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The Doctrine of the Nicolaitans

Nicolaitans is a transliterated word; therefore, there is no English equivalent. We must look back at the original language and translate its meaning into English to understand what it expresses. Nicolaitans (Νικολαΐτης) is a combination of two words: victory (νῖκος) and people (λαός). By compounding these words, they communicate a victory over the people; therefore, it is a person who holds a position of authority over the people.

The concept of the Nicolaitans doctrine comes from the Jews and the priestly structure under the law. From the very beginning of the Church, it is a false doctrine that continually attempts to creep into the local assemblies. The apostle John writes of this doctrine while addressing the first of the seven assemblies in the book of Revelation. Those in Ephesus were indifferent to the Nicolaitans doctrine, even though some attempted to impose it.

But this you have, that you are indifferent to the works of the Nicolaitans, which I also am indifferent to. Revelation 2:3.

In Christ, the distinctions of sex, class, and race have no value; instead, it is the new creation, Galatians 6:15. This new creation is the body of the Christ, in which Christ is the head and the Church is His body, 2 Corinthians 5:17; Ephesians 1:22-23. Within the body of the Christ, there is no separation based upon any of these statuses, for we are all part of one body, 1 Corinthians 12:13. The doctrine of the Nicolaitans is distinct from the Mosaic law, which implemented a priesthood and specific classes of people. However, in the local assemblies of the Church, the Pastors and other leaders are not separated from the congregation.

In its full form, the doctrine of […]

The Doctrine of the Nicolaitans2024-04-18T06:36:20-07:00

Antichrist (ἀντίχριστος)

The Apostle John writes of the antichrist (ἀντίχριστος) in his first and second letters to the Church. Antichrist is a word created by combining a preposition (ἀντί) expressing opposition and Christ (Χριστός); therefore, it defines one who is against Christ.

We are first introduced to the concept of the antichrist in 1 John 2:18, where John writes about how we know it is the last hour. My little children, it is the last hour, and just as you heard that an antichrist is coming, now also many antichrists have come, by which we experientially know it is the last hour. The antichrist is the liar who denies that Jesus is the Messiah, 1 John 2:22. Who is the liar, except the one denying that Jesus is the Messiah? This one is the antichrist, the one denying the Father and the Son. Although these antichrists may claim to be from the Father, the ones that oppose Christ also reject the Father, 1 John 2:23. Everyone who denies the Son does not have the Father, the one verbally agreeing, has the Son and the Father. Every spirit that does not verbally agree that Jesus has come in the flesh is the antichrist, 1 John 4:3. and every spirit which does not confess (verbally agree) the Jesus is not out from God, and this is the [spirit] of the antichrist, which you have heard that is coming and now already is in the world. They are the deceivers who have gone out into the world, some even out from the assemblies, from the beginning of the Church, denying that Jesus has come in the flesh, 2 John 7. The antichrist is one who causes others to wander away […]

Antichrist (ἀντίχριστος)2024-03-21T06:24:51-07:00

To Gain a Firm Mental Grasp (ἐπίσταμαι)

Having a firm mental grasp or acquiring information is expressed by ἐπίσταμαι (epistamai). Its root means to stand (ιστημι). Therefore, it expresses standing with a firm mental grasp because of the information a person is acquainted with.

In Peter’s denial of Christ, when questioned by a young servant girl if he was with Christ, he adamantly denied it, saying that he neither intuitively knows nor has acquired knowledge concerning Christ, Mark 14:68. After Peter is restored from the attack by Satan that caused him to deny Christ, God uses him to show the Jews that the Gentiles are also being accepted into the Church. In Cornelius’ house, Peter states that they have a firm mental grasp on the fact that it is not permissible for a Jew to fellowship or enter into a place with another nation, Acts 10:28. However before Cornelius sent for Paul, God showed him that he is not to call any man common or unclean and, therefore, Peter came without objection.

During the council in Acts chapter fifteen concerning whether or not the Gentiles should be circumcised and obey the law of Moses, Peter spoke up concerning what God had been doing. The elders and apostles present had acquired knowledge concerning the situation when God instructed Peter to enter into the house of a Gentile so they could hear the gospel. They were neither circumcised nor immersed before the Holy Spirit came upon them in the same manner as He did on the day of Pentecost to show the Jews a sign, Acts 15:5.

When Apollos came to Ephesus, he was mighty in the Scripture; however, he was only familiar with (had a firm mental grasp) the immersion of John, Acts […]

To Gain a Firm Mental Grasp (ἐπίσταμαι)2024-02-15T08:03:08-08:00

Happy and Joy

Happy (μακάριος) is an attitude of enjoyment and delight, whereas Joy (χαρά) is contentment. In action, joy is rejoicing; however, it is different from exultation (ἀγαλλιάω), Matthew 5:12.

When the magi of the east saw the star of David rise, they knew the King of the Jews was born. They responded to this finding by rejoicing with very great joy because their discovery brought them happiness, Matthew 2:10. Zacharias is informed by an angel that the Lord has heard his supplication for a son. Elizabeth will bear him a boy, and he will have joy and gladness along with many others who will rejoice at his birth, Luke 1:14. In addressing the saints of Philippi, Paul expresses that they are his joy, Philippians 4:1. For they bring him a sense of delight just as the saints in Thessalonica, 1 Thessalonians 2:19, even though Paul has been separated from them through the persecution he was facing. Not only did they receive the gospel of the Christ, but they also took hold of eternal life through obedience to the gospel. During Christ’s ministry, as He proclaimed the gospel of the Kingdom of the Heavens, some of the Jews immediately received the message with joy; however, they were like seeds on stony ground that have no root, so they only endure for a short time, Matthew 4:16. Joy is not emotionally centered because it is also shown by the spirit beings, who do not possess a soul. There is great joy in heaven over one sinner changing his mind, Luke 15:7.

Unlike joy, which is often expressed in rejoicing because of satisfaction, happy is more of a state of mind. Happy is the man to whom the Lord does not […]

Happy and Joy2023-12-21T05:51:30-08:00

Laying Hold of Eternal Life

Godliness with contentment is great gain. Yet, some seek to deceive the saints by teaching that financial gain is a means of godliness. This false doctrine is also known as the prosperity gospel. The fondness of money is a root of all wrong, and those who follow after it will stray from the faith in their greed, 1 Timothy 6:3-10. Therefore, we are to put away the fondness of money and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, and objectivity of mind, 1 Timothy 6:11, for in doing so, we will take hold of eternal life, 1 Timothy 6:12. Those who are rich in this present age are not to be high minded, trusting in uncertain riches; rather, they are to do good works, being rich in proper works, generous, fellowshipping, so that they store up for themselves a proper foundation for the time to come, taking hold of eternal life, 1 Timothy 6:17-19, for those who determine to be wealthy fall into temptation and a snare, leading them into many harmful and foolish desires, 1 Timothy 6:5.

A person who continues a lifestyle of sin after being saved is not taking hold of eternal life. We are to lay aside the things of the old man and put on the new, Colossians 3:9-10, while abstaining from fleshly desires that war against our soul (emotions), 1 Peter 2:11. Although sin does not take away the salvation of the one who is saved, for nothing can separate us from the love of God, Romans 8:39, it still needs to be dealt with. One who is clean only needs to wash his feet, John 13:10. Unfortunately, many saints walk around with filthy feet because they continue to walk in […]

Laying Hold of Eternal Life2023-12-14T07:52:56-08:00
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