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Foreknowledge (πρόγνωσις)

The English word “Prognosis” comes from this Greek word and still carries its basic meaning. A prediction of an outcome based upon prior knowledge. Typically used in the medical field, where the prior knowledge of the physician is called upon to determine the best course of action to heal a sickness, injury, or disease.

Paul uses prognosis in his defense before Agrippa, calling upon the Jews who all have a previous knowledge of Paul’s lifestyle as a Pharisee (Acts 26:5). After Peter discusses the new heavens and new earth, he encourages us to be on our guard because we have a prior knowledge that what is now will be totally destroyed (2 Peter 3:17).

When it comes to God and His prior knowledge, this same word is used. God marked off the bounds to be conformed to the image of His son, those He foreknew (Romans 8:29). The foreknowledge goes back to the plan God determined before the creation of the universe, in which He determined to set a specific group aside to be conformed to His Son. This foreknowledge is not looking at the individual, but the council that the Godhead determined to fulfill.

Speaking concerning Israel, Paul explains that God has not rejected the people that He foreknew. Israel was set aside to God as a nation and God will not cast them off but will fulfill His Word to them. Elijah learned this while thinking he was the only one left. No, God had seven thousand men who had not bowed the knee to Baal, even though it appeared that all others had. (Romans 11:2-4).

Prior to the foundations of the universe, God the Father determined that God the Son would be wrapped in flesh and […]

Foreknowledge (πρόγνωσις)2023-11-25T08:03:34-08:00

Poor (πτωχός)

Poor is a word that means to lack something. It can be used of financial means, understanding, knowledge, or doctrine. If we are not careful with context it can be miss applied by implying it is addressing someone who is in financial need, but really is lacking in other areas.

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus refers to the poor in spirit as being happy ones (Matthew 5:3). He is referring to the Jews during the Tribulation period who will be lacking information concerning what the man of lawlessness is doing in the temple after Israel flees to the wilderness because he has set himself up as God. When Jesus said He came to preach good news to the poor, He was not referring to those who lacked financial means, but the truth. He healed the lame, cleansed the lepers, even raised the dead, while presenting the good news to those who were poor in understanding (Matthew 11:5).

We live in a time where wealth and numbers are more valuable to the assemblies than truth, because they are poor in doctrine (Revelation 3:14-22). Many claim to follow Jesus, but really are just mockers of the truth following after their own ungodly desires (Jude 17-19). They masquerade as messengers of light, just as Satan does, while walking in darkness not knowing where they go and leading others astray with them.

When it comes to the things of the world system and religion, they are described as weak and poor (Galatians 4:9-10). Touch not, taste not, observance of days, months, new moons. These have an appearance of wisdom but are just weak and poor self-made religions serving to indulge the flesh (Colossians 2:21-23).

It is far greater of an issue […]

Poor (πτωχός)2023-11-25T08:03:45-08:00

2 Corinthians The Christ, A New Creation

Astounded, to God, A Saved Frame of Mind to You, 2 Corinthians 5:13

Astounded – To Stand Out From

The Devout Jews in Jerusalem Hearing the Galileans Speak in Their Dialect, Acts 2:7

Simon the Magician astounding the people of Samaria, Acts 8:9

Simon the Magician’s Seeing the Signs and Wonders Phillip Did in Samaria, Acts 8:13

The Jews with Peter at Cornelius’ House, Acts 10:45

Peter Knocking at the Door of Mary’s House, Acts 12:16

Astounded Is Primarily Used in the Gospels and the Book of Acts

Being Astounded is a feeling or showing of great surprise or wonder

Does not mean to be out of one’s mind

The Jews Concerning Jesus Being Insane, John 10:19-21

Paul Speaking Truth to Festus, Acts 26:24-25

Seeing Something That Blows the Mind

Our Astonishment is Towards God

Towards Others, Having a Sound Frame of Mind, 2 Corinthians 5:13

Having a Saved Frame of Mind

Young Men are to Have a Saved Frame of Mind, Titus 2:6-8

The End is Near So We All Should Have A Saved Frame of Mind, 1 Peter 4:7

The Framing of the Mind is What Boundaries We Set on Our Mind

We Are to Frame Our Minds on The Things Above, Colossians 3:1-2

Not Having a High Frame of Mind Concerning Yourself, Romans 12:3

Having the Same Frame of Mind as Christ, Philippians 2:5-8

What Paul is Expressing to Us is Not Astounding, For With the Holy Spirit We Can Understand

Christ Died Once for All,

2 Corinthians The Christ, A New Creation2023-12-14T12:24:09-08:00

Doubting (διακρίνω)

In Romans, when Paul writes concerning what sin is for a Christian, he uses a word that has the meaning of “to thoroughly judge”, which is translated as “doubting” or “making a distinction”

But the one doubting, if perhaps, he should eat is condemned because it is not out from faith. And all which is not out from faith is sin. – Romans 14:23.

Since sin involves doing something that is not out from faith, doubting is questioning what is permissible. Therefore, when we do something that is contrary to what we have determined within our minds is permitted by God for us as Christians, we are not taking God at His Word. This involves a battle with the conscience, for it will either excuse or accuse us based upon our knowledge and actions (Romans 2:15). One who is doubting is thoroughly judging ways to get around their conscience to justify doing something that they know is wrong. Typically, this type of a situation comes about by the influence of others. We are instructed in Romans 14:1 to accept the weaker in the faith brother, but not for the purpose of thoroughly judging their beliefs. And neither is to seek to influence the other with the way they have chosen to separate themselves out to God (Romans 14:10). One may choose to abstain where the other does not. This is not permitting sin in the assembly, but how we each govern our own bodies before God.

James also uses this same word to describe someone who is not asking out from faith. Describing this type of a person as one who is like a wave of the sea that is driven by the wind and tossed (James 1:6). These are […]

Doubting (διακρίνω)2023-11-25T08:05:01-08:00

Religious Superstitious Awe (φαρμακεία)

One of the works of the flesh is very religious. Often translated as “sorcery” or “witchcraft”, it actually is referring to a religious superstition brought on by a place, experience, or person through which someone feels closer to God.

And the works of the flesh are manifested, which are: Adultery, fornication, uncleanliness, licentiousness, idolatry, religious superstitious awe … Galatians 5:19-20.

We find in Revelation this type of work of the flesh is related to religious matters. The harlot, Mystery Babylon the Great, will deceive the nations through her religious superstitious awe (Revelation 18:23).

All world religions use this type of work of the flesh to manipulate their followers. Whether it is through spectacular buildings, separation of clergy from the people, worship services that focus on getting an emotional response, or individuals that claim to be able to heal, speak in tongues, teach gain is godliness and many other methods, it is all about the awe imposed on a person to manipulate them to think that they are closer to God.

Christianity is actually not a religion, it is Christ. A Christian is one who is a disciple of Christ (Acts 11:26). Religions come from the flesh, not from God. Through manifesting the fleshly work of religious superstitious awe, buildings, idols, denominations, and people are setup to satisfy the conscience to serve a supposed higher power that pleases the fleshly desires rather than the one true God.

True believers worship God in spirit and truth. Worship is giving God credit for what He has done (Revelation 4:10-11), spirit is our rational part (1 Corinthians 2:10), and truth is seeing things as they really are. Superstition has no part in Christianity for it requires ignorance. Rather, we are to come to a […]

Religious Superstitious Awe (φαρμακεία)2023-11-25T08:05:11-08:00
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