγκράτεια)2024-06-06T06:33:53-07:00

The Fall of Cain

In Genesis 4:7, God instructs Cain concerning the rules of his household. After God rejected the work of Cain’s hands as an offering, Cain was very angry. In response, God lays out the rule by which Cain is expected to govern his life.

And if you do good, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do good, sin lies at the opening, and its desire is unto you, and you are to rule over it – Genesis 4:7.

This is the first time in Scripture we are introduced to the sin nature. The sin nature describes the human nature bent by Adam’s fall. Through Adam’s trespass and sin, his nature became bent towards doing what is wrong, for although Eve was thoroughly deceived, Adam was not, 1 Timothy 2:14. Adam passed on this bent nature to his offspring, Genesis 5:3. Therefore, even though as humans we now inherently possess the knowledge of good and evil, we are all born with a nature that is separated from God in our spirit and bent towards wrong. However, with this knowledge, we are also to rule over our nature, not permit it to rule over us.

After Cain does not heed God’s instructions and slayed his brother as a sacrifice, he was punished. The works of his hand will no longer produce good, and he is to wander the earth, never possessing a homeland to reside in. In Cain’s response, we again encounter the sin nature when he states, “My perversity is greater than I can bear.”

And Cain said to the LORD, “My perversity is greater than I can bear.” Genesis 4:13.

In Genesis 4:7, the word for sin is in a specific […]

The Fall of Cain2024-04-25T06:26:34-07:00
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