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Knowing the Desirous will of God – Suffer for our consistent testimony

1 Peter 3:17 For it is better while doing good if he desirously wills the desirous will of the God to suffer than while doing wrong.

1 Peter 4:19 Wherefore also the suffering according to the desirous will of God, as to a faithful Creator, while entrusting our souls in doing good.

In the first epistle from the apostle Peter, he writes to the saints that have been dispersed due to persecution throughout the Roman Empire into primarily Gentile regions (1 Peter 1:1). In this letter he writes concerning the persecution they will face and how to overcome it. Today, these words still hold true. When we as Christians are in areas that are primarily governed by unbelievers, living out our salvation will bring suffering.

We are not to follow in the ways of the unsaved, for they live a life of futility and are completely focused on satisfying their own depraved desires. They corrupt everything they touch, even the concept of love. Rather, we are to be of one frame of mind, suffering together, friendly, compassionate, and humble, not paying back wrong for wrong or verbal abuse for verbal abuse (1 Peter 3:8-9). We are called to inherent a good eulogy, for the Lord already speaks well of us in all spiritual things in the heavens (Ephesians 1:3). Therefore, knowing we are called to this, let us speak well of others by speaking with grace, not considering if they deserve for us to speak in a good manner towards or about them, but because of who we are in Christ, as we refrain our tongue from wrong while turning from what is wrong to do what is beneficial while pursuing peace (1 Peter 3:9-11). However, this type of […]

Knowing the Desirous will of God – Suffer for our consistent testimony2023-11-25T07:53:03-08:00

Eulogize (εὐλογητός/εὐλογέω)

The concept of “blessing” in Scripture either means, “to be happy” or, “to speak well of”. To eulogize someone is to bless them by speaking well of them; speaking of the good things someone has done.

Eulogy is often used concerning God and His Christ. When we “bless” God, we are speaking well of Him due to His character and what He has done. He visited and redeemed His people (Luke 1:68 ). He is the Father of mercies and comfort (2 Corinthians 1:3 ). We are born again according to His mercy through the resurrection of Jesus Christ out from the dead (1 Peter 1:3 ). Christ was first sent to the Jews to speak well of them by turning each one of them away from their malignant evil (Acts 3:26 ).

In a world that loves darkness (John 3:19 ), we walk as luminaries by showing the life of God in action (Philippians 2:15 ); therefore, in contrast to those who blasphemy and revile us, we are to speak well of them (1 Peter 3:9 ), seasoning our words with a bit of grace (Ephesians 4:29; Colossians 4:6), for remember, it is the kindness of God that brings a change of mind, not wrath (Romans 2:4). This is not ignoring someone’s wrong or overlooking the necessity of penalty for their actions. It is to not retaliate in kind. They persecute, blasphemy, and revile us for living and speaking the truth, but we do not speak things about them that are not true nor curse them (Romans 12:14), for they will be put to shame in the day of visitation, when others examine us and see our works are good (1 Peter 2:12). And as we […]

Eulogize (εὐλογητός/εὐλογέω)2023-11-25T07:57:38-08:00

The Importance of Self-Sufficiency in the World System

And make it your ambition (fondness of honor) to lead a tranquil life and to attend to your own things and to work with your hands just as we commanded you in order that you should walk becomingly towards those who are outside and not have need – 1 Thessalonians 4:11-12

Ambition expresses the concept of what we have a fondness for honor in. It was Paul’s ambition to preach Christ where He had not been preached (Romans 15:20). It should be our ambition to lead a tranquil life. A life where we are content and at peace. The world system does not want us to have this type of lifestyle because through it we become self-sufficient while working with our own hands and minding our own business. If someone is not willing to work, then they should not eat from another’s labors (2 Thessalonians 2:10).

One of the aspects of godliness is contentment. Regardless of what we have on earth we are beloved in Christ and should be content with having food, clothing, and a roof over our head (1 Timothy 6:8).  So many issues are brought into our lives because we are not content with what we have (1 Timothy 6:9). This does not mean we cannot be motivated to improve our lives, for we should seek to grow, mature, become better, gain skills, work with our own hands so that we have more than we need and are able to help fellow saints in need. But through all that, we should be content with where God has us.

Contentment makes it difficult for the world system to influence us. It uses the desires from our flesh – newer things, a spouse, higher paying job, etc. […]

The Importance of Self-Sufficiency in the World System2023-12-14T08:16:41-08:00

2 Corinthians Held in Earthen Vessels

God Causes Light to Illuminate in Darkness, 2 Corinthians 4:5-6

The Heralding with Authority, 2 Corinthians 4:5

Paul was not presenting Himself to Them

It is Not Through Paul that Light Comes

God is the One Bringing Light, 2 Corinthians 4:6

Through the Gospel for Salvation, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4

The Importance of Truth

Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures

Christ was raised from the dead three days later according to the Scriptures

God is the One Who Illuminates the Heart of Men to the Truth

Let there be Light, Genesis 1:3

The Earth was in a State of Judgment With No Light on the Deep, Genesis 1:2

Lucifer Has Fallen, Isaiah 14:13-14

The Earth Was Judged, 2 Peter 3:5

Having a Proper Opinion of God and Jesus Christ

Rejecting God Brings Darkness, Romans 1:21

The god of this Age Blinds the Minds of the Unsaved to the Gospel of Salvation, 2 Corinthians 4:4

This Gospel has and inherent ability to Save, Romans 1:16

Different from Other Gospels Such as the Gospel of the Kingdom (The Parable of the Sower), Matthew 13:2-8

Speaking to Israel Concerning the Gospel of the Kingdom, Matthew 13:11

The Evil One Snatches the message out from the heart, Matthew 13:19

The Light Brings a Proper Understanding of God through Jesus Christ

We are to be Luminaries by Living Out Christ in Us, Philippians 2:14-16

Held in Earthen Vessels, 2 Corinthians 4:7-12

The Light of the Knowledge of a proper opinion […]

2 Corinthians Held in Earthen Vessels2023-12-14T08:17:44-08:00

Not Adopted, Real Children Placed as Sons

having marked off our bounds to the placement of sons (υἱοθεσία) through Jesus Christ unto Himself according to the good pleasure of His desirous will – Ephesians 1:5.

Did you know that the Greek words for “adoption” never occur in Scripture? “ἄμφανσις”, which means, “adoption” and “ἐκποίητος”, which is “to give in adoption” are not used in Scripture because we are not adopted into God’s family; rather, we become legitimate children of God.

Beloved now we are the children (born ones) of God… 1 John 3:2. His seed has been placed into us (1 John 3:9) and we are now born again, not from a corruptible seed (1 Peter 1:23).

In Ephesians 1:5, Paul is not writing about adoption, but about son placement. This is a concept in the Roman culture concerning when a child is no longer under governors and tutors (Galatians 4:1). When the father determines the child is trained properly, the child would be placed as a son, into a place of privilege where the child (inarticulate babbler) is no longer under governors and tutors (Galatians 4:2). When it comes to humans and God, those who are inarticulate babblers are under law, but those who are sons live out from faith.

When I was an inarticulate babbler (child), I spoke as an inarticulate babbler (child), I framed the mind as an inarticulate babbler (child), I reasoned as an inarticulate babbler (child). When I became a man, I rendered ineffective the things of the inarticulate babbler (child), 1 Corinthians 13:11.

As children (born ones) of God, let us walk in the light (Ephesians 5:8). As sons, let us exercise our senses to know what is proper and what is wrong in our conduct (Hebrews 5:14) and live out […]

Not Adopted, Real Children Placed as Sons2023-12-14T08:23:40-08:00
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