Understanding Lawlessness in Scripture

We as Christian are not under the Mosaic law; however, that by no means states we have no standards. Having been freed from the Mosaic law and the law of sin we are slaves to righteousness, which is in direct opposition to lawlessness. Our righteousness is in Christ, not the Mosaic law, therefore we live out this righteousness by living out who we are in Christ out from faith.

Understanding Lawlessness in Scripture2023-11-27T10:33:48-08:00

Different Types of Christians – A Lover of the World

We live in the world and are not called to be separated from it (John 17:15 I do not ask in order that you should take them out from the world, but in order that you should keep them out from the malignantly evil one), but in living in it we are to be luminaries to the corruption around us ( in order that you become blameless and harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as luminaires in the world), not abusing it (And those who use this world as not misusing, for the mask of this world is passing away – 1 Corinthians 7:31), but using it in a proper way to the show forth a proper opinion of who God is to those around us.

Different Types of Christians – A Lover of the World2023-11-27T10:34:35-08:00

Different Types of Christians – A Conformer to the Legal Age

Rather than being an outward conformer to one who seek to please God through law we are to be transformed by the renewed mind that we have in Christ. This is a mind that can understand Spiritual things and therefore apply them in our lives. We live out from faith (taking God at His Word), not by law (self-effort). Let us grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord as we mature in Christ and are transformed by this knowledge so that we walk in the newness of life that God gave us in Christ, no longer tossed around by every wind of teaching by the trickery of men who seek to bring us into bondage under law.

Different Types of Christians – A Conformer to the Legal Age2023-11-27T10:34:52-08:00
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