Apostasy (ἀποστασία)

Apostasy means “to stand away from”. It is created by taking the Greek preposition ἀπὸ (from) and adding it to ἵστημι (to stand). Unfortunately, often times the English definition of this word is implied to Scripture, rather than its proper translated meaning.

This is especially prevalent in 2 Thessalonians where some imply that before the coming of Christ there will be a departure from the faith. However, what is being departed from must be defined by context because apostasy (ἀποστασία) only means “to stand away from”. The English definition adds “from the faith”. This is one of the issues that is caused by not translating a word. The transliterated word begins to take on a definition of its own that does not reflect the meaning of the original word. This new definition is then applied to the original, perverting its meaning.

Apostasy (ἀποστασία) is used for departing from a religious system, but what is being departed from is defined by the context. In Acts 21 James is speaking with Paul as he tries to outwit the Jews in Jerusalem because they have been told that Paul teaches the Jews among the Gentiles to forsake Moses.

And it has been reported to them concerning you, that you teach departure from Moses, all the Jews according to the Gentiles saying, do not circumcise their children nor walk in the customs – Acts 21:21.

However, apostasy is also used of departing from the earth. In 2 Thessalonians, Paul is writing of the day of the Lord when we will gather together with Him. In 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17, where Paul gives more details on what happens at this time, our meeting is in the air.

Now I request you, brethren, concerning the coming of […]

Apostasy (ἀποστασία)2023-11-25T08:05:59-08:00

Our Happy Hope

In the city of Thessalonica, questions arose about what happens when a person dies before Christ returns. To answer this question Paul explains what will happen at the return of Christ for His Church.

And I do not desire that you are ignorant, brethren, concerning the ones having fallen asleep, in order that you are not grieved just as also the grievers, the ones not having hope. For since we believe that Jesus died and rose, thus also the God will bring with Him the ones having fallen asleep through Jesus Christ. For this we say to you by a word of the Lord, that we, the ones living, the ones remaining unto the coming of the Lord, will never precede the ones having fallen asleep. (1 Thessalonians 4:13-15).

We will not precede them because when our Lord comes the dead in Christ will rise first and we who are alive will be caught up together with them to meet Him in the air (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17).

In Paul’s next letter to the saints of Thessalonica, he explains the timing of the day of the Lord, which is our gathering together with Him (2 Thessalonians 2:1). It happens before the man of lawlessness is revealed (2 Thessalonians 2:3). Since the signing of the peace covenant with Israel and the beast (Man of lawlessness) begins the tribulation period (Daniel 9:27), and the Church will be removed from the earth before the man of lawlessness is revealed, Scripture is clear that we will not go through the Tribulation. In addition, we of the Church are not appointed unto any wrath (1 Thessalonians 5:9). Therefore, we are not to be looking at the tribulation period and allowing it to cause us […]

Our Happy Hope2023-12-14T08:20:45-08:00

Angel – (ἄγγελος; מַלְאָךְ)

An angel is a spirit being; however, since the word “angel” actually means “messenger” it can also be used for humans. When it is not translated correctly, the meaning of a passage can be changed by implying it is a spirit being rather than a human messenger, such as with the seven churches in Revelation. Context clearly shows it is the human messenger (pastor) of the assembly being addressed, not an angel (spirit being).

Angels only appear to men in the likeness of men (Daniel 9:21, the man Gabriel). They appear in person, in visions (Daniel 8:15-16), or in dreams (Matthew 1:20, an angel appearing to Joseph in a dream).

John the Baptist is referred to as a messenger in Matthew 11:10, which is a quote of Malachi 3:1.

There are different ranks of angels: Archangel (Michael), who is the single highest-ranking angel (Jude 9), Thrones (Colossians 1:16), Dominions (Ephesians 1:21), Principalities (Ephesians 3:10), and Powers (Ephesians 6:12). Demons are from the lower ranks of the angels (Ephesians 6:12 Principalities and powers. The world powers of darkness and spiritual malignant evil in the heavens). They are angels who followed Lucifer (Satan) in his attempt to put his throne up in the third heaven with God (Isaiah 14:13; Revelation 12:4). Therefore, the word “angel” is not exclusively used to describe this type of spirit being.

For the sake of understanding a passage in Scripture, it is important to distinguish between whether a spirit being is referred to or a human, who both can act as messengers. In addition, Lucifer can also disguise himself as a messenger. Therefore, who the messenger is can also be important to identify.

The laws received by Israel were not from angels, but human messengers (Moses and […]

Angel – (ἄγγελος; מַלְאָךְ)2023-11-25T08:06:37-08:00
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