Energize (ἐνέργεια)

Energize (ἐνέργεια) expresses the state or quality of being active.

When Paul communicated to God on behalf of the saints, he often expressed a desire for them to be given a spirit of wisdom and revelation in full experiential knowledge of Christ so that the eyes of their hearts are opened to the hope of His calling. With the heart open to see, we are able to discern the inherent ability of God that was working in the resurrection of Christ through the energizing of the might of His strength, Ephesians 1:19-20.

In the mystery of the Christ, which in past ages was not revealed but has now been declared by the Spirit and His holy apostles and prophets, we learn that the Gentiles are able to become fellow heirs, for God has made it possible for them to partake of the same body and, therefore, His promise in Christ. Paul was appointed the steward of this dispensation by the grace given to him according to the energizing of God’s inherent ability to bring the good news among the Gentiles of the unsearchable riches of the Christ, Ephesians 3:7-8.

God gave us apostles, evangelists, and pastors even teachers to bring us to a oneness of the faith so that we are no longer tossed around like inarticulate babblers. Instead, while speaking the truth in love, we can grow up in all things unto Christ, who is the head. For the whole body, being knit together, supplies each joint’s need according to the working of each part to edify itself, Ephesians 4:16.

Through the working of His inherent ability by which He can subdue all things, our bodies will be outwardly transformed to express a proper opinion […]

Energize (ἐνέργεια)2024-03-07T04:52:31-08:00

Persuade (πείθω)

Persuading (πείθω) involves convincing someone to follow a particular viewpoint or course of action.

The High Priests and elders of Israel persuaded the people to request a murderer be set free while condemning a righteous man, Matthew 27:20. After they had Him crucified by the hand of Pilate, standing at the cross, they mocked Christ, saying, “He was persuaded on the basis of God. Now, let Him deliver Him if He desires, for He said that I am the Son of God.” Knowing that Jesus was the Messiah and that He stated if they destroyed His body, He would raise it in three days, the High Priests and elders persuaded Pilate to seal the tomb and put a guard at it so no one could steal the body. However, three days later, some of the guards assigned to the tomb came into the city and told the High Priest of the angel and the tomb opening, for the One they had condemned to death and mocked God answered and raised Him out from the dead. Concerned over this news, the High Priest and elders offer the guards a large sum of money to say the disciples overtook them while they slept. And if the governor hears of this, they will persuade him and make them secure, Matthew 28:14. The absurdity of such a statement is shocking, for if they were caught sleeping, they would be killed, and if they failed in their duties, they would face execution. During Christ’s earthly ministry, while addressing the Pharisees, who were fond of money, He speaks of a rich man and Lazarus. This is not a parable but a historical record of two men: one who trusted in his […]

Persuade (πείθω)2024-03-03T20:59:14-08:00

Regret (μεταμέλομαι)

Regret (μεταμέλομαι) is caused when someone feels sorry or remorse concerning a previous action. It is not equivalent to repent (μετάνοια), which means to change the mind.

When Paul had to write a letter to the saint in Corinth to correct their unbecoming behavior, he was very poignant in his comments. However, even though Paul was sorry that he had to be so hard, he did not regret writing the letter, 2 Corinthians 7:8. Through the letter, he caused them to grieve; however, this type of grief brings a change of mind, not death, 1 Corinthians 7:10.

In one of His encounters with the leaders of Israel, Jesus speaks of two sons who respond in different ways to their father’s request. The first son refused to work in the vineyard; however, after considering his father’s request, he regretted his response and went to work, Matthew 21:29. The second one agreed with the father’s request but did not go. This was to point out the fact that John the Baptist came to the leaders of Israel in righteousness, and even though they did not receive him, the tax collector and harlots did. Seeing their change of mind in response to John’s message should have opened the leader’s eyes; however, they still did not regret rejecting his message, Matthew 21:32.

Judas Iscariot was a thief, John 12:6. He was the only disciple of the twelve who did not believe that Jesus was the Messiah; however, because he handled the purse, he chose to stay with them. This type of attitude led to betraying Christ for thirty pieces of silver. However, his intent was not for Christ to be put to death; rather, he was expecting them to […]

Regret (μεταμέλομαι)2024-02-22T07:13:51-08:00
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