Stop Quenching the Spirit (μὴ σβέννυτε)

“Quenching” involves the ceasing of a function by extinguishing it. It is used for not dousing smoking flax in Matthew 12:20 and putting out a lamp in Matthew 25:8. By faith, the saints of old were even able to quench the violence of fire, Hebrews 11:34. For those who reject the truth of the Gospel for salvation, they will abide in a place where the worm is not quenched, Mark 9:44. The worm is referring to the sin nature; therefore, it is a place where the sin nature will never cease its cravings, for it will at no time be satisfied.

As Christians, we have been given the tools in Christ that enable us to quench the fiery darts of the malignantly evil one, Ephesians 6:16. These are his attempts to get us to act independently from God by persuading us to be bitter, disappointed, discouraged, lie, steal, gossip, or in any other way speak and act in a manner that is contrary to who we are in Christ. They are rightly described as fiery darts, for when we allow them in, they burn within us as they seek to overtake our thoughts and impact our actions. However, the shield of faith is able to quench them all.

We are not to quench the Holy Spirit, 1 Thessalonians 5:19. The Holy Spirit impacts us through our desires, Galatians 5:17. He does this by giving us desires that are contrary to the cravings from our flesh, which is where the sin nature resides. When we quench Him, we are rejecting His desires over the yearnings from the flesh. By applying the truth, we are able to have victory over our sin nature and will seek to fulfill the […]

Stop Quenching the Spirit (μὴ σβέννυτε)2023-12-23T07:18:18-08:00

The Without Guile Milk of the Logical

(τὸ λογικὸν ἄδολον γάλα)

Guile is the use of words in cleverness to deceive. We see this type of vile workings in those who crucified Christ, plotting to have Him arrested, but not in public lest there is an uproar from the people, Matthew 26:4-5. After the resurrection of Christ, guile is used by Elymas, who sought to pervert the proconsul of Paphos from the straight ways of the Lord, Acts 13:8-10.  Guile is an aspect of unrighteousness, for when used, what a person says may not be sinful, but the use of cleverness to manipulate others is done out of deceit, Romans 1:29.

Logical is that which comes out of proper reasoning. One who is being logical will draw inferences from premises to conclusions that are based upon, and tested by, truth. God’s word is logical and cannot be interpreted through emotions, for emotions do not require proper reasoning and are based upon feelings, not actuality or facts. Therefore, the Word of God does not use the cunning, deceitfully persuasive words of men in their wisdom; rather, it comes in Spirit and inherent ability, 1 Corinthians 2:4. Spirit is our rational part; therefore, the soulish man cannot receive the things from the Spirit, 1 Corinthians 2:11,14. Those who seek to deceive the saints use persuasive words, changing the grace of our Lord into licentiousness, according to the principles of the world by using the passions of the flesh, not the truth related to the Christ, Colossians 2:4, 8.

It is our reasonable logical religious service to present our bodies as living sacrifices to God, Romans 12:1. For the truth of the matter is, He purchased it, 1 Corinthians 6:19. Any logic that lifts itself above […]

The Without Guile Milk of the Logical2023-12-23T07:20:05-08:00

Reviled (λοιδορέω)

“Revile” is to speak in an insulting way towards another.

The Pharisees reviled the blind man that Jesus healed because he questioned if they wanted to become disciples of Christ after they continued to ask him how he was healed, John 9:28. This man was blind from birth and Jesus healed him on the Sabbath as a sign to the Jews that those who do not see will see. After hearing his story, the Pharisees again call him back to recount what happened to them. They revile him because the man who was blind calls them out for not listening to him and the fact that no one has ever been healed in this manner before; therefore, Jesus has to be from God. In response, the Pharisees claim to be Moses’ disciples, insult him, and cast him out of the synagogue.

In Jerusalem, while Paul was being accused by the Jews so that the Romans would put him to death, after stating that he has lived in all good conscience before God, Ananias commanded the ones nearby to strike him. Paul calls him out for his unrighteous action, referring to him as a whitewashed wall. Paul is then rebuked for reviling the High Priest, Acts 23:4. However, Paul was not aware that Ananias was the High Priest at that time and apologetically quotes Scripture, which states they are not to speak bad concerning a ruler of the people, Acts 23:5. Although what Paul stated was not inaccurate, it was intended to be an insult and therefore not appropriate for him to say against the High Priest.

In response to being reviled, Paul speaks well of others, 1 Corinthians 4:11. Just as Christ, when He suffered for righteousness, did […]

Reviled (λοιδορέω)2023-12-23T07:22:36-08:00
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