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Antichrist (ἀντίχριστος)

The Apostle John writes of the antichrist (ἀντίχριστος) in his first and second letters to the Church. Antichrist is a word created by combining a preposition (ἀντί) expressing opposition and Christ (Χριστός); therefore, it defines one who is against Christ.

We are first introduced to the concept of the antichrist in 1 John 2:18, where John writes about how we know it is the last hour. My little children, it is the last hour, and just as you heard that an antichrist is coming, now also many antichrists have come, by which we experientially know it is the last hour. The antichrist is the liar who denies that Jesus is the Messiah, 1 John 2:22. Who is the liar, except the one denying that Jesus is the Messiah? This one is the antichrist, the one denying the Father and the Son. Although these antichrists may claim to be from the Father, the ones that oppose Christ also reject the Father, 1 John 2:23. Everyone who denies the Son does not have the Father, the one verbally agreeing, has the Son and the Father. Every spirit that does not verbally agree that Jesus has come in the flesh is the antichrist, 1 John 4:3. and every spirit which does not confess (verbally agree) the Jesus is not out from God, and this is the [spirit] of the antichrist, which you have heard that is coming and now already is in the world. They are the deceivers who have gone out into the world, some even out from the assemblies, from the beginning of the Church, denying that Jesus has come in the flesh, 2 John 7. The antichrist is one who causes others to wander away […]

Antichrist (ἀντίχριστος)2024-03-21T06:24:51-07:00

Energize (ἐνέργεια)

Energize (ἐνέργεια) expresses the state or quality of being active.

When Paul communicated to God on behalf of the saints, he often expressed a desire for them to be given a spirit of wisdom and revelation in full experiential knowledge of Christ so that the eyes of their hearts are opened to the hope of His calling. With the heart open to see, we are able to discern the inherent ability of God that was working in the resurrection of Christ through the energizing of the might of His strength, Ephesians 1:19-20.

In the mystery of the Christ, which in past ages was not revealed but has now been declared by the Spirit and His holy apostles and prophets, we learn that the Gentiles are able to become fellow heirs, for God has made it possible for them to partake of the same body and, therefore, His promise in Christ. Paul was appointed the steward of this dispensation by the grace given to him according to the energizing of God’s inherent ability to bring the good news among the Gentiles of the unsearchable riches of the Christ, Ephesians 3:7-8.

God gave us apostles, evangelists, and pastors even teachers to bring us to a oneness of the faith so that we are no longer tossed around like inarticulate babblers. Instead, while speaking the truth in love, we can grow up in all things unto Christ, who is the head. For the whole body, being knit together, supplies each joint’s need according to the working of each part to edify itself, Ephesians 4:16.

Through the working of His inherent ability by which He can subdue all things, our bodies will be outwardly transformed to express a proper opinion […]

Energize (ἐνέργεια)2024-03-07T04:52:31-08:00

Vigilant (γρηγορέω)

In 1 Peter 5:8, we are instructed to be watchful because our adversary, the Devil, roars around seeking whom he may swallow up. Vigilant (γρηγορέω) means to watch; be on alert for danger.

On his way to Jerusalem, Paul takes the opportunity to stop in Ephesus to encourage the Pastors to shepherd the flock of God while taking heed for themselves, Acts 20:28. When he is gone, he is aware that savage wolves will come in among them, Acts 20:39. Even some of their own will draw away disciples after themselves, rejecting the truth and seeking the glory of men, Acts 20:30. Therefore, they are to be on alert, for Paul has warned them of the dangers for the past three years, Acts 20:31. This assembly listened to Paul’s instruction. They tested those who claimed to be apostles and were not, finding them liars. They kept watch in their work, hard labor, and patience, not bearing things that were wrong. However, in doing so, they lost their love for the brethren, Revelation 2:4. We are to remain on guard for false teachers while being cautious not to fall into the same trap as the saints in Ephesus and lose our love for fellow saints.

After rebuking and exhorting the saints of Corinth, Paul encourages them to be vigilant and stand firm in the faith. Rather than being carnal, they are to do all things out from love, 1 Corinthians 16:13. They are to welcome those who are doing the work of the Lord and pay attention to the dangers of false apostles, who had infiltrated their assemblies and caused a lot of spiritual damage. Still today, their impact is felt among many assemblies that are focused on […]

Vigilant (γρηγορέω)2023-12-22T06:26:33-08:00

Simon the Sorcerer

Seeking to Purchase the Gift from God

Simon was a man in Samaria who practiced magic to astonish the people, through which he claimed to be someone great, Acts 8:9. Therefore, the people, great and small, all paid attention to him, saying that what he was doing was the great inherent ability of God, Acts 8:10. Sorcerer (μαγεύω) is one who practices magic (μαγεία). This is the same type of magic that street performers use today to amaze people and gain financially from them as they seek to be well-known for their skills. Simon was not the only one doing magic to obtain notoriety recorded in Scripture. Elymas, a false prophet who was known as a Sorcerer, stood against Saul and Barnabas, preventing them from speaking the Word of God to the proconsul of Paphos, seeking to turn Sergius Paulus from the faith, Acts 13:6-8. These men used magic to persuade the people that their power was from God and procure a position of high regard for themselves, giving them access to substantial wealth.

When Philip the evangelist came to Samaria proclaiming the gospel of the resurrected Christ, Simon the sorcerer was among those who believed. The signs and wonders that Philip was doing intrigued him, so he continued with Philip after being immersed, Acts 8:13. Although the Samaritans believed in the facts of the Gospel, they had not yet received the Holy Spirit because God was using this as an opportunity to show the Jews that He is accepting the Gentiles into the Church. Therefore, it was not until the Apostles sent Peter and John, who laid their hands on those who believed Philip’s message, that they received the Holy Spirit, Acts 8:16. The […]

Simon the Sorcerer2023-12-14T07:58:18-08:00

Brought to an Intended End (τέλειος)

In First Corinthians chapter thirteen verse ten, Paul writes of a time when a complete thing (τέλειος) will render ineffective that which is out from a part. Due to poor translations and hermeneutics applied to this passage, a lot of confusion has resulted from using “perfect”, especially around the conclusion of the use of specific Spiritual gifts and prophecy within the assembly. The Greek word τέλειος (telios), found in First Corinthians chapter thirteen verse ten, does not carry the same meaning as the English concept of “perfect”; rather, it conveys completion through bringing something to its intended end. Whether or not it is without flaw has to do with what the goal, or intent, was for that thing.

When Scripture articulates the concept of maturity concerning a human, it refers to a person’s lifestyle upon the earth, not in their resurrected state. Otherwise, it indicates completion, such as with the greater and more complete Tabernacle in the heavens that Christ entered into to obtain eternal salvation in Hebrews chapter nine verse eleven. In First Corinthians chapter two verse six, Paul writes that he speaks a wisdom for the mature, not a wisdom of this malignantly evil age. Paul uses the same concept of maturity while addressing the Christians in Jerusalem who went back to living under law and, therefore, were not training their senses to discern what is proper from what lacks in character. Solid food is for the mature, whereas milk is for the inarticulate babbler, Hebrews chapter five verse fourteen. Due to their lack of maturity, they need someone again to teach them the basics of the oracles of God. In First Corinthians chapter fourteen verse twenty, Paul uses τέλειος (telios) for maturity […]

Brought to an Intended End (τέλειος)2023-12-14T08:05:32-08:00
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