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To be strengthened (ἐνδυναμόω)

To be strengthened (ἐνδυναμόω) is giving a person the ability or function to do something.

Because Christ manifested Himself to Paul and corrected his path, after spending three years in the desert learning, he returns to Damascus and immediately begins preaching the Messiah is the Son of God. The Jews were astonished that Saul was proclaiming Christ because he was known to be the one who had come to Damascus with orders from the Chief Priests so that he could destroy those who called on the name of Christ. However, Paul was strengthened against their astonishment and confounded them, proving that Jesus was the Messiah, the Son of God, and therefore God in the flesh, Acts 9:20-22. Paul did this through the evidence provided in the Old Testament.

Abraham was strengthened in his faith concerning God’s promise of a son, not counting the condition of his own body or the deadness of Sarah’s womb but was fully convinced that God would do what He said He would perform, Romans 4:19-21. Abraham believed God and it was counted to him as righteousness. God strengthened his faith when He rejected Ishmael and informed him that the promise of his seed would come through Sarah.

When it comes to defeating an attack from Satan, we are to be strengthened in the Lord. We are not to try and take him on by our own means or through the traditions of men. Rather, our victory over Satan is in Christ and therefore we need to be strengthened in the Lord as we go into battle against him, Ephesians 6:10. This means we are recognizing the fact that our defense against Satan is because God has taken us out of Adam and placed […]

To be strengthened (ἐνδυναμόω)2023-12-23T11:41:20-08:00

Unrighteousness (ἀδικία)

Unrighteousness (ἀδικία) encompasses both the evil determinations within the mind and the resulting actions that violate standards of right conduct. Therefore, unrighteousness is the bigger term, including both trespasses and sins. A trespass happens within the mind when a determination is made to do something that a person knows is against God’s standard. It is from this desire that sin is birthed, James 1:14-15. Scripture specifically defines sin in 1 John 3:4 as lawlessness and exterior to the body in 1 Corinthians 6:18. Since sins and trespasses are different, for we were dead in both, the trespass happens within the mind when a determination is made to sin and therefore the sin is working out that desire, Ephesians 2:1.

In the first chapter of Romans, we are given a list of unrighteousness. In this list is mental attitudes and actions that are both unrighteous in their nature. “And just as they did not approve worthy to have the God in full experiential knowledge, the God gave them over to an unapproved mind to do what is wrong, being filled up where they lack in all unrighteousness: fornication, malignant evil, covetousness, lacking in character, full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, bad character, secret slanderers, backbiters, haters of God, insolent, haughty, arrogant, inventors of wrong, disobedient to parents, without understanding, untrustworthy, without natural affection, irreconcilable, not merciful.” Romans 1:28-31.

In these last times, there are many false teachers among us who bring in destructive heresies, denying the Lord, 2 Peter 2:1. Their ways are of destruction, they blasphemy the truth and by covetousness exploit with deceptive words, 2 Peter 2:2-3. Many of these go after the way of Balaam, who loved the wages of unrighteousness, 2 Peter 2:15, which is the willingness to manipulate Christians into […]

Unrighteousness (ἀδικία)2023-12-23T11:44:14-08:00

To Reckon (λογίζομαι)

“Reckon” expresses the concept of a determination made by a mathematical process and therefore taking into account or calculates in a logical manner, making a conclusion based upon this process.

In the fulfillment of Scripture, Christ was reckoned (numbered) among the transgressors, Mark 15:28. Even after being examined showed that no unrighteousness was found in Him, He was counted to be a transgressor by the leaders of Israel and the Romans so that they could justify putting Him to death.

The Chief Priests and scribes calculated their response to Jesus’ question concerning if John’s immersion was from men or heaven. In considering this they discussed among themselves the ramifications of saying it was from heaven and what the Messiah’s response would be, concluding to answer that they did not know rather than expose their hypocrisy, Mark 11:31.

One of the craftsmen called Demetrius, a silversmith who made shrines of Diana, called together his fellow tradesmen to stir up the city, for their profits had plummeted as a result of the truth of the gospel of the resurrected Christ taking root in Ephesus. Directing his accusation at Paul, for he had persuaded many people that there are no gods which are made with hands, Demetrius expresses his concern over their trade falling into disrepute so he calls upon them to consider Artemis and her supposed magnificence, Acts 19:26; therefore counting how much they would lose if she was not considered to be glorious.

For those who teach others the law, but then put themselves in a position where they are above the law, Paul encourages them to calculate the evidence that they will not be able to cause themselves to escape the judgment of God for doing the very things […]

To Reckon (λογίζομαι)2023-11-25T07:39:11-08:00

The Inarticulate Babbler Carnal

And I, brethren, was not able to speak to you as spiritual, but as carnal, as inarticulate babblers in Christ, 1 Corinthians 3:1

Carnal means to be emanating the things of the flesh. Those who are carnal are not able to understand Spiritual things, for when the mind is focused on fulfilling soulish (emotional) desires, the desires from the Spirit are not discernable, 1 Corinthians 2:14. One of the predominate signs of a Christian being carnal is one who causes divisions within the local assembly, usually through manifesting the religious works of the flesh. From the flesh comes idolatry and religious superstitious awe, both of which are presented as following God, when in reality they are seeking self-gratification and prefer feelings over the truth. If a person is considered wise and learned, let that one show proper works in objectivity of mind concerning wisdom, not in bitter envy and selfish ambition, for these are carnal, not Spiritual in nature, James 3:13-14. Where there is envy and selfish ambition there is disorder and all accomplished works are fallow because this type of wisdom is not from above, but is demonic in kind, James 3:15-16.

When a Christian is carnal, their mind is framed on the things of the flesh, not on Spiritual things, and therefore their actions will always produce unrighteousness and even sin. However, not all the desires from the flesh have a bad appearance to them. Religious superstitious awe involves religious things often involving the appearance or atmosphere of a building, or the way the clergy are presented to the assembly and separated out as those that are more “religious” than others. Religious superstitious awe heavily relies upon feelings, focusing on so called “worship services” and […]

The Inarticulate Babbler Carnal2023-11-23T18:04:12-08:00

Render Ineffective

“Render ineffective” (καταργέω) describes how something is not producing what it was intended to yield. It is not working properly and therefore returning nothing of value.

We first see this word in Scripture in a parable concerning a fig tree that is not producing fruit. It is rendering ineffective the ground, which should be producing for the owner. Luke 13:7 … cut it down, in order that why also does it render ineffective the ground? The space this tree is taking up could be used to produce fruit.

In discussing the advantage of the Jews, for the oracles of God were committed to them, Paul brings up a question concerning those who do not believe. Did their unbelief render ineffective the faithfulness of God, Romans 3:3? No, in fact, it does not. As it is written, God is true and every man is a liar because He will be justified in His Words and victorious when He judges, Romans 3:4, for He will save a remnant of Israel. Although faith does not negate the value of the law, the promise is not through law, for if it was, then faith would be rendered ineffective since the law is not out from faith, Romans 3:31; 4:14. However, those who seek to be justified out from law have rendered ineffective the Christ in their lives and have fallen from grace, Galatians 5:4, for through the law the sin nature is fully known, not righteousness. The law does not render ineffective the promise that was given four hundred and thirty years before it, Galatians 3:17. Rather the law was added because of the transgression until the faith in Christ should come.

When it comes to how we govern our lives and […]

Render Ineffective2023-11-25T07:46:01-08:00
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