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The Law of the Christ – Theological Forum 2018

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The Law of The Christ

Caring for Members of the Body

Pastor Luther Walker

In the book of Galatians[1] Paul states that the bearing of another person’s weight[2] is filling up again the law of the Christ; yet, in Romans he writes that a Christian is not under any quality of law[3]. How do we reconcile passages of Scripture that seem to contradict each other? What does Scripture mean when it states a Christian is not under any quality of law, yet then indicates there is a law of the Christ and a law of the Spirit? Is a Christian under law or not? Ultimately this leads to the underlying question, “As a Christian, what are the guidelines for my life?” To better understand the rules of our household[4], that is to say God’s expectation for how the saved are to live their life today, we can examine how the word “law” is used in Scripture along with its normal meaning and use in everyday life so we know the difference between being under the Mosaic Law or any quality of law and filing up again the Law of the Christ by loving another saint while fulfilling the law the Spirit of life by our walk.

Since we are in the Dispensation of Grace, not the Dispensation of Law, the standard for our household is different. Scripture is very clear on the fact that a Christian is not under the Mosaic Law or any quality of law[5]; however, there is still a standard by which those who are a […]

The Law of the Christ – Theological Forum 20182018-11-11T22:50:12-08:00

The Basics of the Christian Life – Salvation


Salvation comes by faith through grace. Today a person is saved by believing that Christ died for their sins, was buried, and rose again on the third day according to the Scriptures, 1 Corinthians 15:3, 41. God is offering salvation by grace, not works2. Grace is God’s attitude whereby He gives a benefit without the consideration of merit. In other words, you cannot earn salvation because God is not offering salvation based upon works, who you are, or even who you will become – no merit is considered3. What God requires for salvation is that you take Him at His Word. Faith is the undergirding4 of that which is hoped for, the evidence of accomplished deeds5 not seen and is always based upon a promise6. Direct faith at Christ through the facts of the good news by which we are saved (believing that He died for your […]

The Basics of the Christian Life – Salvation2016-10-12T06:02:30-07:00

Who a Christian is in Christ makes Demon Possession Impossible

The saints who are apart of the Church (body of Christ) are the Holy of Holies. The Spirit of God indwells them, which no other group has had or will have this type of relationship with God, 1 Corinthians 3:16. The Holy of Holies of God has no agreement with idols – demons are behind the worship of sticks and stones, 2 Corinthians 6:16. Christ indwells those in the Church, Colossians 1:27. Therefore, no demon can enter this house (the flesh of a saint).

Satan (and his demons) is not permitted to touch a Christian. 1 John 5:18 We intuitively know that everyone born out from God does not habitually sin, and the malignantly evil one cannot touch him.

Satan can only ensnare a Christian to do his desirous will, 2 Timothy 2:24-26 …they should come to a right mind out from the snare of the Devil, having been captured alive by him for the purpose of that one’s desirous will; 1 Timothy 3:7.

This is not being demonized. One who is demonized is in fact possessed by a demon not just tormented. During the earthly ministry of Christ, He cast out the demons from those who were demonized, Matthew 8:16; 9:32, 33; Mark 1:32-34. We only see this type of activity during the time Jesus was walking the earth. After the Gospels, Scripture does not use this word; rather, it says they had a demon or spirit, Acts 16:16.

Although the Old Testament reveals the workings of demons among men, the concept of men being possessed is not used; rather, the evil spirits manipulate unsaved men, Judges 9:23; 1 Kings 22:23. Even within the Dispensation of Law, prior to the Son’s incarnation, we see […]

Who a Christian is in Christ makes Demon Possession Impossible2013-05-10T22:56:13-07:00

SET APART CHRIST AS LORD: Always ready to give a defense

1 Peter 3:15 But set apart Christ as Lord (Master) in your hearts and always be prepared towards a defense to all who ask you a word concerning your hope, with objectivity of mind and respect…

If someone asked you why you believe what you believe, could you answer intelligently?

When we are asked about the hope that we have, it is not much of an answer to say, “We believe because we believe.” Or, in other words, we are not able to give a reason, or articulate, why we accept as truth the things we believe. We cannot have faith for the sake of having faith. Since a promise is always the basis for faith there is no such thing in Scripture as blind faith.
In the context of the book of 1 Peter, the author is encouraging Christians who are suffering unjustly and facing false accusations against their character because they are not getting involved with the lifestyle of unbelievers around them. When we live a life the follows God rather than the ways of the world, we are discernably different to unbelievers because of our actions, not our words, which can give the perfect opportunity to share with an unbeliever the Gospel for salvation and the resulting hope from believing when we are asked why we are so unusual and dissimilar to others.
You do not have to be a theologian to know what you believe. You may not be able to read the Bible in the original languages, or explain every verse, but that does not mean you cannot know what you believe and why you have the hope that you have. All Christians can and should mature enough to know at the very least […]

SET APART CHRIST AS LORD: Always ready to give a defense2023-12-14T12:31:19-08:00

The Christian Life

What is the Christian life all about?

Salvation comes by faith, not by works. 1 Corinthians 15:3-4 states, “For I delivered unto you at first that which also I received, that Christ died on behalf of your sins according to the Scriptures, and that he was buried, and that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures…”. Verse 2 states that this is the good news by which we are saved.
The Christian life begins by believing these facts. You are saved by grace through faith, not by work, Ephesians 2:8,9 “For by grace you are in a state of having been saved through faith, and this is not out from you, but a gift from God, not out from works, in order that no one can boast.”

Faith is taking God at His Word. Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of that which is hoped for, the evidence of accomplished deeds not seen.” Faith is always based upon a promise from God.

Grace is God’s attitude by which He gives a benefit without consideration of merit.

Once you believe these facts there is a substantial change that happened to you. It is not something that you can see, and often will not be overcome with emotions, but the affects of this change will influence you for the rest of your life.

Believing is only the beginning of salvation. To learn more about the changes that happen at salvation, how these changes influence your life, and what the Christian life is all about, join us on Sundays for our morning service. It will be well worth your time!


Armor from God: Defense against Satan’s attacks

What is Sin?

The Christian Life2015-07-12T13:40:57-07:00
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