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Healthy (ὑγιαίνω)

“Healthy” expresses good physical health and describes the proper use of information that is to be taught, but not put into practice by correctly dividing doctrine and teaching.

In response to the Pharisees and scribes complaining against Christ’s disciples concerning them eating with tax collectors and sinners, Jesus explains that one who is healthy does not have a need for a physician, for the Messiah has not come for the righteous, but the sinners to change their minds, Luke 5:30-32.

When healthy is used with teaching, it is the type of teaching that is according to the gospel of the proper opinion of the happy God, which was committed to Paul. This teaching has to do with properly handling Old Testament information, which is to be learned but not practiced. The Law is good, but it is for the unrighteous; all those who do things that are contrary to healthy teaching, 1 Timothy 1:8-11. We are righteous in Christ; therefore, we are not under law. Rather, our standard is to live by grace out from faith.

If anyone does not commit himself to the healthy words of our Lord, we are to withdraw ourselves from them, 1 Timothy 6:3. Of these who do not hold to the words of our Lord are those who teach that gain is godliness, where according to healthy words godliness with contentment is great gain. Since we brought nothing into this world, and will take nothing with us, going after money leads to all kinds of temptations and snares, for the fondness of money is a root of all wrong actions, 1 Timothy 6:6-10.

We are in a time where most assemblies claiming to be Christian are not putting up with healthy teaching, but […]

Healthy (ὑγιαίνω)2023-12-23T11:31:44-08:00

The Inarticulate Babbler – No Longer Tossed Around

And on the one hand God gave the apostles, and on the other hand the prophets, and the evangelist, and the pastors even teachers, towards the equipping of the saints unto a work of service, unto a building up of the body of the Christ, until we all arrive at a oneness of the faith and the full experiential knowledge of the Son of God, unto a mature man, unto a measure of maturity of the fulness of the Christ, in order that we are no longer inarticulate babblers, tossed around and carried about by every wind of teaching by the craftiness of men in cunning scheming of deceit, but while speaking the truth in love growing up unto Him in all things, Who is the head, Christ – Ephesians 4:11-15.

Nepios (νήπιος), is a word that describes a stage in life when we are under governors and tutors while being trained and brought to maturity. The importance of a good education and the integrity of those teaching is very important for the proper growth and maturity of a student. When the teachers fail to speak the truth, and do not hold the students accountable, maturity is never reached.

…always learning and never coming unto a full experiential knowledge of the truth – 2 Timothy 3:7

This is true in secular and religious settings. Today our government schools are intentionally based upon ideology and propaganda that teaches contrary to the truth and causes a lot of young people to be very confused about history, who they are, and basic truths in life. This same type of atmosphere is present in many large and well-known assemblies claiming to be Christians today. In the book of Revelation seven periods of […]

The Inarticulate Babbler – No Longer Tossed Around2023-12-14T08:11:48-08:00

Render Ineffective

“Render ineffective” (καταργέω) describes how something is not producing what it was intended to yield. It is not working properly and therefore returning nothing of value.

We first see this word in Scripture in a parable concerning a fig tree that is not producing fruit. It is rendering ineffective the ground, which should be producing for the owner. Luke 13:7 … cut it down, in order that why also does it render ineffective the ground? The space this tree is taking up could be used to produce fruit.

In discussing the advantage of the Jews, for the oracles of God were committed to them, Paul brings up a question concerning those who do not believe. Did their unbelief render ineffective the faithfulness of God, Romans 3:3? No, in fact, it does not. As it is written, God is true and every man is a liar because He will be justified in His Words and victorious when He judges, Romans 3:4, for He will save a remnant of Israel. Although faith does not negate the value of the law, the promise is not through law, for if it was, then faith would be rendered ineffective since the law is not out from faith, Romans 3:31; 4:14. However, those who seek to be justified out from law have rendered ineffective the Christ in their lives and have fallen from grace, Galatians 5:4, for through the law the sin nature is fully known, not righteousness. The law does not render ineffective the promise that was given four hundred and thirty years before it, Galatians 3:17. Rather the law was added because of the transgression until the faith in Christ should come.

When it comes to how we govern our lives and […]

Render Ineffective2023-11-25T07:46:01-08:00


Praise (αἴνεσις) is defined within Scripture as the fruit of our lips confessing the name of God.

Therefore, because of this let us offer up a sacrifice of praise through all to the God, that is, the fruit of our lips confessing His Name – Hebrews 13:15

Confession means, “to say the same thing”, and “name” refers to the character of a person. This means we praise God when we verbally agree with Him concerning the manner in which He expresses His character towards us.

The angels are seen praising God when they speak of His good will towards men resulting in giving the world Christ, Luke 2:13. After heeding the voice of the angels, the shepherds found Christ and told all of what they saw and heard, praising God as they returned, Luke 2:20.

In the seventh Psalm, a Benjamite writes of praising God according to His righteousness. Righteousness is an aspect of God’s nature that is expressed through His character. David encourages the Gentiles to praise God for His mercy to His anointed, Psalm 18:48, and as his strength and shield he trusts in God singing praises to Him, Psalm 28:7.

Praise can be done with music and song (Psalm 33:2) or by word (Psalm 75:1), for in it we are speaking of God’s name and therefore confessing His character.

For a Christian, praise is a spiritual sacrifice. As priests, we have religious services that we perform before God. One of these sacrifices that is a part of our priestly service is praise. Through praise we express our admiration for God’s grace (Ephesians 1:6), which is based upon expressing a proper opinion of Him (Ephesians 1:12,14). This admiration also expresses itself in the way we live, not […]


Knowing the Desirous will of God – Suffer for our consistent testimony

1 Peter 3:17 For it is better while doing good if he desirously wills the desirous will of the God to suffer than while doing wrong.

1 Peter 4:19 Wherefore also the suffering according to the desirous will of God, as to a faithful Creator, while entrusting our souls in doing good.

In the first epistle from the apostle Peter, he writes to the saints that have been dispersed due to persecution throughout the Roman Empire into primarily Gentile regions (1 Peter 1:1). In this letter he writes concerning the persecution they will face and how to overcome it. Today, these words still hold true. When we as Christians are in areas that are primarily governed by unbelievers, living out our salvation will bring suffering.

We are not to follow in the ways of the unsaved, for they live a life of futility and are completely focused on satisfying their own depraved desires. They corrupt everything they touch, even the concept of love. Rather, we are to be of one frame of mind, suffering together, friendly, compassionate, and humble, not paying back wrong for wrong or verbal abuse for verbal abuse (1 Peter 3:8-9). We are called to inherent a good eulogy, for the Lord already speaks well of us in all spiritual things in the heavens (Ephesians 1:3). Therefore, knowing we are called to this, let us speak well of others by speaking with grace, not considering if they deserve for us to speak in a good manner towards or about them, but because of who we are in Christ, as we refrain our tongue from wrong while turning from what is wrong to do what is beneficial while pursuing peace (1 Peter 3:9-11). However, this type of […]

Knowing the Desirous will of God – Suffer for our consistent testimony2023-11-25T07:53:03-08:00
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