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The Sovereignty of God and Election

The Sovereignty of God– PDF Version

In Greek Class on Thursdays – there is room to join online if you cannot make it to the church – we were discussing Romans 9:22. This quick comment is based upon our development of this passage through examining the Greek grammar and words to determine its meaning and proper application.

God elected some to salvation; does He also elect some to condemnation? Why is that God has chosen to harden some, rather than show mercy to them? Can a just God harden a man’s heart and then judge him for rejecting God?

In the book of Romans, Paul discusses the choices that God has when dealing with mankind. Since God is sovereign, He can do as He pleases with men without taking away the responsibility of man to obey His Word[1] or the liability when he does not obey. In chapter nine of Romans, Paul repeats what was stated to Moses, “I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy and I will show compassion to whom I will show compassion”[2]. Whether or not God shows mercy to a person is not dependent upon if a man desires mercy or works for mercy, it is solely based upon God’s choice[3]. He is not obligated to save anyone. When God chose to call the seed of Abraham through Isaac, to show that His choice was not based upon actions of the person, but rather according to His own desires, it was told to Rebecca before the children were even born that the older would serve the younger [4]. This does not mean that man is not responsible for His actions. One cannot […]

The Sovereignty of God and Election2016-10-12T06:02:44-07:00

Abounding in Full Experiential Knowledge and Discernment

1Paul and Timothy, servants belonging to Jesus Christ, to all the saints in Christ Jesus, the ones in Philippi, with the Bishops and Deacons. 2Grace is to you and peace from God our Father and Lord Jesus Christ. 3I thank God upon all the remembrances of you, 4always in all my supplication on behalf of all of you, I am making, generally associated with joy, the previously mentioned supplication, 5on the basis of your fellowship in the Gospel from the first day until now. 6I am in a state of having been persuaded of this same thing, that the one having began in you a beneficial work will bring it to its intended end right up until the day of Jesus Christ. 7Just as it is right for me to think this concerning all of you, because I have you in my heart; in both my bonds and in the defense and confirmation of the Gospel, all of you being my partners of the Grace.8For God is my witness, as I long for all of you with the compassions of Christ Jesus. 9And this is my communication of worship, in order that your love yet more and more should abound in full experiential knowledge and all discernment, 10for the purpose that you approve the things that differ, in order that you all are sincere and do not cause offense unto the day of Christ, 11having been filled up concerning the fruit of righteousness, the one through Jesus Christ, unto an expression of a proper opinion and praise concerning God.

Paul’s communication with the Father is for the saints continued growth in love that will about in full experiential knowledge and discernment. He is not just asking […]

Abounding in Full Experiential Knowledge and Discernment2013-04-15T07:13:19-07:00

Salt and Light

You are the salt of the earth…

In Matthew 4:17, as Jesus speaks to the crowd, He addresses the fact that the Jews are the salt of the earth. The Jewish nation is the salt of the earth because of the promises that God gave to Abraham. In Genesis 15:18-21, God made a covenant with Abraham and his descendants regarding a specific section of land. It is because of this covenant that the earth is being preserved. Jesus is using the term “salt” metaphorically to describe how the nation of Israel keeps the earth from total destruction. However, if a Jew is not believing in the promise and doesn’t live a life that glorifies God, what value towards preserving the world does this Jew have? Just as salt that has no flavor is cast out to be trodden by men, so a Jew who does not believe in the Kingdom will be tossed aside. The message that Jesus is bringing requires the Jews to change their mind about His coming Kingdom. The Kingdom is now at hand. If they do not believe that Jesus is the Messiah, then how can they enter into the Kingdom?

Christians are never describe as salt. There is only one section in Scripture where salt is used in connection with a Christian; Colossians 4:6. Christians are instructed that their speech should be with grace and seasoned with salt.

As God’s nation the Israelites are also described by Jesus as being a light to the world. He likens them to a city on a hill that cannot be hidden. The nation as a whole is responsible for showing light to the world by their good works so that their Father who is […]

Salt and Light2023-11-23T10:33:29-08:00

The Testing for Approval of Our Faith

1 Peter 1: 6, 7 In which you all greatly rejoice, yet since for a little while it is necessary to grieve in diverse trials in order that the testing for approval of your faith, being more precious than gold, the one purified through fire, indeed when it is tested for approval, it may be found unto the praise and honor and unto an expression of a proper opinion at the revelation of Jesus Christ.

When we are solicited to do something that lacks in character, through this temptation, the quality of our faith is clearly seen. Are we truly taking God at His Word, or just saying we believe, but not actually willing to put it into action?

James writes, “ Count it all joy, my brethren, when you are encompassed by various trials (caused by solicitations to do that which lacks in character), experientially knowing that the testing for approval of your faith works our patience. And let patience have its work of maturity in order that you may be mature and whole, lacking in nothing.”  James 1:2-4

When we struggle with desires that we know are contrary to what we as Christians should be involved in, we should not fear them, but see them as opportunities to know if we are taking God at His Word.

Do you know how to have victory over your sin nature? Do you know that the sin nature is? If you know, are you applying it correctly? If you do not know, this is a very basic part of the Christian life, apart from which you will never live a successful life His saint.

So often we use a quality of law to defend against desires that are contrary to what […]

The Testing for Approval of Our Faith2013-02-20T08:09:54-08:00

Having an Attitude of Gratitude

1 Thessalonians 5:18 in all things give thanks, for this is the desirous will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

Often times we think of thankfulness in regard to things that are good. We are thankful when life is going the way we would like, when we are at peace, and when, for the most part, life is wholesome. What about the difficult times in our lives or the problematic people? Should we be thankful for them? Why would God want a saint to have a mind that is thankful for all situations?

Having an attitude of gratitude comes from knowing who we are in Christ, what God expects of us, and how God controls the situations in our lives to bring about His glory.

What is the purpose of our life? Before we were saved, our focus was to fulfill the desires of the flesh. But now it is to glorify God. We glorify God by a life that manifests His opinion of who we are in Christ. By setting our minds on God’s opinion of us and living according to His view of us, we can be thankful in any situation because when we are loving God, He will work out any situation to our benefit to make us happy; a true happiness that can only come from living a life that enjoys all the benefits of who we are in Christ.

If we are not thankful, it is because our mind is not focused on the things of the Spirit, but rather on the things of the flesh. Having an attitude of gratitude is not being happy all the time. We can be displeased about something but still be thankful.

Difficulties in our lives expose who […]

Having an Attitude of Gratitude2013-02-14T06:19:00-08:00
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