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Glory (δόξα)

and exchanged the proper opinion (glory) of the incorruptible God with the likeness of an image of corrupt man and birds and four-footed animals, and crawling things – Romans 1:23.

Glory means, “to have or express a proper opinion”. Its root concept is grounded in an opinion, notion, or judgment concerning someone.

When we express glory to God, we are actually voicing a proper view of Who He is. In the first chapter of the book of Romans, we see the impact on those who reject a proper opinion of God as they change His image to be that of corrupt humans, birds, four-footed animals, and even creeping things, while not giving the Creator glory. That is, not expressing a proper opinion of Who God really is.

Due to Adam’s trespass and sin, we all have fallen short of God’s opinion of us – for all sinned and fall short of God’s proper opinion, Romans 3:23 (Romans 5:12 – Adam’s sin is passed to all of us). God never expects us to live up to His glory, for He shares His glory with no one (Isaiah 42:8). Romans 3:23 is referring to His opinion of us as Humans. When God created Adam, He blessed Him (Genesis 1:28). When Adam ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, his conscience became aware of the difference between what is beneficial and what causes calamity. However, in determining to break God’s law, Adam separated himself from God in his spirit, bending his nature to corruption, which he passed down to all of us (Genesis 5:3). He corrupted what God blessed. Although we have a corrupt nature, we still have a conscience and the knowledge of good and evil; therefore, God’s opinion of all humans involves their ability to […]

Glory (δόξα)2023-11-25T07:58:50-08:00

After These Things (μετὰ ταῦτα)

“After these things” gives us an important anchor in Scripture concerning the timing of events. It is more important during prophecy, but also in other areas we are carried along within the timeline of events by the use of “after these things”.

The first “after these things” we find is with Jesus showing signs and gathering His disciples. After Jesus heals a paralyzed man He found Levi, a tax collector, and says to Him “Follow Me” (Luke 5:23). So we see Christ began showing signs to the Jews before gathering all His disciples.

Christ warning His disciples concerning the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy. They are not to fear those who can kill the body but after these things has no authority, Luke 12:4.

While instructing the apostles, Jesus uses an example of a slave and a master. When the slave is finished with his work, he is not treated in a special way by the master who only after these things eats himself; rather, the slave has simply done what was required (Luke 17:8).

As the Passover was near, Jesus went up to Jerusalem and seeing the money changers in the temple, drove them out. The Jews, seeing this, requested a sign from Jesus where He states tear down this temple and in three days I will raise it up. After these things Jesus and His disciples went into the land of Judea. John 3:22.

While in Cana of Galilee a royal official requested from Jesus to come and heal his son, for he was at the point of death. Jesus stated to the official that his son lives, and the official believed Him. This was the second sign Jesus did in Judea and after these things […]

After These Things (μετὰ ταῦτα)2023-11-25T08:01:45-08:00

Foreknowledge (πρόγνωσις)

The English word “Prognosis” comes from this Greek word and still carries its basic meaning. A prediction of an outcome based upon prior knowledge. Typically used in the medical field, where the prior knowledge of the physician is called upon to determine the best course of action to heal a sickness, injury, or disease.

Paul uses prognosis in his defense before Agrippa, calling upon the Jews who all have a previous knowledge of Paul’s lifestyle as a Pharisee (Acts 26:5). After Peter discusses the new heavens and new earth, he encourages us to be on our guard because we have a prior knowledge that what is now will be totally destroyed (2 Peter 3:17).

When it comes to God and His prior knowledge, this same word is used. God marked off the bounds to be conformed to the image of His son, those He foreknew (Romans 8:29). The foreknowledge goes back to the plan God determined before the creation of the universe, in which He determined to set a specific group aside to be conformed to His Son. This foreknowledge is not looking at the individual, but the council that the Godhead determined to fulfill.

Speaking concerning Israel, Paul explains that God has not rejected the people that He foreknew. Israel was set aside to God as a nation and God will not cast them off but will fulfill His Word to them. Elijah learned this while thinking he was the only one left. No, God had seven thousand men who had not bowed the knee to Baal, even though it appeared that all others had. (Romans 11:2-4).

Prior to the foundations of the universe, God the Father determined that God the Son would be wrapped in flesh and […]

Foreknowledge (πρόγνωσις)2023-11-25T08:03:34-08:00

Marking Off the Bounds (προορίζω)

Often translated as “predestined”, it is a word that means boundaries or region (Matthew 4:13), with a preposition added to express something that is done beforehand. It does not inherently imply a destination, but a boundary or area; therefore, using “predestine” to define it adds a meaning that does not exist in the original word.

Unfortunately, there is a lot of theological baggage that has been added to this word. It is used to imply that God predetermined who would be saved and therefore who would not. However, when we keep it in context, we find that this is not true. The first thing we need to do is remove the erroneous definition of “predestined” and use the proper definition, “marking off the bounds beforehand”. Then we need to pay attention to context, especially with the difference in singular and plural subjects.

We see a good example of the proper use of this word when Peter was defending himself and John before the leaders of Israel for preaching the resurrected Christ because he uses “marked off beforehand” when discussing what they were permitted to do to the Messiah concerning the plans of the leaders.

… to do as much as your hand and your determinate will marked off beforehand to come to be – Acts 4:28.

They had already set boundaries concerning what they were planning on doing with Christ before they sent the guards to arrest Him on the night in which He was betrayed.

In Romans, God’s plan is laid out for us in how, according to His purpose, He calls because those who He foreknew He marked off their bounds. They are not predestined to salvation, but according to His purpose, those that will be saved will […]

Marking Off the Bounds (προορίζω)2023-11-25T08:04:18-08:00
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