Luther Walker

About Luther Walker

Pastor Walker graduated from the Dispensational Theological Seminary and has served as the lead Pastor for Word of Grace Studies since 2009. He is dedicated to changing the lives of believers through equipping them to live out who they are in Christ, so they are no longer tossed around by every wind of teaching by the trickery of men.

The Church Age

An age (αἰών) is a period in which God shows something about Himself to intelligent beings. Ages are not limited to time, which was created when God made the sun and moon for the purpose of distinguishing days, months, and seasons, Genesis 1:14. There are ten revealed ages; however, the actual number of ages that God has planed are not known, only that there will be ages of ages beyond those currently disclosed, Ephesians 2:7. The known ages are: The Age of the Creation of the Universe, Job 38:7, The Age of the Kingdom of Lucifer, Ezekiel 28:14, The Chaotic Age, Genesis 1:2, The Age of the Creation of Humans, Genesis 1:26, The Age of God’s Faithfulness, Genesis 4:1, The Age of God’s Kindness, Genesis 9:1, The Age of God’s Sovereignty, Exodus 12:41, The Legal Age, Exodus 20:1, The Malignantly Evil Age, Galatians 1:4, The Kingdom Age, Matthew 13:41.

A dispensation (οἰκονομία) is a period in time in which God shows something to humans about themselves. These occurrences are restricted to time and directly relate to humans, not spirit beings. The word “Dispensation” is derived from combining “house” with “law”. This “household law” governs the activities of the people within the house and is administered by a steward. In modern language, we use the term administration, especially when describing government. Since the concept of a dispensation is well defined in Scripture by use, we are able to factually discern there are seven dispensations: Innocence, Genesis 2:25, Conscience, Genesis 4:7, Government, Genesis 9:5, Promise, Genesis 12:2, Law, Exodus 19:8, Grace, Ephesians 3:2, Fullness of Times, Ephesians 1:10.

Since ages and dispensation run consecutively, the dispensation and age we are currently in are the dispensation of grace and […]

The Church Age2024-06-01T06:36:55-07:00

Tempt (πειράζω)

Tempt (πειράζω) expresses a trial through examination or a solicitation to do something that is wrong.

When Jesus was led away into the wilderness by the Spirit, the devil solicited Him to go against the desirous will of the Father, Matthew 4:1. Satan knows that God is One, James 2:19, and that Jesus is the second Person of the Godhead, Mark 3:11. By tempting the second Person of the Godhead, Who was now in human form, Satan sought to divide Them so that Their Word concerning his coming judgment would not hold truth.

In one of the trials by the Pharisees and Sadducees, they again sought a sign from Jesus. However, their intent was not to see a sign so they would believe; instead, they sought something by which they could accuse Him of doing wrong. In response, Jesus rebukes them for being hypocrites and a malignantly evil and [spiritually] adulterous generation. They claim to know what is coming by the appearance of the sky but cannot discern the signs of the times, Matthew 16:1-4.

Attempting again to gain an advantage over Jesus so they could accuse Him, the Pharisees solicited Him to do wrong with a question, “Is it lawful for man to divorce his wife for any reason”, Matthew 19:3. Through Moses, divorce was permitted. Therefore, rather than going against Moses, which is what the Pharisees sought, Jesus explains to them why divorce was permitted through Moses. It was the hardness of their heart. However, Scripture states that the two will become one flesh and, therefore, if a man divorces his wife for anything other than fornication and marries another, he commits adultery under the Mosaic Law, Matthew 19:3-9.

Desires that solicit us to do wrong […]

Tempt (πειράζω)2024-05-30T05:38:34-07:00

To Ruin (φθείρω)

Ruin (φθείρω) expresses corruption by causing physical harm or financial destruction.

When it comes to our conduct during our time on earth, we need to pay attention to our works. Are they based upon who we are in Christ or seeking the fulfillment of the flesh? We are the Holy of Holies of God. One of the aspects of our salvation is the Trinity indwells us. Therefore, if someone brings to ruin the Holy of Holies of God, which is our bodies, He will bring them to ruin, 1 Corinthians 3:17. Our works matter. We reap what we sow. We are not to be so foolish as to think that we can live like the devil’s children while enjoying the things of eternal life. If your life is in ruin, look at the works you are producing.

What agreement does the Holy of Holies of God have with false gods and idols? What part do unbelievers have with believers? God said, He will walk among us, and we will be His people, 2 Corinthians 6:16. I will be a Father to you, and you will be My sons and daughters, 2 Corinthians 6:18. Therefore, having these promises, let us cleanse ourselves from the filthiness of the flesh and spirit that the unsaved run after while we bring holiness to maturity in our lives. Ensuring that our works are causing no one to come to ruin, physically or financially, or fraudulently taking advantage, 2 Corinthians 7:2.

Those who we associate with are important to vet. Bad company brings to ruin useful habits, 1 Corinthians 15:33. We are to awake to righteousness and stop sinning. Those who continue in a sinful lifestyle are ignorant of God, to their shame.

Through […]

To Ruin (φθείρω)2024-05-23T06:08:33-07:00
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