Luther Walker

About Luther Walker

Pastor Walker graduated from the Dispensational Theological Seminary and has served as the lead Pastor for Word of Grace Studies since 2009. He is dedicated to changing the lives of believers through equipping them to live out who they are in Christ, so they are no longer tossed around by every wind of teaching by the trickery of men.

The Definition of Love – Longsuffering

Love is an aspect of God’s nature which is manifested in seeking the best for the one loved. This attribute of His nature was shown to the disciples in the person of Jesus and shared with all those who believed their message so that even today we see the love of God manifested through the Church. This character is not from humans and in all actuality before God showed us love humans did not know what it was. At best our quality of love only seeks the best for the one loving – we sacrifice for something we want, not for the benefit of another. Now that the world has seen God’s quality of love through the Church, today the world has decided it can show this type of love without God. However, since the world can only mimic what is sees from Christians, for it does not know God, it perverts the love of God into that of human love and tries to claim it is at the very least as good of a love, if not better – for it is all inclusive. Sadly, many assemblies today have accepted this worldly love in place of God’s love. But allowing someone to continue doing things that are harmful to themselves is not love at all. Since we have a lot of “fake” love today, it is important for us to know what classifies as the love of God. That is, we need to know the real thing so that we can easily identify when it is being expressed by a Christian and when an unbeliever, or carnal Christian, is trying to mimic it with a human quality of love.

In 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 we are […]

The Definition of Love – Longsuffering2023-12-14T08:36:55-08:00

The Definition of Love – Seeking to Usurp the Love of God

If with the tongues of men and angels I speak, but do not have love, I become a sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. And if I have prophecy and I perceive all mysteries and know all things, and I have all faith so that to move a mountain, but do not have love I am nothing. And if I give all my goods and if I give my body in order to be burned, but do not have love, it profits nothing – 1 Corinthians 13:1-3

As Christians, we are instructed to love one another as Christ loved us. Our commandment is to love the brethren and when we are loving we will not violate any law. However, there is also a love related to the world system that often gets mixed into the true love we are to show towards those of the Church.

A new commandment I give to you, in order that you should love one another just as I have loved you, in order that also you should love one another – John 13:34

I recently encountered an example of this worldly type of love in a story of a barber that goes down to the local park in his city each week, bringing his own power and supplies, to offer free haircuts to the homeless. Now at first this may seem like a wonderful thing to do. Even perhaps an expression of love. But is it God’s quality of love, or a human love that is seeking to usurp the love of God?

The love of God seeks the best for the one loved. Is offering a benefit to those who refuse to work an expression of God’s love or human […]

The Definition of Love – Seeking to Usurp the Love of God2023-12-14T08:37:21-08:00

The Calamity of Disobedience

Because of this, just as through one man the sin entered the world and through the sin the death, also thus unto all men the death passed, on the basis that all sinned. – Romans 5:12

Through Adam sin came into the world and the impact of his action was a penalty of death upon all those who come from him. When Adam took of the fruit from the tree in the garden, which God specifically instructed him not to eat from, he knowingly broke God’s rule.

and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was thoroughly deceived and came to be in a transgression- 1 Timothy 2:14

God told Adam that if he ate from this tree, it would bring death.

But from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you will not eat, because in the day in which you eat dying you will die. – Genesis 2:17

As humans at this time, we were in a state of innocence. This means we relied solely upon God to instruct us on what was beneficial and what caused calamity in our lives. God walked with Adam each day for this very purpose. Eve was tricked into believing that by eating she would be more like God with the knowledge of good and evil, not understanding the full ramifications of her actions. However, Adam did understand and still chose to eat of the fruit. It was never about the fruit, it was about obedience. In each dispensation God shows us something about ourselves. Why does God permit wickedness? It comes down to the fact that we as humans chose it. In the garden there was no wickedness among humans. We lived in a perfect environment totally relying upon God. This […]

The Calamity of Disobedience2023-12-14T08:37:35-08:00
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