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Mental Control (πίμπλημι)

Mental Control (πίμπλημι) is a type of filling in which the person, or thing, is completely filled up in such a way as to directly influence its direction and activities; therefore, they are dominated by what is filling them.

This is the type of filling used by the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost in the upper room in Acts chapter two when the disciples were dominated by Him to speak with other dialects. This is not the Spiritual gift of speaking in tongues, which is a replenishing type of filling; instead, it is an Old Testament type of filling that was for the purpose of showing the Jews a sign from God.

And they were all dominated by the Holy Spirit and began to speak different languages just as the Spirit gave them to declare – Acts 2:4.

The other type of filling, which is to replenish, is also used in the same context in Acts chapter two for how the sound of a mighty rushing wind filled the house with sound as the Holy Spirit came down from heaven, Acts 2:2.

The Spiritual gift of speaking in tongues that was given to the Church as a sign to the unbelieving Jews is a different type of filling from what happened on the day of Pentecost. It is a filling up where lacking, or replenish, and the person being filled in this way maintains mental control over the use of the gift, 1 Corinthians 14:32. On the day of Pentecost the disciples did not have control over what they were speaking; however, concerning the Spiritual gift of speaking in tongues, Christians are instructed to abstain from speaking if they do not have someone who can […]

Mental Control (πίμπλημι)2024-06-27T05:53:58-07:00

Not Striking against (ἀπρόσκοπος)

While Paul was defending himself before Felix against accusations from the Jews, he spoke of his conscience. He strives to have a conscience that does not strike at, hence, cause offense, God or men, Acts 24:16.

Although we understand that food does not defile a person, if someone lacks this knowledge, we are not to use our freedom to cause offense to ( a strike against) their conscience. Instead, whatever we eat or drink it is to be in a way that expresses a proper opinion of God, not striking against the conscience of the Jews, Greeks, or Church of God, 1 Corinthians 10:32.

As we grow in love our full experiential knowledge and perception abound more and more so that we are able to approve the things that differ. In doing this, we will live out the life we have in Christ in a sincere manner and without offense to another until the day of Christ as we are filled up with the fruit of righteousness that is through Jesus Christ, Philippians 1:10.

‘Not striking against’ (ἀπρόσκοπος) is a concept often translated in English as ‘not offending’. However, ‘offense’ is also used for different words, such as ‘scandalizing’ (Matthew 18:7), and ‘trespass’ (Romans 4:25). Therefore. it is important to discern what Paul is referring to when he states we are not to give offense to any of the races. ‘Not strike against’ is a negation of the word ‘to strike’, which is used of dashing a foot against stone, Matthew 4:6, or stumbling while walking at night, John 11:10. ‘Aproskopos’ is predominately use concerning the conscience. Paul strived to have a good conscience before God and men, that did not strike against them; therefore, does not […]

Not Striking against (ἀπρόσκοπος)2024-06-13T07:07:50-07:00

Sheol (שְׁאֹ֖ול) – Hades (ᾅδης)

Where the worm does not die

Sheol is the Hebrew word that describes the place in the center of the earth where humans who have died reside. Within its compartments are unbelievers and some of the fallen angels who are bound, waiting for final judgment. Prior to the resurrection of Christ, all those who were saved resided in Paradise, which was in the upper chamber of Sheol. Hades is the Greek word for the same place, which comes across into English as hell. However, the English concept only refers to the lowest part of Sheol, where the unsaved humans reside.

Sheol has three chambers. The lowest part is where the fire burns (Deuteronomy 32:22) and the unsaved reside. This is the place where the worm does not die. Worm refers to the sin nature of a human, not a physical worm (Isaiah 66:24). The abyss is the holding area for fallen angels, and within the abyss is a pit for malignantly evil angels. Paradise is the residence of those who were saved before the resurrection of Christ.

During Christ’s earthly ministry to the Jews, the unbelieving ones kept pressing for a sign even though He had given substantial evidence to them that He was the Messiah. In response, Jesus states that no sign will be given to them except the sign of Jonah. As Jonah was in the belly of the great fish for three days and three nights, so will the Son of Man be in the heart of the earth for three days and three nights, Matthew 12:39-40. In Peter’s first address to Israel after the resurrection of Christ, he quotes the prophecies concerning Christ and Hades. King David, who was a prophet of […]

Sheol (שְׁאֹ֖ול) – Hades (ᾅδης)2024-05-12T06:55:50-07:00

The Truth Will Set You Free

In the Gospel of John, the author records a statement from Jesus to the Jews who believed Him. If they abide in His word, they will know the truth, and the truth will set them free.

Therefore, Jesus said toward the Jews believing Him, “If you abide in My word, truly you are My disciples and you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.” John 8:31-32

The response of the unbelieving Jews was to refute their need for freedom immediately. However, all those who sin are slaves to sin, John 8:33. The sin referred to here is not the acts of sin that a person does. Instead, it is specific to the sin nature of a person. All those doing sin (the act of lawlessness) are slaves to the sin [nature].

As the steward of our dispensation, Paul is given instructions on how to have victory over the sin nature. In Romans chapters six through seven, he writes of his experience with applying the doctrine of the truth in comparison to how the law works against the sin nature. Through this, we clearly understand what Jesus was referring to as the truth. The truth is a specific doctrine that frees a person from slavery to commit sin so that he is able to produce righteousness.

The first aspect of this doctrine is to know. Those who abide, feel at ease, in His word must know it.

Know that we have died with Christ and have been raised to walk in newness of life.

Or do you not know that as many as have been immersed into Christ Jesus, into His death have been immersed? Romans 6:3

Therefore, we have been buried with Him through the immersion into the death, in order that just as […]

The Truth Will Set You Free2024-05-05T13:07:49-07:00

The Doctrine of the Nicolaitans

Nicolaitans is a transliterated word; therefore, there is no English equivalent. We must look back at the original language and translate its meaning into English to understand what it expresses. Nicolaitans (Νικολαΐτης) is a combination of two words: victory (νῖκος) and people (λαός). By compounding these words, they communicate a victory over the people; therefore, it is a person who holds a position of authority over the people.

The concept of the Nicolaitans doctrine comes from the Jews and the priestly structure under the law. From the very beginning of the Church, it is a false doctrine that continually attempts to creep into the local assemblies. The apostle John writes of this doctrine while addressing the first of the seven assemblies in the book of Revelation. Those in Ephesus were indifferent to the Nicolaitans doctrine, even though some attempted to impose it.

But this you have, that you are indifferent to the works of the Nicolaitans, which I also am indifferent to. Revelation 2:3.

In Christ, the distinctions of sex, class, and race have no value; instead, it is the new creation, Galatians 6:15. This new creation is the body of the Christ, in which Christ is the head and the Church is His body, 2 Corinthians 5:17; Ephesians 1:22-23. Within the body of the Christ, there is no separation based upon any of these statuses, for we are all part of one body, 1 Corinthians 12:13. The doctrine of the Nicolaitans is distinct from the Mosaic law, which implemented a priesthood and specific classes of people. However, in the local assemblies of the Church, the Pastors and other leaders are not separated from the congregation.

In its full form, the doctrine of […]

The Doctrine of the Nicolaitans2024-04-18T06:36:20-07:00
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