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To Discern (ἀνακρίνω)

As a derivative of the word for judge, discern expresses the careful study of a question, and is often used in a judicial hearing.

After discerning if Jesus was guilty, Pilate’s response to the Chief Priest and rulers of Israel was that he found no fault in Christ, whom they accused of misleading the people. Not only did he find no blame, but also Herod sent Him back to Pilate for Christ had done nothing worthy of death, Luke 23:13-15. Before the rulers and elders, Peter calls them out for having Christ put to death because he and John were being examined concerning a good deed done to a helpless man, Acts 4:8-10. After killing James and seeing that it pleased the Jewish leaders, Herod locks up Peter so he can continue putting the disciples to death after the days of Unleavened Bread were over, Acts 12:2-3. However, God sent a messenger during the night to release Peter from prison. In the morning, when the guards found that Peter was not in the prison, they were examined and put to death for failing to secure their prisoner, Acts 12:19.

Outside of a judicial setting, discern is used concerning what a person is speaking or how they are acting. The Jews of Berea were high-born, unlike those of Thessalonica. Therefore, they were able to examine the Scripture concerning what Paul was stating to them about the Christ, for they could afford personal copies of the scrolls. As a result of their access to Scripture, many believed what Paul was proclaiming, Acts 17:11. When it comes to discerning the things of the Spirit, they cannot be examined by those who are carnal, for the fleshly mind is not subject […]

To Discern (ἀνακρίνω)2023-12-23T07:16:29-08:00

Waging of War (στρατεύω)

As Christians, although we walk in the flesh, our waging of war is not done according to the flesh, for our weapons of warfare are not carnal in nature, 2 Corinthians 10:3-4. We battle malignantly evil spiritual forces that seek to ensnare our minds into doing the will of Satan while persuading us that we are doing what God wants, 2 Timothy 2:26. One of the most influential means by which war is waged upon humans is through the world system, for it is set up to pacify the sin nature through the desires of the flesh, lust of the eyes, and pride of biological life, just as a baby is appeased by his mother rocking him in her arms, 1 John 2:16; 5:19. The wars of this world are a direct result of seeking to fulfill the desires of the flesh, James 4:1. Since we are engulfed in a spiritual battle, we are not to entangle ourselves with the affairs of this world, 2 Timothy 2:3.

Although we are at war, we do not need to fear. God has given us all things pertaining to life and godliness, 2 Peter 1:3. We are not ignorant of Satan’s methods and have been provided with armor that handles any attack he brings our way, Ephesians 6:10-18; 2 Corinthians 2:11. As part of our salvation, we also have light armor for everyday use so that we are always ready to give a defense for the hope that we have as we shine as luminaries to this crooked and perverse generation through living out who we are in Christ while casting off the works of darkness, Romans 13:12; 1 Thessalonians 5:8. We are not part of the world system, […]

Waging of War (στρατεύω)2023-12-14T08:10:23-08:00

Stop Quenching the Spirit (μὴ σβέννυτε)

“Quenching” involves the ceasing of a function by extinguishing it. It is used for not dousing smoking flax in Matthew 12:20 and putting out a lamp in Matthew 25:8. By faith, the saints of old were even able to quench the violence of fire, Hebrews 11:34. For those who reject the truth of the Gospel for salvation, they will abide in a place where the worm is not quenched, Mark 9:44. The worm is referring to the sin nature; therefore, it is a place where the sin nature will never cease its cravings, for it will at no time be satisfied.

As Christians, we have been given the tools in Christ that enable us to quench the fiery darts of the malignantly evil one, Ephesians 6:16. These are his attempts to get us to act independently from God by persuading us to be bitter, disappointed, discouraged, lie, steal, gossip, or in any other way speak and act in a manner that is contrary to who we are in Christ. They are rightly described as fiery darts, for when we allow them in, they burn within us as they seek to overtake our thoughts and impact our actions. However, the shield of faith is able to quench them all.

We are not to quench the Holy Spirit, 1 Thessalonians 5:19. The Holy Spirit impacts us through our desires, Galatians 5:17. He does this by giving us desires that are contrary to the cravings from our flesh, which is where the sin nature resides. When we quench Him, we are rejecting His desires over the yearnings from the flesh. By applying the truth, we are able to have victory over our sin nature and will seek to fulfill the […]

Stop Quenching the Spirit (μὴ σβέννυτε)2023-12-23T07:18:18-08:00

Healthy (ὑγιαίνω)

“Healthy” expresses good physical health and describes the proper use of information that is to be taught, but not put into practice by correctly dividing doctrine and teaching.

In response to the Pharisees and scribes complaining against Christ’s disciples concerning them eating with tax collectors and sinners, Jesus explains that one who is healthy does not have a need for a physician, for the Messiah has not come for the righteous, but the sinners to change their minds, Luke 5:30-32.

When healthy is used with teaching, it is the type of teaching that is according to the gospel of the proper opinion of the happy God, which was committed to Paul. This teaching has to do with properly handling Old Testament information, which is to be learned but not practiced. The Law is good, but it is for the unrighteous; all those who do things that are contrary to healthy teaching, 1 Timothy 1:8-11. We are righteous in Christ; therefore, we are not under law. Rather, our standard is to live by grace out from faith.

If anyone does not commit himself to the healthy words of our Lord, we are to withdraw ourselves from them, 1 Timothy 6:3. Of these who do not hold to the words of our Lord are those who teach that gain is godliness, where according to healthy words godliness with contentment is great gain. Since we brought nothing into this world, and will take nothing with us, going after money leads to all kinds of temptations and snares, for the fondness of money is a root of all wrong actions, 1 Timothy 6:6-10.

We are in a time where most assemblies claiming to be Christian are not putting up with healthy teaching, but […]

Healthy (ὑγιαίνω)2023-12-23T11:31:44-08:00

Simplicity (ἁπλότης)

Simplicity conveys a singleness of nature or unity. Therefore, its purpose is not dividable; rather, it is immutable while expressing a state of openness, frankness, or directness.

In addressing the saints in Rome, the Apostle Paul encouraged the ones with the Spiritual gift of giving to use this gift with simplicity, Romans 12:8. Whether we have the gift or not, when it comes to giving, we are not to do it under compulsion, or out from necessity, but with a cheerful heart, for the Lord loves a cheerful giver, 2 Corinthians 9:7. Therefore, let each one determine in his heart what he desires to give from his excess and do it so with simplicity, having no other intent.

In contrast to fleshly wisdom, we are to conduct ourselves in this world in simplicity and godly sincerity, 2 Corinthians 1:12. This is especially important when it comes to ones who teach the Word of God. Their purpose should always be to teach others, not to gain anything from them by teaching. An assembly should take care of its Pastor, and for those who serve well, they should provide for him a double portion; however, the intent of the Pastor should be simple, to equip them unto a work of ministry for the edification of the body of the Christ to bring them all to a unity (oneness) of the faith and a full experiential knowledge of the Son of God so that they are no longer tossed around by every wind of teaching by the trickery of men in deceit.

When it comes to someone who presents a different gospel or receives a different spirit, we are not to put up with them, for they seek to corrupt us […]

Simplicity (ἁπλότης)2023-12-23T11:36:06-08:00
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