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To Gain a Firm Mental Grasp (ἐπίσταμαι)

Having a firm mental grasp or acquiring information is expressed by ἐπίσταμαι (epistamai). Its root means to stand (ιστημι). Therefore, it expresses standing with a firm mental grasp because of the information a person is acquainted with.

In Peter’s denial of Christ, when questioned by a young servant girl if he was with Christ, he adamantly denied it, saying that he neither intuitively knows nor has acquired knowledge concerning Christ, Mark 14:68. After Peter is restored from the attack by Satan that caused him to deny Christ, God uses him to show the Jews that the Gentiles are also being accepted into the Church. In Cornelius’ house, Peter states that they have a firm mental grasp on the fact that it is not permissible for a Jew to fellowship or enter into a place with another nation, Acts 10:28. However before Cornelius sent for Paul, God showed him that he is not to call any man common or unclean and, therefore, Peter came without objection.

During the council in Acts chapter fifteen concerning whether or not the Gentiles should be circumcised and obey the law of Moses, Peter spoke up concerning what God had been doing. The elders and apostles present had acquired knowledge concerning the situation when God instructed Peter to enter into the house of a Gentile so they could hear the gospel. They were neither circumcised nor immersed before the Holy Spirit came upon them in the same manner as He did on the day of Pentecost to show the Jews a sign, Acts 15:5.

When Apollos came to Ephesus, he was mighty in the Scripture; however, he was only familiar with (had a firm mental grasp) the immersion of John, Acts […]

To Gain a Firm Mental Grasp (ἐπίσταμαι)2024-02-15T08:03:08-08:00

Prepared food (ὀψάριον)

A tidbit (ὀψάριον), or prepared food, is often translated as fish; however, it is not limited to just fish (ἰχθύς). The Apostle John is the only author who uses this word to describe food.

In the story of Jesus feeding five thousand men with five barley loaves and two small fish, recorded by the Apostle John in John 6:9, he writes that it is prepared food that the young boy had. In this sign, after giving thanks to the Father, the five thousand men following Jesus were able to eat until they were satisfied, John 6:11, leaving twelve baskets of barley and tidbits remaining. When Matthew records this event, he uses the word for fish (ἰχθύς), indicating that the prepared tidbits of food the young man had was cooked fish.

After the resurrection of Christ, to show the disciples that He truly was raised from the dead, He ate with them. The disciples had returned to their fishing business when Jesus stood on the shore, asking if they had food (προσφάγιον – food prepared beforehand). He then instructed them to cast their net on the right side, for they had not caught any fish. The results immediately showed the disciples that they were speaking to their Lord, for they had caught more fish than they could draw in the boat, John 21:6. Once they came to land, Jesus had some prepared food on the coals with bread, John 21:9-10. After setting down to eat breakfast, Jesus partakes of the food to show them He is human, not a spirit. This is the third time Jesus appeared to them after His resurrection, John 21:14.

Prepared food (ὀψάριον)2024-02-08T05:59:57-08:00

Different (διάφορος)

Different (διάφορος) focus on the distinctiveness and, therefore, can express something outstanding or excellent in comparison.

Paul uses “difference” to describe the distinctions between Spiritual gifts in Romans 12:6 according to the grace given to us, and therefore, we are to use the gift we received to its fullest while not seeking to do more than what God has laid out for us. Although there are diversities (διαίρεσις), the sign gifts, revelatory gifts, and edifying gifts all have their purpose, for we are part of one body. God has set each member within the body according to His desire, 1 Corinthians 12:18. This is especially important to understand concerning the use of Spiritual gifts today, for the sign and revelatory gifts have ceased due to fulfilling their purpose. Therefore, let us focus on the edification of the assembly, not an individual, 1 Corinthians 14:4.

Christ is different than the angels, for He is the Son of God, the exact image of God the Father, and has therefore obtained a different name than they, Hebrews 1:2. At no time did God say to an angle, “You are My Son, Today I have begotten you.” Rather, the angels are to worship Christ, showing that He truly is God in the flesh, Hebrews 1:6. To the Son, He said, “Your throne, O God, is into the ages of the ages.”

The Tent that Moses was instructed to build was to be precisely completed in the manner in which He was shown, for it is a shadow of the heavenly things, Hebrews 8:3. Through the Holy Spirit, Hebrews 9:12, Christ entered the Holy of Holies in the heavens and through His blood obtained a more excellent (different) ministry in […]

Different (διάφορος)2024-02-01T05:29:20-08:00

Lift up (αἴρω)

αἴρω (airo) means to lift up or bear. It is used for picking up a bed, baskets, fish, money, people, and many other objects. Therefore, by lifting up, you are bearing the weight. When not referring to an object, it is used of justice being stolen, the loss of life, and the lifting of sin.

When Christ informed a lame man that because his sins were forgiven, he could stand up and walk, the Jewish scribes said He was committing blasphemy. However, Jesus explained to them that He said, “The man’s sins are sent away.” so they would understand that He has the authority to forgive sins. Then He turned to the man and instructed him to lift up his bed and go home, to which the man did, Matthew 9:2-7.

Christ was manifested to lift our sins, 1 John 3:5. Through His work on the cross, while we were dead in our trespasses and sins, the Father made us alive in Christ, sending away (forgiving) our trespasses after wiping out the handwritten dogma against us, lifting it out of the way by nailing it to the cross, Colossians 2:14. Therefore, in Christ, the law has been completed and all who are in the Christ are counted to be righteous and not under the law, Romans 6:14. Just as a child is no longer under tutors and governors when he has completed his training, Galatians 4:1-2, so is a Christian when it comes to law. We are no longer to be inarticulate babblers that need the law to guide us. Instead, as sons, we must train our senses to know good and evil, Hebrews 5:14.

In response to Pilate seeking to release Jesus, for Pilate found nothing worthy […]

Lift up (αἴρω)2023-12-28T05:31:48-08:00

Vigilant (γρηγορέω)

In 1 Peter 5:8, we are instructed to be watchful because our adversary, the Devil, roars around seeking whom he may swallow up. Vigilant (γρηγορέω) means to watch; be on alert for danger.

On his way to Jerusalem, Paul takes the opportunity to stop in Ephesus to encourage the Pastors to shepherd the flock of God while taking heed for themselves, Acts 20:28. When he is gone, he is aware that savage wolves will come in among them, Acts 20:39. Even some of their own will draw away disciples after themselves, rejecting the truth and seeking the glory of men, Acts 20:30. Therefore, they are to be on alert, for Paul has warned them of the dangers for the past three years, Acts 20:31. This assembly listened to Paul’s instruction. They tested those who claimed to be apostles and were not, finding them liars. They kept watch in their work, hard labor, and patience, not bearing things that were wrong. However, in doing so, they lost their love for the brethren, Revelation 2:4. We are to remain on guard for false teachers while being cautious not to fall into the same trap as the saints in Ephesus and lose our love for fellow saints.

After rebuking and exhorting the saints of Corinth, Paul encourages them to be vigilant and stand firm in the faith. Rather than being carnal, they are to do all things out from love, 1 Corinthians 16:13. They are to welcome those who are doing the work of the Lord and pay attention to the dangers of false apostles, who had infiltrated their assemblies and caused a lot of spiritual damage. Still today, their impact is felt among many assemblies that are focused on […]

Vigilant (γρηγορέω)2023-12-22T06:26:33-08:00
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