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In One Accord (ὁμοθυμαδόν)

“In one accord” (ὁμοθυμαδόν) is a derivative of anger (θυμος), which expresses an inner burning heat combined with homogenize. By merging “thumos” (θυμος) with “same” (ομοιος), “in one accord” (ὁμοθυμαδόν) does not hold onto the concept of anger; rather, it only retains the intensity that thumos (θυμος) expresses.

This together intensity can be seen with those who do not want to hear the truth, Acts 7:57, and those who believed because of the signs and wonders being done through the Apostles at the beginning of the Church, Acts 8:6. In the secular realm “in one accord (ὁμοθυμαδόν)” is used of the people of Tyre and Sidon coming to Herod to retain peace, for their country was supplied with food from Herod, Acts 12:20. We also encounter this concept when Gallio was proconsul in Achaia, the Jews in one accord rose up against Paul, for they were angry that he was having such success with teaching the Jewish people about the resurrected Christ, along with all the Gentiles that were coming to salvation through the gospel Paul was proclaiming. They express their intense togetherness against Paul to Gallio, who dismisses them because it is not a matter of wrongdoing or a wicked crime being committed, Acts 18:12. This act from Gallio finally gave Paul time to rest from the persecution by the Jews. As the gospel of Christ spread through Ephesus, the silversmith Demetrius, whose primary business was selling idols of Diana, stirred up the city because the prosperity of the gospel of Christ was so predominant that it negatively impacted his business. Demetrius persuaded the other silversmiths of their dilemma, and in their wrath, they confused the city as they all, in one accord, rushed into […]

In One Accord (ὁμοθυμαδόν)2023-12-14T08:09:58-08:00

Apostle (ἀπόστολος)

An apostle (ἀπόστολος) is a messenger who is sent out on a specific mission; however, unlike a regular messenger who delivers a message, an apostle is sent with a specific task to perform while giving the message.

Christ sent out the 12 apostles to the Jews during His earthly ministry to proclaim the message of the kingdom of the heavens, Matthew 10:5-42. They were not to take any provisions with them for their journey or go into any city of the Gentiles nor to the Samaritans, for they were sent only to the lost sheep of Israel. Herod sent forth men with a specific mission to slay all the children in Bethlehem who were two years old or younger after the Magi left the region, having been warned by a messenger, failing to report where they found the King of the Jews, Matthew 2:16.

In a single act of expressing love towards the inhabited world, God the Father sent the Son to be the Savior of the world, 1 John 4:14. He sent Him on a specific mission so that through Him we should have life, 1 John 4:9. In this we know love, for God sent His Son to be a propitiation for our sins, 1 John 4:10.

When Christ ascended, He gave gifts to men for the edification of the Church to bring us to a oneness of the faith so that we are no longer tossed around like inarticulate babblers by every wind of teaching by the trickery of men, Ephesians 5:8. Of these gifts were the Apostles, Ephesians 5:11. Twelve of them to the Church. These twelve laid down the foundation of the Church, built upon Christ, giving us the entire revelation concerning the […]

Apostle (ἀπόστολος)2023-12-23T11:45:52-08:00

To Discern (ἀνακρίνω)

As a derivative of the word for judge, discern expresses the careful study of a question, and is often used in a judicial hearing.

After discerning if Jesus was guilty, Pilate’s response to the Chief Priest and rulers of Israel was that he found no fault in Christ, whom they accused of misleading the people. Not only did he find no blame, but also Herod sent Him back to Pilate for Christ had done nothing worthy of death, Luke 23:13-15. Before the rulers and elders, Peter calls them out for having Christ put to death because he and John were being examined concerning a good deed done to a helpless man, Acts 4:8-10. After killing James and seeing that it pleased the Jewish leaders, Herod locks up Peter so he can continue putting the disciples to death after the days of Unleavened Bread were over, Acts 12:2-3. However, God sent a messenger during the night to release Peter from prison. In the morning, when the guards found that Peter was not in the prison, they were examined and put to death for failing to secure their prisoner, Acts 12:19.

Outside of a judicial setting, discern is used concerning what a person is speaking or how they are acting. The Jews of Berea were high-born, unlike those of Thessalonica. Therefore, they were able to examine the Scripture concerning what Paul was stating to them about the Christ, for they could afford personal copies of the scrolls. As a result of their access to Scripture, many believed what Paul was proclaiming, Acts 17:11. When it comes to discerning the things of the Spirit, they cannot be examined by those who are carnal, for the fleshly mind is not subject […]

To Discern (ἀνακρίνω)2023-12-23T07:16:29-08:00

Vow (εὐχή)

A vow is a type of communication in which a promise is made to correct a wrong committed when the circumstances make it possible.

In the book of James, the author writes concerning a person that is having a mental issue due to them wronging someone else.

And the vow of the faith will save the mentally weary and the Lord will raise him up, and if he has done a sin, it will be forgiven him – James 5:15.

Unlike the previous sickness (ἀσθενέω), which is a physical aliment that a person was to call the elders of the assembly to communicate in worship and anoint them, this type of sickness (κάμνω) involves a weariness of the mind. It is used in exhortation for us to not become mentally weary or discouraged in our souls when facing persecution by considering Christ who endures such hostility from sinners against us, Hebrews 12:3. In the book of Revelation, the assembly of Ephesus is commended for bearing up and being patient against those who claim to be apostles that were not, for they labored for Christ’s sake and did not become mentally weary, Revelation 2:3.

When James talks about the vow of faith, there is the possibility of a sin being involved. However, remember not all wrong is sin; nevertheless, it is always an aspect of unrighteousness, which also has a negative impact on us and others. It is important to only call an action sin that God calls sin. Sin is specifically defined in 1 John 3:4 as an act of lawlessness. However, unrighteousness is the bigger term and can involve acts that are not in and of themselves sinful, but are still wrong, 1 John 5:17. As sons of […]

Vow (εὐχή)2023-11-25T07:39:21-08:00

Filled and Filling

There are two terms in Scripture used for filling that uniquely describe how something or someone is filled. The differences between these two concepts for filling are very important to understand concerning the Christian life and how the Holy Spirit interacts with us today compared to saints prior to the dispensation of grace.

Pimplemi (πίμπλημι) describes filling in a way that controls or saturates. It is used of the sponge filled with wine given to Christ on the cross, Matthew 27:48, of a King having his servants fill his wedding hall with guests, Matthew 22:10, a woman’s time for giving birth, Luke 1:57, and even the completion of days of service for a Levitical priest, Luke 1:23. All of these occurrences are describing a permeating of what is filled. It is this type of filling that describes how the Holy Spirit interacted with Old Testament saints, such as John the Baptist was mentally controlled by the Holy Spirit from his mother’s womb, Luke 1:15; however, once his ministry had finished the Holy Spirit no longer filled him, which can be seen with him questioning Jesus if He is the One coming, Luke 7:18-20. In the upper room, on the day of Pentecost when the Church began, the Holy Spirit filled (πίμπλημι), mentally controlled, the disciples making it possible for them to speak in other dialects the wonders of God, Acts 2:4. This is not the Spiritual gift of speaking in tongues, which was given to the early Church as a sign to the unbelieving Jews along with other gifts for signs, wonders, confirmation, and edification of the body of the Christ, 1 Corinthians 12:10. The gifts given to the Church are not from a filling of […]

Filled and Filling2023-11-25T07:38:47-08:00
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