Eulogize (εὐλογητός/εὐλογέω)

The concept of “blessing” in Scripture either means, “to be happy” or, “to speak well of”. To eulogize someone is to bless them by speaking well of them; speaking of the good things someone has done.

Eulogy is often used concerning God and His Christ. When we “bless” God, we are speaking well of Him due to His character and what He has done. He visited and redeemed His people (Luke 1:68 ). He is the Father of mercies and comfort (2 Corinthians 1:3 ). We are born again according to His mercy through the resurrection of Jesus Christ out from the dead (1 Peter 1:3 ). Christ was first sent to the Jews to speak well of them by turning each one of them away from their malignant evil (Acts 3:26 ).

In a world that loves darkness (John 3:19 ), we walk as luminaries by showing the life of God in action (Philippians 2:15 ); therefore, in contrast to those who blasphemy and revile us, we are to speak well of them (1 Peter 3:9 ), seasoning our words with a bit of grace (Ephesians 4:29; Colossians 4:6), for remember, it is the kindness of God that brings a change of mind, not wrath (Romans 2:4). This is not ignoring someone’s wrong or overlooking the necessity of penalty for their actions. It is to not retaliate in kind. They persecute, blasphemy, and revile us for living and speaking the truth, but we do not speak things about them that are not true nor curse them (Romans 12:14), for they will be put to shame in the day of visitation, when others examine us and see our works are good (1 Peter 2:12). And as we […]

Eulogize (εὐλογητός/εὐλογέω)2023-11-25T07:57:38-08:00

Happy (μακάριος)

This aspect of “blessed” means to be happy, which is an attitude of enjoyment and pleasure resulting from a sense of well-being and contentment.

When Jesus is speaking to the Jews concerning His Kingdom and the tribulation period that is about to come, He states several things in the Sermon on the Mount that they will go through, yet they can be happy because the kingdom of the heavens belongs to them.

Happy are the poor in spirit because the kingdom of the heavens is concerning them, Matthew 5:3.

These ones are happy because they lack in spirit, which is referring to their lack of understanding concerning what the man of lawlessness is doing in Jerusalem as he desecrates the temple of God (Daniel 9:27). Jesus goes on to encourage those who mourn, have an objective mind, hunger and thirst after righteousness, have a pure heart, are peacemakers, and are persecuted and reviled for righteousness, because even though they will go through these things they will all be happy since when Christ returns, He will rescue the Jews in the wilderness and will setup His kingdom in which the nation of Israel will serve as priests to the Gentile nations while living in a land of peace where righteousness rules.

When it comes to the Christians:

Our happy hope is the appearance of our great God even Savior Jesus Christ (Titus 2:13). This happy hope is the rapture, the day when Christ returns to take His Church home (1 Thessalonians 4:16). In this day we will be like Him (1 John 3:2) and will forever be with Him (1 Thessalonians 4:17).

Do we have faith? Remember, faith is based upon accomplished deeds that God has done through which we have promises, […]

Happy (μακάριος)2023-12-15T04:59:02-08:00

These are the Histories of the Earth and the Heavens

In the first chapter of the book of Genesis, two histories are given concerning the heavens and the earth. The first history was the creation of the universe, followed by an earth that is in ruin due to judgment. The second history is the renovation of the earth for biological life and the creation of humans.

These are the histories of the heavens and the earth when He created them, in the day the Lord God made the earth and the heavens – Genesis 2:4.

Some of our English translations make the histories singular; however, there is no issue with what we know of the original Hebrew, which is plural. Likely this translation error was influenced by theology rather than using proper hermeneutics, for there are some that claim God created the universe and all that is in it in six days, contrary to what is recorded in Genesis chapter 1, where the six days are describing the renovation of the earth for biological life.

Genesis chapter 1 is not the history of the first time God created something and the rule of Lucifer, it is the story of the renovation of the earth and the creation of humans. Therefore, the creation of the universe was summarized in verse one where God created the heavens and the earth out of nothing after creating the spirit beings, who saw God create it ( Job 38:7 ). Then in verse two we see the earth is in ruin; however, it was not originally in this state and it had to be in an orderly state before it could come to be found a wasteland covered in water ( Isaiah 45:18 ). This is the first history, for to tell of […]

These are the Histories of the Earth and the Heavens2023-12-14T12:25:08-08:00
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