Experiencing the Holy Spirit – Desires

Why do we want the things that we want? There is always a reason behind our desires. Some of them are not so good as others, but a reason none the less.

As part of our salvation our spirits were washed and regenerated, that is, we were born again in our spirit which means we are now connected to God in spirit.

not out from works, the ones in righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us through washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit, Titus 3:5

But the one knit together with the Lord is one spirit, 1 Corinthians 6:17

Our spirit is our rational part

For what human intuitively knows the things of a human except the spirit of the human, the one in Him? 1 Corinthians 2:11

Because we are now connected to God in our rational, intellectual part and the Holy Spirit indwells us, He impacts our desires. So the next time you have a desire to do what is right, that desire is not coming from you; rather, it is a direct result of the Holy Spirit expressing to you His desire for you in that situation. Don’t take these desires lightly, they are not natural to our human nature and are contrary to it.

But I say, walk by the Spirit and you will never bring to completion the desires of the flesh. For the desires of the flesh are against the desires of the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh. For these are against one another in order that you do not do the things you desire – Galatians 5:17

Now we do not want our sin nature taking advantage […]

Experiencing the Holy Spirit – Desires2023-12-14T08:41:58-08:00

Experiencing the Holy Spirit – A Comforter

When we believed that Christ died for our sins, was buried, and rose again on the third day according to the Scriptures, we received the promise He gave when He told the disciples before His death that even though He was going away He would send another comforter.

in Whom also you, after hearing the Word of the Truth, the gospel of our salvation, in Whom also you believed, were sealed by the Holy Spirit of Promise – Ephesians 1:13

And I will ask the Father and He will give to you another comforter in order that He will remain with you into the age, the Spirit of the Truth, Who the world does not have the inherent ability to receive because it cannot watch Him, nor experientially know Him, but you experientially know Him because He remains alongside you and will be in you – John 14:17

Comforter is referring to someone that has been called alongside another. This can mean they comfort, encourage, or even advocate on behalf of another. The Holy Spirit was given to the Church to remind us of the truth and testify concerning Jesus Christ.

But when the Comforter comes, Who I will send to you from alongside the Father, the Spirit of the Truth, Who proceeds from alongside the Father, that One will testify concerning Me – John 15:26

But the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, Who the Father will send in My name, that One will teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance, which things I said to you – John 14:26

It is through the reminding us of what was written that we have comfort and learn patience.

For as […]

Experiencing the Holy Spirit – A Comforter2023-12-14T08:42:30-08:00

Sealed by God

Do you know as a Christian God has put His mark on you? When we believe that Christ died for our sins, was buried, and rose again on the third day, all according to the Scriptures, the Holy Spirit seals us with God’s mark. This means all spirit beings know that we belong to God.

in Whom also you, after hearing the word of the truth, the gospel of your salvation, in Whom also having believed, you were sealed by the Holy Spirit of Promise – Ephesians 1:13.

As part of our salvation, we are sealed until the day of complete redemption. This guarantees we will receive in full what God has promised to us.

and stop grieving the Holy Spirit of God, by Whom you are sealed until a day of full redemption – Ephesians 4:30

As ones who are sealed, we belong to God and therefore Satan cannot touch us. That is right, contrary to what the movies and false religions like the Catholic Church and other false pastors claiming to cast out demons would want us to believe, we cannot be touched by any demon because they know we belong to God.

We intuitively know that everyone born out from God does not habitually sin, but the one born out from God guards himself and the malignantly evil one does not touch him. – 1 John 5:18

Of all the things that this world can throw at us, the reality is we belong to God. Therefore, we really should walk in a worthy manner of God who called us into His Own Kingdom and glory, having our conduct of those who are citizens of the heavens and walk according to the Gospel […]

Sealed by God2023-12-14T08:43:19-08:00
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