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The Only Acceptable Message for Salvation

Why is the Gospel for Salvation the only acceptable Message for Salvation?

What makes the Gospel Message so important? Is it not sufficient to simply say that if you accept Jesus you are saved? or Jesus died for you? Does it really matter what you believe or just that you believe? To understand why it is so important to accurately present the gospel for salvation today, which is Christ died for your sins, was buried, and rose again on the third day according to the Scriptures, we are going to look at what God has said throughout the Scripture and the affects on men who either modify God’s word, completely ignore it, or followed exactly what He said.

After renovating the earth [1] due to the fall and judgment of Lucifer who once reigned over the entire created universe as God’s anointed Cherub[2], God planted a garden in Eden[3] and created Adam to tend to the garden[4]. Prior to God building the woman from Adam, He gave instruction to him on how he was expected to govern his life and the consequences of failing to obey His word. Adam was free to eat from all the trees of the garden, except the tree of the knowledge of what is beneficial and what brings calamity in the midst of the garden[5]. God stated, “But from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil do not eat from it because in the day you eat from it dying you will die.”[6] Once Eve was made from Adam’s side, as the steward of his dispensation he passed on the words from God to her; […]

The Only Acceptable Message for Salvation2023-12-10T08:26:59-08:00

Doctrine and Teaching

All Scripture has information for the saints today, but not all Scripture is for the saint’s practice. The Greek language uses two different words to describe these types of information. The first, often translated teaching, is referring to information that is to be learned but not to be practiced, where the other word means doctrine – that which is to be practiced.

Teaching – διδασκαλία (Information to be learned but not practiced)

  • Teachers teaching the precepts of man, Matthew 15:9; Mark 7:7; Colossians 2:22
    1. The people draw near with their mouth and honor with their lips, but are far from Him with their hearts
    2. They reverence Him in vain
  • “Precepts” is used exclusively of the teachings of men. – A royal or Imperial ordinance
    1. Touch not, taste not, handle not, Colossians 2:22
    2. The elementary principles of the world system, Colossians 2:20
  • Have an appearance of wisdom in self made religion and self abasement and mistreating the body, Colossians 2:23
  • Teachings of Demons, 1 Timothy 4:1-6
    1. Speaking lies
    2. Having a conscience seared
    3. Forbidding to marry
    4. Abstaining from meats
    5. In contrast to good (well) teachings
  • The Time will come when men will not endure healthy teaching, 2 Timothy 4:3
    1. They will heap up for themselves teachers after their own lusts
    2. They will turn from the truth to myths
  • Within the Church
    1. Used of information that is to be learned but not practiced
    2. A separate gift from a Pastor, Romans 12:7 (Pastor is both a shepherd and a teacher)
    3. Information written before for our learning, Romans 15:4
    4. Pastors who labors in the Word and teaching, 1 Timothy 5:17
    5. Scripture is profitable for teachings, reproof, correction and child training, 2 Timothy 3:16
      1. Teaching – properly handling information that is to […]
Doctrine and Teaching2023-11-23T12:17:14-08:00

The Standard – Our Commandments

Believe on God’s Son1; love one another (other saints2) as Christ has loved us; abide in Christ, John 13:34,35; 15:1-4; 1 John 3:24, 25. These are the commandments for Christian’s today. Christians are not under any quality of law, but rather under grace3. This does not mean that there is no standard for a Christian or that a Christian may continue in sin without any penalty4. Grace is not a license to sin; rather, through grace we are provided the ability to act righteously. The law5 of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus is the standard by which we live. We fulfill the righteousness of the law of the Spirit when we are […]

The Standard – Our Commandments2023-11-23T14:10:31-08:00

Why do we need salvation?

To understand why we need salvation we need to go back to the beginning when God created humans. He created Adam in His image and likeness and built Eve from his side1. Adam was given a commandment by God that he was not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. In the day in which he ate of it the punishment would be death2. Not just physical death, but also spiritual death – dying you will die. Although Eve was thoroughly deceived and transgressed the law, Adam was not deceived and chose to disobey God. The result was spiritual separation from God and now he is subject to physical death. Did God setup Adam and Eve to fail? Absolutely not. He gave them all they needed to success. Satan deceived Eve into eating the fruit from the tree; however, Adam was not deceived at all and of his own free will chose to eat, knowing he was disobeying God3.

So what does this have to do with us and why we need […]

Why do we need salvation?2023-12-14T11:16:16-08:00

The Power of a Single Act of Love

As I sat sipping my coffee in the darkness of Christmas morning while I waited for the light of day to rise and the rest of the house to begin to stir with activity, I began thinking about the night. Night is master during this time of year. Although the sun still shines, as we move into deep winter it is often all too quickly over taken by the night. With little light the world grows cold and dreary and the soul begins to mourn as it longs for the bright face of the sun. We tell ourselves that not all hope is lost, for we know that the sun will return and again shine its face upon us and warm our souls giving us energy and melting the cold cover of winter. Yet our spirit is still left in the cold and darkness, for the sun cannot melt the winter that has set upon it. With no light, our spirit suffers in the darkness, alone, seeking relief but finding none in itself. As the seasons take their turn according to their times soon the world will again be cold and dark and our soul will again join our spirit in mourning for the light: so cold, so dark, so alone, feeling as if there really is no hope.

Yet, not all is lost, for a light has come into the world that is able to bring our soul and spirit out of darkness; a light so intense and pure that darkness will never again overwhelm our spirit. In one of the darkest periods of man’s history God sent light into the world through a single act of love. A love that seeks the best for […]

The Power of a Single Act of Love2014-12-27T07:37:26-08:00
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