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The Human Nature and How it Relates to Adam and the Christ

In discussing the human nature, there are major theological differences, especially in the realm of the spirit and soul. These disagreements are not discussed in this paper but will certainly influence the reader’s perception of what is stated. The author highly encourages the reader challenges their own thinking on this matter by solely relying on Scripture rather than theology to strengthen their understanding of and confidence in the truth regarding the human nature. This paper in no way implies, supports, suggest, or reveals that there is any change in the clear separation of the pre-Testament, Israel, Church, or Millennial Kingdom saints. These groups of believers have different promises with different content to their salvation and will always be distinct.

Where does the human soul and spirit come from? We know that the body comes from the parents, but what about the other parts of the human nature? To understand this, we are going to examine what Scripture reveals about where the body, soul, and spirit originate from and how this unique creation of God propagates, along with the fact that even though we share in our nature, we are individuals and personally liable to God.

In the creation of humans, we have two stories in Scripture that give us details on our beginning. These stories are not in contrast to one another; rather, the second one gives us more details on what God did in creating humans. In Genesis 1, we are given an overview of the renovation of the earth and the creation of Adam. God created humans; male and female1, yet He did not create both male and female. As we examine chapter two of Genesis, we find that Adam is […]

The Human Nature and How it Relates to Adam and the Christ2023-11-25T15:06:39-08:00

The Importance of an Accurate Gospel Message

Since God did not determine that some would perish, so no one is headed to hell by God’s choice (2 Peter 3:9), it is important to present the facts of the Gospel accurately, according to what Scripture states.

Over in 1 Corinthians 15, Paul reminds the Corinthians saints of the gospel that he brought. This is one of the clearest presentations of the gospel to the Gentiles in Scripture. Paul states, this is the gospel by which we are saved (1 Corinthians 15:2). Christ died on behalf of our sins according to the Scriptures, was buried, and rose again on the third day according to the Scriptures.

This is the message that contains the inherent ability of God to save (Romans 1:16) and the only sin that the Holy Spirit is convicting unbelievers of today (John 16:9). Faith is an interesting concept. We often consider faith to be something within the mind. However, it is specifically defined in Hebrews 11:1 as the substance of that which is hoped for, the evidence of accomplished deeds not seen, and in James we find that faith without works is dead (James 2:17), also we know from 1 John 3:4 that sin is an action, not something that happens within the mind; therefore, faith is not seen from God’s perspective as something within the mind, but an action that results from belief within the mind. Saying you believe something is not faith. Faith will always manifest itself in works, for it is the act of believing. Abraham believed God and there was an action that was associated with that belief. This was demonstrated when Abraham was willing to sacrifice his son, for in his mind he concluded that God would have […]

The Importance of an Accurate Gospel Message2023-11-25T07:59:11-08:00

The Basics of the Christian Life – Salvation


Salvation comes by faith through grace. Today a person is saved by believing that Christ died for their sins, was buried, and rose again on the third day according to the Scriptures, 1 Corinthians 15:3, 41. God is offering salvation by grace, not works2. Grace is God’s attitude whereby He gives a benefit without the consideration of merit. In other words, you cannot earn salvation because God is not offering salvation based upon works, who you are, or even who you will become – no merit is considered3. What God requires for salvation is that you take Him at His Word. Faith is the undergirding4 of that which is hoped for, the evidence of accomplished deeds5 not seen and is always based upon a promise6. Direct faith at Christ through the facts of the good news by which we are saved (believing that He died for your […]

The Basics of the Christian Life – Salvation2016-10-12T06:02:30-07:00

The Only Acceptable Message for Salvation

Why is the Gospel for Salvation the only acceptable Message for Salvation?

What makes the Gospel Message so important? Is it not sufficient to simply say that if you accept Jesus you are saved? or Jesus died for you? Does it really matter what you believe or just that you believe? To understand why it is so important to accurately present the gospel for salvation today, which is Christ died for your sins, was buried, and rose again on the third day according to the Scriptures, we are going to look at what God has said throughout the Scripture and the affects on men who either modify God’s word, completely ignore it, or followed exactly what He said.

After renovating the earth [1] due to the fall and judgment of Lucifer who once reigned over the entire created universe as God’s anointed Cherub[2], God planted a garden in Eden[3] and created Adam to tend to the garden[4]. Prior to God building the woman from Adam, He gave instruction to him on how he was expected to govern his life and the consequences of failing to obey His word. Adam was free to eat from all the trees of the garden, except the tree of the knowledge of what is beneficial and what brings calamity in the midst of the garden[5]. God stated, “But from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil do not eat from it because in the day you eat from it dying you will die.”[6] Once Eve was made from Adam’s side, as the steward of his dispensation he passed on the words from God to her; […]

The Only Acceptable Message for Salvation2023-12-10T08:26:59-08:00

An In-Depth Look at Romans 5:12-21

When examining Romans chapter 5 verses 12 through 21 it is important to understand the difference between a trespass, sin, transgression, gift, and gracious gift in order to comprehend what is being revealed. Many of our modern translations are not consistent when translating in this section of Scripture, even though in other areas some translate the words correctly. By mistranslating words, confusion is brought into a very important section of Scripture. However, since there are no textual problems that are causing confusion, we just need to simply look at the original language to clear up any confusion.

To understand the difference between a trespass and a sin we can examine the process by which a sin is produced. This process is found in James 1:14, 15 But each one is tempted (solicited to do that which lacks in character), having been lured and baited by his own lust. Then the lust having conceived, births sin, and the sin having been brought to completion births forth death. A temptation is presented to us that draws us out of our safe place and gets us to bite. Both of these terms are fishing terms. The first is used to lure the fish out, and the second is used of baiting the fish into biting the hook. In like manner, the desire lures us out of our safe place, which is a mindset that is framed on the truth not the desires from the flesh, and attempts to get us to accept it as our own. Once we accept the temptation as our own and determine to fulfill it, we have trespassed – offended God. Sin is then birthed from the trespass.

Scripture uses the same terms for how a […]

An In-Depth Look at Romans 5:12-212023-11-23T14:10:11-08:00
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