Luther Walker

About Luther Walker

Pastor Walker graduated from the Dispensational Theological Seminary and has served as the lead Pastor for Word of Grace Studies since 2009. He is dedicated to changing the lives of believers through equipping them to live out who they are in Christ, so they are no longer tossed around by every wind of teaching by the trickery of men.

2 John: Rejecting Those Who Come with a Different Doctrine

2 John 1:10-11 If someone comes towards you and does not bear this doctrine, do not receive him into a house and do not say to greet him. For the one saying to him greeting, fellowships with his malignantly evil works.

2 John: Rejecting Those Who Come with a Different Doctrine2023-12-14T08:37:57-08:00

Experiencing the Holy Spirit – The Ones Trying to Mimic

For indeed if one comes proclaiming a different Jesus whom we did not proclaim, or you receive a different spirit, which you did not receive, or a different gospel that you have not accepted – 2 Corinthians 11:4

Experiencing the Holy Spirit is a logical response from us as we identify and seek to fulfill the desires He gives us to live out who we are in Christ. This type of relationship is new, that is, it did not exist between God and humans prior to the creation of the Church. It requires us to pay attention to our desires and understand where they come from and their outcomes so we can discern what is God’s way, and stop being manipulated by our flesh and Satan.

The Spirit of the Truth Who the world does not have the ability to receive because it cannot watch Him, nor experientially know Him, but you experientially know Him because He abides alongside you and will be in you – John 14:17

Unfortunately, there are many today that teach contrary to this, trying to make our relationship with the Holy Spirit an emotional experience that is not based upon the truth. Remember, truth is not relative. There is only one truth, and it is not based upon how we feel or is changed because we don’t like it. As we read through Scripture, we see God interacting with people in ways that sometimes we would like to experience. He spoke with them, showed them signs, performed incredible miracles, raised the dead, healed the sick, and so many other direct, visible manifestations of who He is. However, this is not the type of relationship we have with God today, ours is […]

Experiencing the Holy Spirit – The Ones Trying to Mimic2023-12-14T08:38:41-08:00
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