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The Daily Christian Life – Dealing with the Strongholds in Our Mind

For our weapons of warfare are not fleshly, but inherent ability by the God towards the tearing down of strongholds, casting down logics and every high thing lifting itself up against the knowledge of the God and bringing every thought into captivity into the obedience of the Christ, 2 Corinthians 10:4-5

Within our mind we can build up strongholds that are very difficult to overcome. These can be false beliefs or temptations like living by law, speaking in tongues, drinking alcohol, pornography, lying, stealing or anything else that holds us. Often these strongholds are built with the help of others who influence what we believe and how we perceive life. However, when they come up against the knowledge of God, we struggle to overcome them.

Dealing with what goes through our minds can be very difficult when we are not using the methods provided for us in Christ. Our battle is not fleshly, it is spiritual, it is a battle for the mind, and this is why it is important for us to frame our minds correctly. Remember, framing the mind is about setting a proper boundary around who you are and what you allow to remain in your mind. As Christians our frame of mind needs to be on the things above where Christ is seated at the right hand of God.

Therefore, since you have been raised with Christ, seek the things above where the Christ is seated at the right hand of the God, Frame your mind of the things above, not the things upon the earth – Colossians 3:1, 2

Having this frame of mind, we can then compare the thoughts in our mind with whether or not they fit and if they […]

The Daily Christian Life – Dealing with the Strongholds in Our Mind2023-12-14T08:48:15-08:00

The Daily Christian Life – How We Frame Our Minds

There are a lot of things in this world the impact the way we frame our minds. From the place where we are born, to the country we live in, what job we have, and even what possesses we have. The World wants us to focus on its desires, the desires of the flesh, the desires of the eyes, and the pride of biological life. Advertisement, social media, news, music are all designed to get us to frame our minds in a certain way. The reason for this is that our actions are a direct result of how we frame our minds, there is simply no way around this. One who is humble in the mind will be more reasonable as one who his prideful will be push and demand his or her way. This is why it is very import for the Christian to pay attention to what the mind is framed on.

The framing of the mind involves setting parameters or boundaries around what you perceive concerning yourself and the world around you. This is not so much what we think about all day, but the limits of what we allow our mind to consider in regards to our actions.

In Colossian, Paul writes that we are to have our minds framed on the things above.

Therefore, since you have been raised with Christ, seek the things above where Christ is seated at the right hand of the God, frame your mind on the things above, not upon the things of the earth – Colossians 3:1, 2

Having a wrong frame of mind can lead us to wrong conclusions. Peter was rebuked by the Lord because he had wrong boundaries concerning the Christ (The Messiah).

But having turned […]

The Daily Christian Life – How We Frame Our Minds2023-12-14T08:49:25-08:00

Philippians – Framing the Mind


For let this frame of mind be in you that also was in Christ Jesus, Who while existing in the form of God, did not regard for Himself equality with God to be robbery, but emptied Himself, after receiving the form of a servant, He came to be in a likeness of man. And after being found in the outward shape as a man, He humbled Himself, becoming obedient up to the point of death, even a cross death. Wherefore also God has exalted Him, and has given Him a name above every name, in order that by the name belonging to Jesus every knee will bow, heavenly and earthly and subterranean, and every tongue should say the same thing, that Jesus Christ is Lord resulting in a proper opinion of God [the] Father.

Philippians – Framing the Mind2017-09-03T15:22:00-07:00

Sin, Trespass, and the Mind

The definition of sin has become so elusive today that there are so called “sins” in many churches that cannot be found in Scripture. How do you know what a sin is? True, we see very well defined sins in Scripture such as adultery, fornication, stealing, lying, murder, etc., but what about the things that are not revealed in Scripture. Is it a sin not to give ten percent of your wages to the Church? Is it a sin for a husband to ignore his wife? What about which movies you watch, what you wear, what friends you hang out with, going to a party…, how do we know if they are sins?

“Missing the mark” as a definition of sin is very predominate in teachings today. However, there is a problem with this definition. First of all, what mark are we missing? When we start asking this question we will find that the answer is a moving target. Secondly, this definition is so generic it allows for really anything to be put in as the mark missed. The mark could be, not living up to God’s glory; having a ruined character; not abiding by God’s law; and they go on and on. Lastly, where this definition comes from is an issue. In the book of Judges the word normally translated as “sin” from the Hebrew is used to describe men who are so good with a sling that they do not miss their targets. The meaning “missing the mark” comes off of a miss understanding of how this word is used in this passage and also requires ignoring other passages of Scripture that specifically define sin. These men are so good with the sling that […]

Sin, Trespass, and the Mind2016-10-12T06:02:44-07:00

Experiencing the Holy Spirit – A Comforter

When we believed that Christ died for our sins, was buried, and rose again on the third day according to the Scriptures, we received the promise He gave when He told the disciples before His death that even though He was going away He would send another comforter.

in Whom also you, after hearing the Word of the Truth, the gospel of our salvation, in Whom also you believed, were sealed by the Holy Spirit of Promise – Ephesians 1:13

And I will ask the Father and He will give to you another comforter in order that He will remain with you into the age, the Spirit of the Truth, Who the world does not have the inherent ability to receive because it cannot watch Him, nor experientially know Him, but you experientially know Him because He remains alongside you and will be in you – John 14:17

Comforter is referring to someone that has been called alongside another. This can mean they comfort, encourage, or even advocate on behalf of another. The Holy Spirit was given to the Church to remind us of the truth and testify concerning Jesus Christ.

But when the Comforter comes, Who I will send to you from alongside the Father, the Spirit of the Truth, Who proceeds from alongside the Father, that One will testify concerning Me – John 15:26

But the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, Who the Father will send in My name, that One will teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance, which things I said to you – John 14:26

It is through the reminding us of what was written that we have comfort and learn patience.

For as […]

Experiencing the Holy Spirit – A Comforter2023-12-14T08:42:30-08:00
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