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Tongues (γλῶσσα)

Through the prophet Isaiah, God told Israel that He would give them a sign by speaking with them in other tongues (Isaiah 28:11). Fifty days after the Passover, in which Christ was put to death by wicked men but raised out from the dead three days later by God, the disciples where in Jerusalem as they had been commanded (Acts 1:4) when the Holy Spirit came upon them (Acts 2:1-4) and they spoke in a different language.

Tongue (γλῶσσα) is a word that is used of the physical tongue, how a person speaks, and the language spoken. When Christ healed a deaf man with a speech impediment, the man’s tongue was loosed, and he spoke correctly (Mark 7:33-35). In the story of the rich man and Lazarus, the rich man asked for water to cool his tongue (Luke 16:24). In the book of Romans, we see that the tongue is used for speaking for with their tongues they deceive (Romans 3:13) and every tongue will verbally agree with God (Romans 14:11).

When it comes to the Spiritual gift of speaking in tongues, it is defined in the same context in which it first appears in Scripture. The intense sound made when the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples caused many of the Jews in the city to come to see what was happening (Acts 2:6). Now at this time a lot of devout Jews, meaning they were saved under the Mosaic Law, from every nation under heaven were in the city and their reaction explains what was happening. They marveled because the disciples were speaking in their dialects (διάλεκτος) the wonderful works of God (Acts 2:11). They were not just speaking another language, but specific dialects from […]

Tongues (γλῶσσα)2023-11-25T07:55:36-08:00

The Place of Maturity for all Who are in the Christ

υἱοθεσία (placement of a son) is a word that expresses the cultural concept of when a child has matured enough to no longer be required to be under guardians and stewards, he is placed as a son. While the child is an inarticulate babbler, he is under guardians and stewards until the appointed time of the father. During this time the child does not differ from a slave of the household (Galatians 4:1-2). Although typically used of a mature male child, a mature female child could also hold the position in homes that lacked a son.

This aspect is brought over into the Church because all those who are immersed into the Christ (the new creation God made when He raised Christ), are placed as sons.

… while having marked off our bounds to the placement of sons through Jesus Christ unto Himself, according to the good pleasure of His desirous will, Ephesians 1:5.

The significance of this, is that all who are placed as sons are not under law. Those under law, before faith in Christ came, were kept under guardians and tutors (Galatians 3:23-24). When the fullness of time came, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under law, to redeem those who were under law that they should be placed as sons (Galatians 4:4-5). As members of the Church, we did not receive a spirit of bondage, but one of son placement (Romans 8:15). Therefore, we live out from faith (Romans 1:17), not by law for the law does not require faith (Galatians 3:12). The placement of sons actually belongs to Israel but when they rejected righteousness through Christ God opened it up to the Gentiles who accepted the truth (Romans 9:4).

When […]

The Place of Maturity for all Who are in the Christ2023-11-25T07:56:44-08:00

Call (καλέω)

Called is used for the name of a person or a description by which a person is defined. Summons is an aspect of “called” in which a person is called to a meeting, event, place, or state of existence for the purpose of participating.

In Matthew 2:7 Herod summons the Magi, but not in a public way, so he can gain information about this King of the Jews they speak of. During the tribulation period, while the Jews are in the wilderness, those who are peace makers are described (called) as sons (mature ones) of God (Matthew 5:9).

God calls those things that do not exist as though they do, for when He says He will do something, even when we cannot see it, He is able to make it come true (Romans 4:17). Within the decree of God, He made specific plans according to His purpose. One of the things He determined was that a group of the saved would be marked off to conform to the image of His Son (Romans 8:29). Now is the time for all who believe to be placed as sons in Christ so we can mature unto a full experiential knowledge, so today God calls us. Our calling is not because we are righteous, for those whom He calls He also justifies (Romans 8:30). God showed that his calling is not based upon the desire or the work of humans, but rather His own plan when He called Jacob over Esau for the inheritance of promise before they were even born (Romans 9:7). Unlike under law, now both Jew and Gentile are being called (Romans 9:24). Therefore, the fellowship we have with Christ is because God called us, not by […]

Call (καλέω)2023-11-25T07:56:55-08:00

It is God’s Desire that All Are Saved

This is proper and acceptable before the face of God, Who desires all men to be saved and come to a full experiential knowledge of the truth – 1 Timothy 2:3-4

God has not determined that some would perish, but rather is longsuffering towards all so that they can make room for a change of the mind (Repentance).

The Lord is not slow of promise as some regard slowness, but is longsuffering unto you, while not determining some to perish, but all to make room unto repentance. – 2 Peter 3:9.

However, this does not mean that humans can force God to save them by their works, for salvation is God’s choice, not by the desirous will of humans. He showed this through the selecting of Jacob over Esau before they were born. Rather than giving Esau the birthright to the promise given to Abraham, God chose Jacob before either one had done good or bad for the purpose of showing that it is not about what humans want, but God’s choice (Romans 9:11). This was done to prove a point, it is not the one who desires or the one who runs, but God who chooses to give mercy (Romans 9:16).

How God chooses to provide salvation is His choice, not ours. God states today that to be saved we are to take Him at His Word and believe that Christ died on behalf of our sins, was buried, and rose again on the third day according to the Scriptures (1 Corinthians 15:1-4).

God did determine that certain things would happen. He chose that Christ would die and be raised from the dead (1 Peter 1:20). He chose that all who would be in Christ would have their bounds […]

It is God’s Desire that All Are Saved2023-12-14T08:14:28-08:00

Poor (πτωχός)

Poor is a word that means to lack something. It can be used of financial means, understanding, knowledge, or doctrine. If we are not careful with context it can be miss applied by implying it is addressing someone who is in financial need, but really is lacking in other areas.

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus refers to the poor in spirit as being happy ones (Matthew 5:3). He is referring to the Jews during the Tribulation period who will be lacking information concerning what the man of lawlessness is doing in the temple after Israel flees to the wilderness because he has set himself up as God. When Jesus said He came to preach good news to the poor, He was not referring to those who lacked financial means, but the truth. He healed the lame, cleansed the lepers, even raised the dead, while presenting the good news to those who were poor in understanding (Matthew 11:5).

We live in a time where wealth and numbers are more valuable to the assemblies than truth, because they are poor in doctrine (Revelation 3:14-22). Many claim to follow Jesus, but really are just mockers of the truth following after their own ungodly desires (Jude 17-19). They masquerade as messengers of light, just as Satan does, while walking in darkness not knowing where they go and leading others astray with them.

When it comes to the things of the world system and religion, they are described as weak and poor (Galatians 4:9-10). Touch not, taste not, observance of days, months, new moons. These have an appearance of wisdom but are just weak and poor self-made religions serving to indulge the flesh (Colossians 2:21-23).

It is far greater of an issue […]

Poor (πτωχός)2023-11-25T08:03:45-08:00
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