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The Different Types of Christians – Carnal Christian

And also, brethren, I was not able to speak to you as Spiritual but as carnal, as inarticulate babblers in Christ. I gave you milk not meat. For thus you were not able, but neither yet now are you able, for yet you are carnal. For where among you is jealousy and strife are you not carnal and walk as humans? – 1 Corinthians 3:1-3

The Different Types of Christians – Carnal Christian2023-11-27T10:36:57-08:00

The Different Types of Christians – Maturing Christian

Experiencing the Christian life is something that all of us need to do by living out what God says. This takes some training because the salvation we have is not something we sit and wait for in the future, it can, and should be, used right now in our lives. We are the children of God, we have all things pertaining to life and godliness, we are those who are in Christ. Our lives need to show this.

The Different Types of Christians – Maturing Christian2023-11-27T10:37:13-08:00

The Different Types of Christians – Spiritual

Spiritual means we are emanating the things of the Spirit; that is, we are seeking to fulfill His desires in our lives rather than the desires of our flesh. We are focused on things above where Christ is seated at the right hand of God and living a life that is out from faith. Along with this we will be properly defending ourselves against our enemies and living out the righteousness that we have in Christ. This is the proper state for a Christian to be in.

The Different Types of Christians – Spiritual2023-11-27T10:38:20-08:00
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