Why We Should Not Tithe

Give, but give properly. Give out from our freedom in Christ, not under obligation. Not out from grief or need. Give because we are loving those who support us in our Christian life, not to gain something from God. We have all things in Christ. The ministry needs our support, but it is not about the money, it is about our involvement with those who teach the word of God and train us to use what God has given to us in Christ so that we are living a life that is pleasing to God. For in so doing our sacrifice is well pleasing to God.

Indeed I have received all and I abound, I am filled up where I lacked having received from Epaphroditus the things from you, a fragrant smell of an acceptable sacrifice, well pleasing to God.  – Philippians 4:18

Why We Should Not Tithe2023-12-14T08:52:25-08:00

Our Priestly Service – Doing Good

Doing good is part of our priestly service as saints in the Church. This is not something that we should take lightly. Our good actions show forth who we are in Christ, defend us from false accusation, and show a proper opinion of God to all those around us. Doing things properly and paying attention to the things that are beneficial to others is as aspect of our relationship with God that He considers to be a well-pleasing Spiritual sacrifice.

Our Priestly Service – Doing Good2023-11-27T10:29:43-08:00

Using Our Anger in a Correct Manner

What should we do in our anger? We can be wrathful but are not to sin in our wrath. We need to use it in a correct way. Expressing rage at unrighteousness is not sinful. Using that anger to stand for the truth and not back down is just. Exposing the works of darkness by living as luminaries in the midst of this corrupt and perverted generation is the best way we can use our anger.

Using Our Anger in a Correct Manner2023-11-27T10:32:16-08:00
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