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Sealed by God

Do you know as a Christian God has put His mark on you? When we believe that Christ died for our sins, was buried, and rose again on the third day, all according to the Scriptures, the Holy Spirit seals us with God’s mark. This means all spirit beings know that we belong to God.

in Whom also you, after hearing the word of the truth, the gospel of your salvation, in Whom also having believed, you were sealed by the Holy Spirit of Promise – Ephesians 1:13.

As part of our salvation, we are sealed until the day of complete redemption. This guarantees we will receive in full what God has promised to us.

and stop grieving the Holy Spirit of God, by Whom you are sealed until a day of full redemption – Ephesians 4:30

As ones who are sealed, we belong to God and therefore Satan cannot touch us. That is right, contrary to what the movies and false religions like the Catholic Church and other false pastors claiming to cast out demons would want us to believe, we cannot be touched by any demon because they know we belong to God.

We intuitively know that everyone born out from God does not habitually sin, but the one born out from God guards himself and the malignantly evil one does not touch him. – 1 John 5:18

Of all the things that this world can throw at us, the reality is we belong to God. Therefore, we really should walk in a worthy manner of God who called us into His Own Kingdom and glory, having our conduct of those who are citizens of the heavens and walk according to the Gospel […]

Sealed by God2023-12-14T08:43:19-08:00

The Methods of Satan – Stealing

Stealing is taking something that belongs to another person that you have no right or permission to possess. It is a major theme in the world system. In many occupations, “theft” is seen as something acceptable. This can be done by overcharging, fake sale prices, getting others to pay for something they did not need, or selling them something that is not what it was presented to be. However, for Christians, stealing should not be a part of our lives.

The one stealing, let him steal no more, but rather labor, while working with his hand the good in order that he should have to give to the one having need – Ephesians 4:27-28

If we are going to suffer for something, let it be for doing what is right.

For let none of you suffer as a murderer, nor thief, nor wrong doer, nor as a busybody, but as Christians, not ashamed, and let him show a proper opinion of God in the midst of this – 1 Peter 4:15, 16

Ultimately stealing comes back to acting independently from God, which is exactly what Satan wants all of us to do. We are not looking at things as they really are and not paying attention to what God’s will is for our lives. Remember, that when we ask according to God’s will, He will give it to us. Therefore, stealing should not be apart of our lives because it is not taking God at His Word. We need to learn to be content within whatever situation God allows us to be in.

Not that according to need I speak, for I on my part have learned in which I am to be self-sufficient […]

The Methods of Satan – Stealing2023-12-14T08:43:35-08:00

1 John Overview Part 2

And we intuitively know the Son of God has come and He gave to us a working of the mind in order that we should experientially know the truth and we are in the truth, in His Son Jesus Christ. This is the truth of God and the eternal life.  Little children, guard yourselves from idols, Amen.

1 John Overview Part 22023-11-27T09:41:49-08:00

The Methods of Satan – An Unforgiving Spirit

Among the saints, holding each other accountable for our actions is important. We are one body and when one part suffers, we all suffer. When you wrong one of the members, you wrong them all. Unfortunately, in this day and age of the Laodicean church which only serves God in name, many will not take this act of love and just move to another assembly that will not hold them accountable. However, for those who do accept the correction and repent (change their mind), we, as an assembly, need to be gracious to them.

In the first letter to the assembly in Corinth, Paul had to deal with a situation where the church was boasting about allowing one within their members that was doing something so heinous that even the Gentiles would not do – and that is setting the bar really low.

Actually, it is heard among you a fornicator and such a fornicator that would not even be named among the Gentiles, so that someone to have the wife of the father – 1 Corinthians 5:1

Paul rebukes that assembly for not dealing with this situation properly and even boasting about it.

And you are high-minded and not rather mourn in order that he should be taken out from your midst, the one doing this work – 1 Corinthians 5:2

Having followed Paul’s instructions and rebuking this one and not permitting him to assemble with them anymore, after this one repented – that is truly change the mind and therefore ceased the sin, they refused to allow him back. Paul then addresses this issue in the second letter to the assembly.

This punishment to such a one was sufficient, which [punishment] was by […]

The Methods of Satan – An Unforgiving Spirit2023-12-14T08:44:58-08:00

1 John Reader Addition

1st John
Originally penned by the Apostle John through the leading of the Holy Spirit
Translation by Pastor Luther Walker
Copyright 2021 by Luther Walker. All Rights Reserved

This translation is intended to give a clear understanding based on the original language, taking into consideration all available manuscripts to reproduce the original letter from John. The original language should always be considered the only authority by which each word, phrase, and all other parts of speech are based upon. Where additional information is needed to better explain the meaning and use of a word, a footnote has been added.
Because the book of 1st John was originally a letter, it has been returned to its original form to reduce confusion to the reader by breaks in the middle of sentences and concepts caused by the addition of chapters and verses. Brackets and paratheses are used for clarification within the text.
1st John was written by the Apostle John in 90 A.D. from Ephesus.

What was from a beginning, what we have heard, what we have discerned with our eyes, what we have watched, and our hands touched concerning the Word of the life. And the life was manifested, and we discerned, and testify, and announce to you, the eternal life that was before the Father and was manifested to us. What we discerned and heard we announce also to you, in order that you also should have fellowship with us. And the fellowship, indeed our fellowship, is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ. And this we write to you, in order that our joy should be made full. And this is the message that we heard from Him and announce to you, that the God is light and there […]

1 John Reader Addition2021-10-27T08:59:37-07:00
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