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What is the Sin Nature

What is the Sin Nature?

When Adam sinned , his nature became bent towards doing wrong because in sinning he not only determined to reject God’s word, but also separated himself from God. After this happened, all of the offspring from Adam and Eve were born with his fallen image and likeness. As a result, we are all born separated from God in our spirit with a nature that wants to do wrong; even though we have a conscience which knows what is beneficial (good) from what causes calamity (evil).

Wrong does not just mean wicked or evil, although both of these terms can be included in doing wrong. Most of the things we seek to do that are wrong are a result of us rejecting God’s way and seeking to do it our own. Such as, we want to please God through our own efforts (works) rather than living out from faith through grace. Both actually produce works. Faith without works is dead – how can you say you have faith if your actions never show it? One manifests works to please God, the other displays works because in Christ we are already pleasing to Him. Israel rejected the righteousness of God in Christ because they sought to make their own righteousness through works.

The Sin Nature is terminology that is used to describe our bent nature that we received from Adam. Scripture does not use this specific term, but rather refers to it as sin or the flesh. However, it does specifically describe a part of us that seeks to do those things that we know are not right and how to overcome it, which is not referring to […]

What is the Sin Nature2018-11-11T22:52:32-08:00

1 John

1 John

Originally penned by the Apostle John through the leading of the Holy Spirit

Translation by Pastor Luther Walker

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Copyright © 2021 by Luther Walker. All Rights Reserved

This translation is intended to give a clear understanding based on the original language, taking into consideration all available manuscripts to reproduce the original letter from John. The original language should always be considered the only authority by which each word, phrase, and all other parts of speech are based upon. Where additional information is needed to better explain the meaning and use of a word, a footnote has been added.

Because the book of 1st John was originally a letter, it has been returned to its original form to reduce confusion to the reader by breaks in the middle of sentences and concepts caused by the addition of chapters and verses. However, to ensure ease in finding sections within the letter while still avoiding breaking the original form of the letter, the chapters and verses have been superscripted along with the addition of paragraphs and punctuations. Brackets and paratheses are used for clarification within the text.

1st John was written by the Apostle John in 90 A.D. from Ephesus.

1.1 What was from a beginning, what we have heard, what we have discerned[1] with our eyes, what we have watched, and our hands touched concerning the Word of the life. 1.2 And the life was manifested, and we discerned, and testify, and announce to you, the eternal life that was before[2] the Father and was manifested to us.  1.3 What we discerned and heard we announce also to you, in order that you also should […]

1 John2021-10-27T08:58:45-07:00




1:1 Paul an apostle, not from men nor through men, but through Jesus Christ and God the Father, Who raised Him out from the dead, 1:2 and all the brethren with me, to the assemblies of the Galatia. 1:3 Grace to you and peace from God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ, 1:4 Who gave Himself concerning our sins, in order that He should deliver us out from the present malignantly evil age according to the desirous will of God even our Father, 1:5 to Whom the proper opinion (glory) into the ages of the ages. Amen.

1:6 I marvel that in this manner so quickly you change from the One who called you by grace of Christ into a different kind of gospel, 1:7 which is not the same kind; except, there are some who trouble you and desire to distort the gospel of the Christ. 1:8 But even if perhaps we or an angel out from heaven should bring good news to you which is alongside that good news already brought to you, it[1] is to be set aside[2]. 1:9 As I before said, and now again I say, “If, assuming it is true, someone brings good news to you alongside that which you have received, it is to be set aside.” 1:10 For now do I persuade men or God? Or do I seek to please men? For if yet I please men, I am not perhaps a servant belonging to Christ. 1:11 Indeed, I make known to you, brethren, the gospel, the good news brought by me, that it is not according to man. 1:12 For I did not receive it from man, nor was […]


Every Thought Into Captivity of The Christ

2 Corinthians 10:4, 5

For the weapons of our warfare are not fleshly, but inherent ability by the God facing destruction of strongholds, while pulling down reasonings and every high thing lifted up against the knowledge of the God, and while taking captive every thought into the obedience of the Christ,

Every Thought Into Captivity of The Christ2018-06-24T19:36:13-07:00

The Law of the Christ – Theological Forum 2018

The Law of The Christ – Download paper in PDF.

The Law of The Christ

Caring for Members of the Body

Pastor Luther Walker

In the book of Galatians[1] Paul states that the bearing of another person’s weight[2] is filling up again the law of the Christ; yet, in Romans he writes that a Christian is not under any quality of law[3]. How do we reconcile passages of Scripture that seem to contradict each other? What does Scripture mean when it states a Christian is not under any quality of law, yet then indicates there is a law of the Christ and a law of the Spirit? Is a Christian under law or not? Ultimately this leads to the underlying question, “As a Christian, what are the guidelines for my life?” To better understand the rules of our household[4], that is to say God’s expectation for how the saved are to live their life today, we can examine how the word “law” is used in Scripture along with its normal meaning and use in everyday life so we know the difference between being under the Mosaic Law or any quality of law and filing up again the Law of the Christ by loving another saint while fulfilling the law the Spirit of life by our walk.

Since we are in the Dispensation of Grace, not the Dispensation of Law, the standard for our household is different. Scripture is very clear on the fact that a Christian is not under the Mosaic Law or any quality of law[5]; however, there is still a standard by which those who are a […]

The Law of the Christ – Theological Forum 20182018-11-11T22:50:12-08:00
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