Sunday Morning Study

June 14 2020 Romans

Romans 7:15-25 For that which I (old nature) work out, I (new nature) do not experientially know, for that which I (new nature) do not desirously will, this I (old nature) practice, but that which I (new nature) am indifferent to, this I (old nature) do. 7:16 But since that which I (new nature) do not desirously will, this I (old nature) do, I (new nature) together say with the law that [the law is] proper. 7.17 But now I (new nature), on my part, no longer work it out for myself, but the dwelling in me sin [nature]. 7:18 For I (new nature) intuitively know that dwelling in me, that is in my flesh, is no good. For the desirous will is present with me (new nature), but the working out of the proper, it is not found. 7.19 For not that which I (new nature) desirously will, to do good, but that bad which I (new nature) do not desirously will, this I (old nature) practice. 7.20 But since that which I (new nature) do not desirously will, this I (old nature) do, it is no longer I (new nature) working out it, but the sin [nature] residing in me. 7.21 Then I find the law, to desirous will in me to do the proper, that in me the bad is present. 7.22 For I delight in the law of the God according to the inner man, 7.23 But I see a different law in my members making war against the law of my mind and leading me into captivity to the law of the sin [nature], the one being in my members. 7.24 I am a wrenched man. Who will rescue me […]

June 14 2020 Romans2020-06-14T20:20:21-07:00
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