Framing of the Mind (φρονέω)

In koine Greek the mind is described in several ways giving great detail in the process, result, and even state of the mind. Often translated as “setting the mind”, “Framing the mind” focuses on the boundaries we set within our minds based upon our opinions. It is therefore the opinions we build within our minds concerning everything around us, including ourselves, beliefs that directly affect our attitude and actions.

Peter is rebuked for not having a proper frame of mind concerning the things of God when He says the death of Christ will not happen – And He turned to Peter, “Get behind me, adversary, you are a scandal to me because you do not frame your mind on the things of God but on the things of men (Matthew 16:21). The first time Paul was in Rome, he spoke with the Jews in the area concerning why he was a prisoner. Hearing from him, they sought to learn what his views were on what they consider a sect. That is, what is frame of mind was concerning this sect of The Way. (But we think it proper towards hearing you, that which you frame your mind, for indeed concerning this sect, it is known to us that everywhere it is spoken against – Acts 28:19).

Because the framing of the mind is based upon the opinion we hold of ourselves and others, it directly affects our actions. A mind that is framed on the flesh produces death, but a mind framed on the Spirit works out life and peace (Romans 8:5). We are not to have a high frame of mind, but are to be of the same frame of mind with other Christians (Romans 12:16). […]

Framing of the Mind (φρονέω)2023-11-25T08:13:22-08:00

Pious (ὁσιότητι)

Often translated as holy, it actually is expressing holiness in action. Holiness means to be separated, where being pious happens as we separate ourselves unto God in actions. This naturally results in the rejection in our lives of the things of the flesh, the world, and Satan because they are contrary to who we are in Christ.

As an apostle, Paul determined that men should worship in every place, lifting up pious hands. Hands that work out the holiness we have in Christ (1 Timothy 2:8 – Therefore, I determine while worshiping all men in every place lift up pious hands apart from wrath and dispute). He is not saying lift up your hands during a worship service or in Church while praying. He is saying that our hands are to work out the holiness that we have in Christ while we are giving God credit for Who He is and what He has done (worship).

One of the requirements of a Bishop (Pastor or Elder) is to be pious (Titus 1:8 but fond of strangers, fond of good, a saved frame of mind, just, pious, self-controlled). As one who is responsible for an assembly, there are specific Scriptural requirements to hold the position of a Pastor. These men are not to be self-willed, addicted to wine, fond of money gained through false means (tithing), but hospitable, fond of goodness, having a saved frame of mind, while holding fast the doctrine of the word of faith, which will result in a lifestyle that shows forth their separation unto God. Being pious is accompanied by righteousness and blamelessness (1 Thessalonians 2:10 You and God are my witnesses as pious and just and blameless we became…), as these are […]

Pious (ὁσιότητι)2023-11-25T08:02:56-08:00

Foreknowledge (πρόγνωσις)

The English word “Prognosis” comes from this Greek word and still carries its basic meaning. A prediction of an outcome based upon prior knowledge. Typically used in the medical field, where the prior knowledge of the physician is called upon to determine the best course of action to heal a sickness, injury, or disease.

Paul uses prognosis in his defense before Agrippa, calling upon the Jews who all have a previous knowledge of Paul’s lifestyle as a Pharisee (Acts 26:5). After Peter discusses the new heavens and new earth, he encourages us to be on our guard because we have a prior knowledge that what is now will be totally destroyed (2 Peter 3:17).

When it comes to God and His prior knowledge, this same word is used. God marked off the bounds to be conformed to the image of His son, those He foreknew (Romans 8:29). The foreknowledge goes back to the plan God determined before the creation of the universe, in which He determined to set a specific group aside to be conformed to His Son. This foreknowledge is not looking at the individual, but the council that the Godhead determined to fulfill.

Speaking concerning Israel, Paul explains that God has not rejected the people that He foreknew. Israel was set aside to God as a nation and God will not cast them off but will fulfill His Word to them. Elijah learned this while thinking he was the only one left. No, God had seven thousand men who had not bowed the knee to Baal, even though it appeared that all others had. (Romans 11:2-4).

Prior to the foundations of the universe, God the Father determined that God the Son would be wrapped in flesh and […]

Foreknowledge (πρόγνωσις)2023-11-25T08:03:34-08:00
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