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Hatred (στυγητός)

Hatred (στυγητός) expresses a despicable or loathsome attitude. It is in contrast to indifference (μισέω), which conveys the concept of not caring about the well-being of others unless it benefits you. Hate is a type of attitude likened to how a storm makes the sky appear in the distance: dark, gloomy, and threatening, Matthew 16:3.

“Hateful”, as an adjective, is only used once in scripture in Titus 3:3. In submitting to rulers and authorities so that we are ready in every good work, we are to put away blasphemy as we seek peace and show kindness to all. Not forgetting that in our former manner of life, we were disobedient, malice, and hateful while being indifferent to others. Since hateful and indifference are used together in the same sentence to describe a person’s attitude and activities, they do not carry the same meaning. This is important to note because many of our English versions translate indifference (μισέω) as hatred, thereby masking the actual meaning of indifference. The apostle John writes concerning those who say they love God but are indifferent to their fellow brother in the Lord. Since they are showing indifference to a fellow saint, they cannot be loving God, 1 John 4:20. This is not hatred towards others, but not being concerned about their well-being, for indifference expresses an attitude that is apathetic towards others because you have no particular interest in or concern about them. This cloaking in the meaning of indifference also impacts the saint’s understanding of the world system, for it does not have a loathsome or despicable attitude towards Christians; rather, it is indifferent to them. Therefore, the world system has no issue with using Christianity and Christians for its […]

Hatred (στυγητός)2023-12-14T08:09:33-08:00

Testing for Approval (δοκιμάζω)

Testing for approval (δοκιμάζω) is to make a critical examination of a person or thing to determine its authenticity, drawing a conclusion about its worth. Therefore, it is testing to establish whether or not there is something of value within who or what is put to the test.

Today, the wrath of God is upon all ungodliness and those holding down the truth in unrighteousness, for they consider the knowledge of God to be of no value and are therefore given over to a mind that, when tested, fails because it is found to be full of unrighteousness, Romans 1:28. This lack of worth is seen in the conclusions that this type of unapproved mind makes, for they go against the facts presented and are not base on reality. Such as a man who claims there is no God; however, he is fully aware that the universe is more expansive than humans have currently examined, and therefore, making such a statement shows that his conclusions are not of any value. Or a scientist who claims humans came from evolution. A hypothesis that is its own worst enemy, for within its declarations, it ignores the facts and presents evidence for support that is contrary to its own theories, because the evidence actually shows that humans were created. Therefore, the mind can be in such a state from the result of rejecting truth and reality that when put to the test for approval, it fails.

A Jew who claims to rest upon the law and makes his boast in God, asserting he knows His desirous will and is able to discern for good all things for he is instructed in the law, yet breaks the very rules he states […]

Testing for Approval (δοκιμάζω)2023-12-23T06:39:18-08:00

The Without Guile Milk of the Logical

(τὸ λογικὸν ἄδολον γάλα)

Guile is the use of words in cleverness to deceive. We see this type of vile workings in those who crucified Christ, plotting to have Him arrested, but not in public lest there is an uproar from the people, Matthew 26:4-5. After the resurrection of Christ, guile is used by Elymas, who sought to pervert the proconsul of Paphos from the straight ways of the Lord, Acts 13:8-10.  Guile is an aspect of unrighteousness, for when used, what a person says may not be sinful, but the use of cleverness to manipulate others is done out of deceit, Romans 1:29.

Logical is that which comes out of proper reasoning. One who is being logical will draw inferences from premises to conclusions that are based upon, and tested by, truth. God’s word is logical and cannot be interpreted through emotions, for emotions do not require proper reasoning and are based upon feelings, not actuality or facts. Therefore, the Word of God does not use the cunning, deceitfully persuasive words of men in their wisdom; rather, it comes in Spirit and inherent ability, 1 Corinthians 2:4. Spirit is our rational part; therefore, the soulish man cannot receive the things from the Spirit, 1 Corinthians 2:11,14. Those who seek to deceive the saints use persuasive words, changing the grace of our Lord into licentiousness, according to the principles of the world by using the passions of the flesh, not the truth related to the Christ, Colossians 2:4, 8.

It is our reasonable logical religious service to present our bodies as living sacrifices to God, Romans 12:1. For the truth of the matter is, He purchased it, 1 Corinthians 6:19. Any logic that lifts itself above […]

The Without Guile Milk of the Logical2023-12-23T07:20:05-08:00

Dealing with Bad Thoughts

A temptation is a solicitation to do wrong. It comes from a desire to perform something that we know is against God’s expectation of us. Understanding how we go from a temptation to sin is important to comprehend in order to stop the process by taking the way of escape before we work out the desire from the temptation. In the book of James, we find the process by which we are solicited and how that temptation works out to sin.

Let no one say when tempted, “I am being tempted from God”. For the God is without temptation of wrong and He tempts no one. But each one is tempted by his own strong desire while being drawn out and baited. Then the strong desire after being conceived, births sin. And the sin, when it is finished, brings forth death – James 1:13-15.

We are first presented with a strong desire to do wrong by one of our three enemies: the sin nature, Satan, or the world system. This temptation has no impact on us until we accept the desire as our own and then choose to perform it. Conception is the combination of a wrong desire and the determination to do it. This is a trespass and always happens within the mind, resulting in a person being in a state of unrighteousness, although sin has not yet happened. Conception does not guarantee birth, but unless it is interrupted it will always result in sin. Once a temptation has become a desire within us that we have determined to fulfill, if we do not apply the truth, the faith, or reject what the world wants, this determination will work out to sin when we perform the […]

Dealing with Bad Thoughts2023-12-14T08:11:01-08:00

Wrath (ὀργή)

Wrath(ὀργή) is an outward expression of anger.

There are many times recorded in Scripture and human history of God’s wrath coming upon a people which brought their destruction, such as with Sodom and Gomorrah. Therefore, the concept of the wrath of God is often focused on the coming tribulation period, in which His wrath will be poured out in full upon the ungodly, Revelation 11:18, or swift destruction coming upon the unrighteous. However, this is not the only way in which the wrath of God is manifested. An aspect of God’s wrath is being displayed today upon the ungodly and unrighteous men who hold down the truth in unrighteousness, Romans 1:18. God is permitting them to continue in their corrupt ways, turning them over to an unapproved mind and to the uncleanness of the lust of their hearts to dishonor their bodies among themselves, receiving in themselves the punishment for such an immoral lifestyle, and filling up to the full their judgment. Therefore, in reality, they are not getting away with their corruption. This is in stark contrast to how God deals with a Christian who is acting in an unbecoming way. He will discipline us, allowing sickness, being crippled, and even death if we continue in a sinful lifestyle, for He will not allow us to be condemned with the world; therefore, when we are judged we are child-trained to correct our actions, 1 Corinthians 11:30-32. As Christians, we are not appointed unto any quality of God’s wrath, 1 Thessalonians 5:9. However, those who reject the truth are by nature the children of wrath, Ephesians 2:3.

Although the wickedness of this world today makes us very angry, especially when they lie, cheat, and use deception and […]

Wrath (ὀργή)2023-11-25T07:39:30-08:00
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