Knowing the Desirous will of God – Suffer for our consistent testimony

1 Peter 3:17 For it is better while doing good if he desirously wills the desirous will of the God to suffer than while doing wrong.

1 Peter 4:19 Wherefore also the suffering according to the desirous will of God, as to a faithful Creator, while entrusting our souls in doing good.

In the first epistle from the apostle Peter, he writes to the saints that have been dispersed due to persecution throughout the Roman Empire into primarily Gentile regions (1 Peter 1:1). In this letter he writes concerning the persecution they will face and how to overcome it. Today, these words still hold true. When we as Christians are in areas that are primarily governed by unbelievers, living out our salvation will bring suffering.

We are not to follow in the ways of the unsaved, for they live a life of futility and are completely focused on satisfying their own depraved desires. They corrupt everything they touch, even the concept of love. Rather, we are to be of one frame of mind, suffering together, friendly, compassionate, and humble, not paying back wrong for wrong or verbal abuse for verbal abuse (1 Peter 3:8-9). We are called to inherent a good eulogy, for the Lord already speaks well of us in all spiritual things in the heavens (Ephesians 1:3). Therefore, knowing we are called to this, let us speak well of others by speaking with grace, not considering if they deserve for us to speak in a good manner towards or about them, but because of who we are in Christ, as we refrain our tongue from wrong while turning from what is wrong to do what is beneficial while pursuing peace (1 Peter 3:9-11). However, this type of […]

Knowing the Desirous will of God – Suffer for our consistent testimony2023-11-25T07:53:03-08:00


Edification (οἰκοδομή) describes the act of building up and is especially focused on improving the mind and understanding. In Scripture, it is used to describe the building of the temple along with the edification of those within the Church; both are illustrating the act of building.

Edification is an important aspect of our relationship among the saints. Christ commanded us to love other saints in the New Commandment, John 13:34. This is a unique relationship that those of the Church are to have for each other and through our love, others will see that we are Christ’s disciples, John 13:35. One aspect of this love is how we edify others. Within the assembly, those who are strong in the faith support the weak ones. When it comes to how we live out our faith in what we eat and the days that we honor, we are to be respectful of each other’s decisions, pursuing peace so that we build each other up, Romans 14:19. One who is strong in the faith will build up those who are weak, not pleasing themselves, but bearing their weaknesses so that we all can through support, encouragement, fellowship, and learning together, be strengthened in our understanding of the faith, Romans 15:1-2.

When it comes to the manifestation of Spiritual gifts within the assembly, edification should be the main point. When the Church was young and did not have its full revelation, those with the gift of prophecy could edify the saints, where those with the gift of tongues would only edify themselves, for the speaking of tongues is a gift given for a sign to the unbeliever and therefore should not be used among the saints, where the gift of prophecy […]


Lust (ἐπιθυμία)

Although often translated as “lust”, this word simply means “a strong desire”. The English word “lust” is a specific description of desires that are perceived primarily to be of a sexual nature; however, the Greek word is much broader in its meaning, therefore it is the content that determines what is being desired, whether good or bad.

In the parable of the Sower of the seed, we find that the desires concerning the cares of this world and wealth came up like weeds and choked out the message of the Kingdom of the Heavens (Mark 4:19). In dealing with the Pharisees, Jesus reveals to them they are actually following the desires of their father, Satan (John 8:44). Often desires from Satan are looked at as wicked, but here we see the perceived religious leaders of the time being called out for doing his desires, not God’s. Satan wants to be like God (Isaiah 14:14) and comes as a messenger of light (2 Corinthians 11:14) to ensnare believers (2 Timothy 2:26) while secretly bringing in his sons to introduce false doctrines to manipulate the minds of the believers to follow his desires (Ephesians 2:2; Galatians 2:4). He did it to the Jews in Jesus’ time and still does it today to the Christians. Therefore, we should pay attention to what we are being taught and seek out pastors who speak the truth, not being in assemblies that focus on manipulating our desires through emotional experiences, whether through worship services, events, or gatherings to influence the attendees into feeling good about themselves rather than focusing on the truth.

When it comes to dealing with the desires from the sin nature, we have to apply the truth to our lives […]

Lust (ἐπιθυμία)2023-11-25T07:53:41-08:00
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