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The Importance of Self-Sufficiency in the World System

And make it your ambition (fondness of honor) to lead a tranquil life and to attend to your own things and to work with your hands just as we commanded you in order that you should walk becomingly towards those who are outside and not have need – 1 Thessalonians 4:11-12

Ambition expresses the concept of what we have a fondness for honor in. It was Paul’s ambition to preach Christ where He had not been preached (Romans 15:20). It should be our ambition to lead a tranquil life. A life where we are content and at peace. The world system does not want us to have this type of lifestyle because through it we become self-sufficient while working with our own hands and minding our own business. If someone is not willing to work, then they should not eat from another’s labors (2 Thessalonians 2:10).

One of the aspects of godliness is contentment. Regardless of what we have on earth we are beloved in Christ and should be content with having food, clothing, and a roof over our head (1 Timothy 6:8).  So many issues are brought into our lives because we are not content with what we have (1 Timothy 6:9). This does not mean we cannot be motivated to improve our lives, for we should seek to grow, mature, become better, gain skills, work with our own hands so that we have more than we need and are able to help fellow saints in need. But through all that, we should be content with where God has us.

Contentment makes it difficult for the world system to influence us. It uses the desires from our flesh – newer things, a spouse, higher paying job, etc. […]

The Importance of Self-Sufficiency in the World System2023-12-14T08:16:41-08:00

What Goes Through the Mind (διανοίᾳ)

Under the Mosaic Law, Israel was instructed to love their God with all their heart (center of a person), soul (emotions), strength, and what goes through their minds – Luke 10:27. Israel failed this, but God will make a new covenant with them in which He will put His law in their thoughts, not just in the mind, but in what goes through the mind, Hebrews 8:10; 10:16).

For Christians, before salvation we walked according to the age of this world system following the desires of the flesh and of all that went through our minds and were by nature children of wrath (Ephesians 2:3). This produced a hostility within the thoughts towards God (Colossians 1:21). Now we are not to walk as the unsaved in the futility of the mind with our thoughts darkened (Ephesians 4:18) for God has manifested the light of the knowledge of Christ in our hearts (2 Corinthians 4:6). Because the Son of God has come, the thoughts going through our mind can know Him and therefore know the truth (1 John 5:20).

So then let us gird up our thoughts, keep a clear mind, and completely hope upon the grace to come at the appearance of Jesus Christ (1 Peter 1:13). Hope is always based upon a promise. The promises we have from God impact our everyday life. We are His children (1 John 3:2). We are of the light (Ephesians 5:8). We are free from slavery to the sin nature (Romans 6:14). We are overcomers in Christ so when Satan tries to manipulate us, we are to stand in Christ against him (1 Peter 5:9). We are in the world, but we are not out from the world and therefore […]

What Goes Through the Mind (διανοίᾳ)2023-11-25T08:05:44-08:00

Conclusions of the Mind (νόημα)

How a person’s mind works is seen in their actions, which are a result of the conclusions the mind makes. By taking the word for mind and adding a specific ending, the Greek language is expressing the result of the working of the mind, so not just the thoughts, but the conclusions resulting from our thoughts.

As Christians, we are not to be ignorant of the workings of Satan’s mind (2 Corinthians 2:11). In Scripture, the methods that he uses are revealed to us (Ephesians 6:11); therefore, we are to stand firm against him. He also blinds the results of the working of the mind for those who do not believe (2 Corinthians 4:4). When presented with the truth of Scripture, the suppositions of those blinded are incorrect. A good example with this is the Gospel for Salvation, which is clearly stated in 1 Corinthians 15:1-4. Yet how many “gospel” tracks modify the message of the gospel to “repenting of your sins”, “making Jesus the Lord of your life” and so on, which are different gospels that are not good news at all (Galatians 1:6).

Due to Israel’s rejection of God’s covenant of promise and seeking their own righteousness, even today, when they read the Old Testament a veil covers the mind (2 Corinthians 3:14) so they do not understand and draw proper conclusions based upon what it states.

We have a renewed mind in Christ, a mind that can understand the things of the Spirit and produces correct suppositions based upon fact so it is able to discern what is the will of God (Romans 12:2). When we do not use this frame of mind, we can be led astray from the simplicity that is in Christ […]

Conclusions of the Mind (νόημα)2023-11-25T08:05:34-08:00

2 Corinthians Held in Earthen Vessels

God Causes Light to Illuminate in Darkness, 2 Corinthians 4:5-6

The Heralding with Authority, 2 Corinthians 4:5

Paul was not presenting Himself to Them

It is Not Through Paul that Light Comes

God is the One Bringing Light, 2 Corinthians 4:6

Through the Gospel for Salvation, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4

The Importance of Truth

Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures

Christ was raised from the dead three days later according to the Scriptures

God is the One Who Illuminates the Heart of Men to the Truth

Let there be Light, Genesis 1:3

The Earth was in a State of Judgment With No Light on the Deep, Genesis 1:2

Lucifer Has Fallen, Isaiah 14:13-14

The Earth Was Judged, 2 Peter 3:5

Having a Proper Opinion of God and Jesus Christ

Rejecting God Brings Darkness, Romans 1:21

The god of this Age Blinds the Minds of the Unsaved to the Gospel of Salvation, 2 Corinthians 4:4

This Gospel has and inherent ability to Save, Romans 1:16

Different from Other Gospels Such as the Gospel of the Kingdom (The Parable of the Sower), Matthew 13:2-8

Speaking to Israel Concerning the Gospel of the Kingdom, Matthew 13:11

The Evil One Snatches the message out from the heart, Matthew 13:19

The Light Brings a Proper Understanding of God through Jesus Christ

We are to be Luminaries by Living Out Christ in Us, Philippians 2:14-16

Held in Earthen Vessels, 2 Corinthians 4:7-12

The Light of the Knowledge of a proper opinion […]

2 Corinthians Held in Earthen Vessels2023-12-14T08:17:44-08:00

2 Corinthians Ministers of a New Covenant

The Saints In Corinth Are Paul’s Letter Of Commendation, 2 Corinthians 3:1-4

Do We Begin Again To Commend Ourselves To You? 2 Corinthians 3:1

Are We Introducing Or Demonstrating Ourselves To You Again?

Did Paul Need To Prove To Them Who He Is Again

Does He Need A Letter Or Recommendation For Them Or From Them?

They Know Who Paul Is, For They Are His Letter, 2 Corinthians 3:2

They Are Written In His Heart

All Can See This By Experiencing It And Reading It

While All See They Are An Epistle Of Christ, 2 Corinthians 3:3

The Epistle They Are Is Not Written With Ink

It Impacts The Heart, Which Affects Our Actions

Our Heart Is Our Center, Where Our Spirit And Soul Combine And Where Our Person Resides

It Is Always Those Around Another Person Who Show Who That Person Really Is

Paul’s Confidence Is Through Christ Facing God, 2 Corinthians 3:4

God is the One Who Made Us Sufficient Ministers of a New Covenant, 2 Corinthians 3:5-6

God is the One Who Made us Sufficient, 2 Corinthians 3:5

Sufficient – One who is qualified

The Centurion Speaking to Christ Concerning His Servant, Matthew 8:8

Those who are sufficient (qualified) to teach, 2 Timothy 2:2

As with Paul, our sufficiency is through Christ, not ourselves

Our Credentials mean nothing if we are not speaking the truth

The sufficiency we have comes from God And is Shown by Those We Impact Through Living Out Who We Are in Christ

Ministers of a New Covenant,

2 Corinthians Ministers of a New Covenant2023-12-14T08:19:09-08:00
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