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The Sixth Dispensation

The Dispensation of Grace.

The State of Man:

The nation of Israel is rejected, being temporarily broken off from the place of God’s blessing, Individual elect Jews are save and become non-Jews, and individual elect gentiles are saved and become non-gentiles. Both Jew and gentile are made a new entity; the Church. All
people in the household of the church are treated by God the same, without national distinctions.

The Steward:

The Apostle Paul


The church is to guard the unity from the Spirit’ to love one another(other Christians) as Christ Agape- loved, to grow in
experiential knowledge of Christ, to live Godly, and to do the good and righteous works ordained of God.


Each individual Christian, being in-sphered in the grace of God, is to become Christlike through his experience, while he ministers as a
believer-priest his spiritual gift and the other designated spiritual sacrifices.

The Sixth Dispensation2023-11-29T14:41:56-08:00

Good Reads

Resources for learning and growing in your Christian life

  Maturing in ChristMaturing in Christ focuses on Christian truth that relates to living a successful spiritual life. Before a Christian can realize a consistent victorious spiritual life some basic truths must be understood: the riches given by God at salvation to live Christ-like; who the spiritual enemies are and how they attack; and how to utilize divine enabling when resisting the enemies in order to live a successful Christian life.

ISBN-13: 9781609578381

ISBN-10: 1609578384 Grace-The_Glorious_ThemeLewis Sperry Chafer (1871 – 1952) was an American theologian who founded the Dallas Theological Seminary.  Chafer was mentored by C.I. Scofield and became a key figure for Christian Dispensationalism in the early 20th century.

ISBN-10: 1519506619

ISBN-13: 978-1519506610 The_Christian_in_ChristThe subject of this book is a systematic study from Scripture of a believer’s Position and Possessions because he is “in Christ.” These truths are practical – divinely practical for the true Christian. They are the basis for all spiritual growth.

ISBN-10: 0967079608

ISBN-13: 978-0967079608 Systematic_TheologyEntirely Christ-centered, Chafer’s work is a detailed discussion of the dispensational premillennial system of theology. This 4-volume edition contains the complete text and indexes of the original 8-volume set.



ISBN: 0825423406
ISBN-13: 9780825423406 ME_A_PriestOn the day of Pentecost, the Spirit of God began immersing grace believers into the Body of Christ, the Church which is His Body. That Body is a kingdom of priests. As a result, there are unique provisions for the grace […]

Good Reads2020-06-07T06:11:53-07:00

1 Timothy

1 Timothy – Download in PDF

1.1 Paul, an apostle belonging to Jesus Christ according to a command from God our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ, our hope, 1.2 to Timothy, a legitimate child in faith. Grace, mercy, peace are from God our Father and Christ Jesus our Lord.1.3 Just as I encouraged you to remain in Ephesus, having left unto Macedonia, in order that you should command some not to teach differently1, 1.4 nor pay attention to myths or endless genealogies, which offer debate2 rather than a dispensation from God, the [dispensation] by faith. 1.5 Now, the goal of the announcement is love out from a clean heart and good conscience and un-hypocritical faith, 1.6 from which some, having gone astray, turn unto empty words 1.7 desiring3 to be law teachers, not understanding that which they speak nor concerning what they affirm. 1.8 Indeed we intuitively know that the law is good4 if, perhaps, someone uses it lawfully. 1.9 Intuitively knowing this, that the law is not laid for a righteous [man], but for unlawful and rebellious, ungodly and sinners, impious and profane, scolders of fathers and scolders of mothers, murderers of men, 1.10 fornicators, homosexuals5, kidnappers, liars, perjurers and if, assuming it is true, there […]

1 Timothy2016-10-12T06:02:38-07:00


Solomon, the son of King David wrote the book of Proverbs to teach wisdom; to give the simple prudence and to the young man knowledge and purpose. Through Solomon’s writing they will learn wisdom and discipline to discern words of understanding. This discipline is to be prudent resulting in being righteous, just, and treating others with equality for one who is under the Mosaic Law.

1:1 Proverbs of Solomon, son of David, King of Israel.  To know wisdom and discipline 1:2 to discern words of understanding. 1:3 To receive discipline to be prudent; righteousness and justice and equality. 1:4 To give to [the] simple prudence; to a young man knowledge and purpose1. 1:5 A wise [man] listens and increases learning and one who understands acquires counsel2. 1:6 To understand a proverb and satire3; words of the wise, and riddles. 1:7 Fear of Jehovah [is a] beginning of knowledge. Fools despise wisdom and discipline.

A proverb is a saying or statement that is intended to convey or teach wisdom to the listener. Some of our English translations mix up a proverb with a parable, which is actually intended to hide truth, Matthew 13:10, 11. This can cause a lot of confusion because the book of Proverbs is not intended to hide wisdom, but reveal it so that the simply can understand […]


Fight the Good Fight

1 Timothy 1:18-20

This is the message I set alongside you, child Timothy, according to the the prophecies having gone before upon you, in order that you should fight the good fight by them, holding faith and a good conscience, which some rejecting have shipwrecked concerning the faith,  of whom are Hymenaeus and Alexander, who I hand over to Satan in order that they should be child trained not to blaspheme.

The Message Paul set alongside Timothy, 1 Timothy 1:18-20

  1. According to the prophecies that have gone before him
    1. Timothy has a spiritual gift given to him through prophecy, 1 Timothy 4:14
    2. Prophecy is not by the desirous will of man nor of a single person’s interpretation, 2 Peter 1:20, 21
    3. Prophecy is not active today within the Church, 1 Corinthians 13:8
  2. He should fight a good fight
    1. Our fight is not a physical fight, 2 Corinthians 10:3
    2. We do not fight of our own accord, 1 Corinthians 9:7
    3. Getting oneself caught up in daily life, 2 Timothy 2:4
  3. Holding faith in a good conscience
    1. A quality of faith
    2. A quality of a good conscience
  4. Some reject a good conscience and shipwreck the faith
    1. Israel rejected God in the wilderness, Acts 7:39
    2. The Jews reject the salvation, Act 13:46
    3. God did not nor has rejected the Jewish nation, Romans 11:1, 2
    4. Their faith is shipwrecked
      1. Used metaphorically for something or someone that has been brought to ruin.
      2. Predominate example of its use outside of Scripture in the common language.
      3. Two of which Paul turned over to Satan
        1. So they should be taught (child trained) not to blasphemy
        2. They did not lose their salvation
        3. Hymenaeus and Alexander were falsely attributing things to God
Fight the Good Fight2023-12-14T11:14:13-08:00
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