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One Incredible Expression of God’s Love: The Greatest Gift of All

In the Gospel of Luke the author looks back on events with the purpose of setting things in order. You see, something quite miraculous had happened; something that was not expected, and in the end changed the world.  Luke begins his record by stating that he has undertaken the task of setting things in order for all that had been accomplished so that the most excellent Theophilus1 would have a full understanding of the events that surrounded Jesus’ life. Unlike other historical records, Luke’s was different because he was writing about a wonderful work that God had done; a work that would forever change the relationship of men to God and would bring about the downfall of our enemy, Satan; a work that was wholly unexpected from man’s point of view, for Luke’s history tells of something that no man could have ever thought possible. God came to be in the flesh.

So stunning was this new event, that not even the spirit beings could understand it. …which none of the princes of this age knew. For if, assuming it is true, they knew, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory2. How could the God who created the universe be in the form of a man who is created a little lower than the angels? You had made Him for a short time a little lower than the angels, You have crowned Him with a proper opinion and honor…  3 This was nothing they had seen before, even though many of times the spirit beings had been with the Son of God when He manifested Himself to men as the Messenger of […]

One Incredible Expression of God’s Love: The Greatest Gift of All2023-11-23T12:51:14-08:00


The Origin and Nature of Humans

The Origin of Humans

Adam was both formed from the dust of the earth and created out of nothing by God1. Adam’s body was created out of the dust of the earth and his soul and spirit were created out of nothing2. Adam was created; all other humans were procreated from Adam and Eve3. When Adam was created, he was created in the likeness and the image of God4. Adam was created complete and in the likeness of God immediately without process.

The Body, the Soul, and the Spirit

Humans are tri-partite5. They have a body, which is the physical flesh. They have a soul, which is the center of his emotions6. They also have  a spirit, which is the part of them that is able to rationalize7. The place where these three parts come together is referred to as the heart, which is where the determinate will of a human is formed8.

The Present Condition of Unsaved Humans

All humans possess a sin nature and are totally depraved9. All unsaved are spiritually separated from God, because of Adam’s trespass and sin. They all physically die because of Adam’s sin10. They are not able to receive the things from the Spirit of God because their minds have been darkened11. The Gospel for salvation is foolishness to them and their minds have been darkened to this Gospel12.

The Present Condition of Saved Humans

Saved humans still possess a fallen nature. However, they also possess a new nature, which is a quality of the Divine Nature


What is God’s expectations for a Christian?

Christianity is completely different from living under Law. It is a life that is lived by grace through faith. The Gospel of the Christ was given to Paul to pass on to us so that we would know what is involved in our salvation, the possessions that we have, our position before God, and how to live a life that truly glories God.

What is “The Christ”
In 2 Corinthians 5:17 Paul writes, “therefore, since someone is in Christ; a new creation, the old things have passed away, behold, all things have become new.”

Paul is referring to our position before God and this new creation that He made when He created the Church. All those who are in this new creation are apart of the body of The Christ, where Christ Jesus is the head, that the Church is the body.

Baptism is a very important part of the Christian life. When you were saved, you were immersed (baptized) into the body of Christ by the Holy Spirit, 1 Corinthians 12:13 “For by one Spirit we all were immersed into one body, whether Jew or Greek, whether slave or free man, we were all made to drink by one Spirit.” The Holy Spirit placed us into the body of Christ through Spirit baptism.

The body of Christ is a new creation that was made by God on the day of Pentecost – the day the Holy Spirit came to reside upon the earth in believers, Acts 2. Within this new creation, some changes have happened that are important to understand. 2 Corinthian 5:17 “Since someone is in Christ; a new creation, the old things have passed away, behold all things have become new.” Many translation have […]

What is God’s expectations for a Christian?2023-12-14T12:33:01-08:00
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