Knowing the desirous will of God Being Thankful

1 Thessalonians 5:18 in everything give thanks for this is the desirous will of God in Christ Jesus unto you.


Thankfulness is an attitude of gratitude due to a favorable disposition towards someone. Within the Christian life, thankfulness comes from being filled by the Holy Spirit, while speaking psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs to yourself, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord, which results in giving thanks in all things to God (Ephesians 5:18-20).

Because humans were not thankful, did not have a favorable opinion of God, even during a time when they all knew God, we see the impact today of the mind turning to futility with theories that are preposterous being presented as factual, such as evolution and false religions, along with the rejection of truth in every aspect of life. These all come from a lack of appreciation for what God provided for them (Romans 1:21). In the same way, when we are not seeking to fulfill the desires of the Spirit, we forget to be thankful for what God provides for us and lose sight of the fact that we have been washed from our sins while going back to wallowing in the filth of the old man like a dog returning to its vomit (2 Peter 1:9; 2:22).

It is a thankful thing that even though we still have a sin nature, that will manipulate us into doing wrong if we seek to live by law, because we live out from faith we have freedom from it in Christ and therefore with the mind we serve the law of God, but with the flesh the law of the sin nature (Romans 7:25). Now there is no condemnation in Christ Jesus (Romans […]

Knowing the desirous will of God Being Thankful2023-11-25T07:54:00-08:00

Good (ἀγαθός)

Good is a word that describes activity that is beneficial, wholesome, and sufficient to be acceptable for its purpose. It is used to describe humans, trees, treasures, speaking, and most of all God.

Although humans can do good, only God is good (Luke 18:19), for goodness is an aspect of His nature. However, even though humans are not good by nature, we do know the difference between good and evil and can choose to produce good things in our lives rather than malignantly wicked things (Romans 2:15). The heart is the center of a human, where the person resides. It is within here that we will store up good treasures to use later, or malignantly evil ones to use against others (Matthew 12:35). What we allow to remain in our minds and within our hearts directly impacts our actions; therefore, our weapons are not fleshly, but are mighty in God for the pulling down of those strongholds within us that raise themselves up against the knowledge of God (2 Corinthians 10:4-6), by which we destroy the evil treasures, so our storehouse is filled with good.

Although the law is good, we do not live by it because through it is the full experiential knowledge of the sin nature (Romans 7:12-13) and rather than giving us victory over it, it becomes the sin natures strength against us (1 Corinthians 15:56). Trying to do good by law leads us into frustration and the realization that within our flesh no good dwells, for as soon as we desire to do good, we find that we lack the ability to do it through our flesh (Romans 7:18-19), and we end up doing things that lack in character, which we do not […]

Good (ἀγαθός)2023-11-25T07:54:10-08:00

A Gift for Favor

The gift [is] a favorable stone in [the] eyes of its owners, unto all which it turns it causes to be prudent.  Proverbs 17:8

So-had (שֹׁחַד) is a gift that is given for the purpose of bringing favor. Although not specifically a bribe, it can be used to gain favor in an illicit way and is prohibited under the Mosaic law for being used in this manner (Deuteronomy 16:19); however, when used correctly the result will be a favorable attitude towards the one giving the gift. It is the one who walks righteously and speaks with equity while shutting up bribery that will see God (Isaiah 33:15), where a wicked man accepts a gift to pervert the way of justice (Proverbs 17:23).

We see this type of favorable gift being given in negotiations (1 Kings 15:19), which is not meant as a bribe, but to bring favor. When used this way, it will cause the one receiving it to be wise in handling practical matters while exercising good judgment related to the circumstances bringing about the gift.

The negative side of giving is seen with one who uses money to gain favor. Such as with Ananias and Saphira giving a gift to the Apostles (Acts 4:37), Simon trying to bribe the Apostles into giving him the ability to give the Holy Spirit by the laying on of hands (Acts 8:18-20), and Felix seeking a bribe from Paul to release him (Acts 24:26). However, when used properly this type of gift will result in a favorable attitude from the one receiving it. In business, when a shop is willing to offer free service, such as fixing a flat tire, the one receiving this generosity is far more likely to […]

A Gift for Favor2023-12-14T12:26:53-08:00
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