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Troubled (ταράσσω)

Troubled (ταράσσω) means to shake together, stir up, or throw into confusion.

A few years after the birth of Christ, three magi from the east came to Judea looking for the King of the Jews. This troubled Herod, a Roman King, Matthew 2:3. After gathering all the High Priests and scribes of Israel to determine where the Christ would be born, Herod sent the Magi to Bethlehem to seek out the child with the pretense that he wanted to also prostate before Him.

While Zacharias was performing his priestly service in the Temple of the Lord, an angel from the Lord appeared to him, standing on the right side of the altar of incense. Zacharias was troubled when he saw the messenger and fear fell upon him, Luke 1:12.

After the resurrection of Christ, in one of the instances that He showed the disciples that He is, in fact, raised from the dead, when He appeared to them, at first there was great fear and trembling in them. During the journey of two of the disciples to Emmaus, a man joins them asking what they are speaking about. Surprised that he did not know about what had happened over the last few days, they informed him how the rulers of Israel put Jesus to death. A man who was great in words and works from God that they had hope was the Messiah. In response, the man opens their minds concerning how the Scripture stated it was necessity for the death and resurrection of the Messiah. While they were speaking with this stranger, their hearts burned within them. When they came to the village they constrained the stranger to come and stay with them for the […]

Troubled (ταράσσω)2024-08-01T06:14:52-07:00

Happy and Joy

Happy (μακάριος) is an attitude of enjoyment and delight, whereas Joy (χαρά) is contentment. In action, joy is rejoicing; however, it is different from exultation (ἀγαλλιάω), Matthew 5:12.

When the magi of the east saw the star of David rise, they knew the King of the Jews was born. They responded to this finding by rejoicing with very great joy because their discovery brought them happiness, Matthew 2:10. Zacharias is informed by an angel that the Lord has heard his supplication for a son. Elizabeth will bear him a boy, and he will have joy and gladness along with many others who will rejoice at his birth, Luke 1:14. In addressing the saints of Philippi, Paul expresses that they are his joy, Philippians 4:1. For they bring him a sense of delight just as the saints in Thessalonica, 1 Thessalonians 2:19, even though Paul has been separated from them through the persecution he was facing. Not only did they receive the gospel of the Christ, but they also took hold of eternal life through obedience to the gospel. During Christ’s ministry, as He proclaimed the gospel of the Kingdom of the Heavens, some of the Jews immediately received the message with joy; however, they were like seeds on stony ground that have no root, so they only endure for a short time, Matthew 4:16. Joy is not emotionally centered because it is also shown by the spirit beings, who do not possess a soul. There is great joy in heaven over one sinner changing his mind, Luke 15:7.

Unlike joy, which is often expressed in rejoicing because of satisfaction, happy is more of a state of mind. Happy is the man to whom the Lord does not […]

Happy and Joy2023-12-21T05:51:30-08:00

Unrighteousness (ἀδικία)

Unrighteousness (ἀδικία) encompasses both the evil determinations within the mind and the resulting actions that violate standards of right conduct. Therefore, unrighteousness is the bigger term, including both trespasses and sins. A trespass happens within the mind when a determination is made to do something that a person knows is against God’s standard. It is from this desire that sin is birthed, James 1:14-15. Scripture specifically defines sin in 1 John 3:4 as lawlessness and exterior to the body in 1 Corinthians 6:18. Since sins and trespasses are different, for we were dead in both, the trespass happens within the mind when a determination is made to sin and therefore the sin is working out that desire, Ephesians 2:1.

In the first chapter of Romans, we are given a list of unrighteousness. In this list is mental attitudes and actions that are both unrighteous in their nature. “And just as they did not approve worthy to have the God in full experiential knowledge, the God gave them over to an unapproved mind to do what is wrong, being filled up where they lack in all unrighteousness: fornication, malignant evil, covetousness, lacking in character, full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, bad character, secret slanderers, backbiters, haters of God, insolent, haughty, arrogant, inventors of wrong, disobedient to parents, without understanding, untrustworthy, without natural affection, irreconcilable, not merciful.” Romans 1:28-31.

In these last times, there are many false teachers among us who bring in destructive heresies, denying the Lord, 2 Peter 2:1. Their ways are of destruction, they blasphemy the truth and by covetousness exploit with deceptive words, 2 Peter 2:2-3. Many of these go after the way of Balaam, who loved the wages of unrighteousness, 2 Peter 2:15, which is the willingness to manipulate Christians into […]

Unrighteousness (ἀδικία)2023-12-23T11:44:14-08:00

Filled and Filling

There are two terms in Scripture used for filling that uniquely describe how something or someone is filled. The differences between these two concepts for filling are very important to understand concerning the Christian life and how the Holy Spirit interacts with us today compared to saints prior to the dispensation of grace.

Pimplemi (πίμπλημι) describes filling in a way that controls or saturates. It is used of the sponge filled with wine given to Christ on the cross, Matthew 27:48, of a King having his servants fill his wedding hall with guests, Matthew 22:10, a woman’s time for giving birth, Luke 1:57, and even the completion of days of service for a Levitical priest, Luke 1:23. All of these occurrences are describing a permeating of what is filled. It is this type of filling that describes how the Holy Spirit interacted with Old Testament saints, such as John the Baptist was mentally controlled by the Holy Spirit from his mother’s womb, Luke 1:15; however, once his ministry had finished the Holy Spirit no longer filled him, which can be seen with him questioning Jesus if He is the One coming, Luke 7:18-20. In the upper room, on the day of Pentecost when the Church began, the Holy Spirit filled (πίμπλημι), mentally controlled, the disciples making it possible for them to speak in other dialects the wonders of God, Acts 2:4. This is not the Spiritual gift of speaking in tongues, which was given to the early Church as a sign to the unbelieving Jews along with other gifts for signs, wonders, confirmation, and edification of the body of the Christ, 1 Corinthians 12:10. The gifts given to the Church are not from a filling of […]

Filled and Filling2023-11-25T07:38:47-08:00

Atonement (כפר – koper)

The primary meaning of atonement is “to cover”. Under the Mosaic Law, those who sinned had to make a sacrifice that would atone (cover) for their sin, in addition to a yearly atonement made by the High priest (Exodus 30:10) concerning any sins done unaware, for ignorance of the law was not an excuse for violating it.

In a Psalm of David, he writes of the God Who listens to prayer, covering our transgressions. For transgressions of the law had to be dealt with or death would come upon the one breaking it.

“Words of perversity are against me. Our transgressions You cover.”  – Psalm 65:3.

Within the tabernacle, in the inner most chamber, God had the place of atonement where the High Priest would go once a year to offer a sacrifice for the sins of Israel. It is often mis-translated as the mercy seat; however, no mercy was being expressed here, rather, it was the covering place (הַכַּפֹּֽרֶת – kap-po-ret) for sins (Leviticus 16:15).

In the New Testament, atonement is only found in translation, not the original. There is a big difference between the blood of Christ compared to what the blood of bulls and goats could accomplish, for they do not inherently have the ability to send away sin (Hebrews 10:4).

Under the New Covenant, made through the blood of Christ, our sins are sent away not covered up. The Greek language has a word that expresses the same concept of covering as the Hebrew word for atonement; however, it is never used concerning Christ’s cross work. James uses it concerning the one who turns a sinner from his error, coving a multitude of sins (James 5:20). Therefore, if Christ had made an atonement for […]

Atonement (כפר – koper)2023-11-25T08:01:34-08:00
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